
Jun 7, 20218 min

The Astrology of June 2021: The Moment of Truth!

Updated: Jun 10, 2021

Armed with new information, you'll be ready to take big decisions by the end of June.

The eclipses are here and so is the moment of truth!

June is a pivotal month, a decisive period of transition, with the Summer Solstice igniting a time of action.

Saturn square Uranus galvanises us to action, Mercury retrograde demands we re-check the facts and the Gemini Solar Eclipse unlocks new information to help us move forward.

Mercury is retrograde until June 22nd (11pm) and it’s all about going back and retrieving some crucial piece of information that allows us to make a powerful fresh start.

The major influence of 2021 is raging in June - the fixed square between Saturn and Uranus - and we also have an emphasis on mutable signs Gemini and Pisces slowly shifting to cardinal sign Cancer. The net effect of all this is a loosening up of energy that’s been horribly stuck, an unleashing of information that pushes us into the unknown, urging us to take some brave initiatives, just as we have more Leo energy coming in.

June 10th-11th: Annular Solar Eclipse in Gemini with Mercury Retrograde

We’re already in the liminal space between eclipses as June begins, a period of shifting energies. Waiting to hear. Waiting to make a decision. Waiting for developments. Mercury is already retrograde in Gemini since May 29th and it’s time for a major rethink - especially after the new information coming in at the June Annular Solar Eclipse New Micromoon in Gemini of June 10th.

Mercury retrograde in air signs is all about questioning our assumptions, reviewing information and getting the facts straight.

On a personal level it’s about getting those neurones to fire differently, reviewing our own ideas about certain subjects, and checking our facts, our reasoning methods and our thinking patterns.

June is changing the informational landscape, allowing us to go back and get things straight first, before we push forward.

This month’s Annular Solar Eclipse in Gemini on June 10th unlocks information that was previously unavailable to us, bringing a powerful new beginning.

This is a North Node eclipse, landing us into unfamiliar territory. The eclipse is closely conjunct Mercury retrograde, with the Sun-Mercury inferior conjunction - the seeding moment of new thought - perfecting on the 11th.

And so the 10th-11th seeds radical new ideas that might be barely visible now but will grow big and strong in the months and years to come.

Mercury retrograde also asks us to go back and retrieve a crucial piece of information that might have been lost amid all the haste, fear and sloppiness. Expect major revelations!

At the same time, on June 11th, Mars changes signs from Cancer into Leo, an emboldening moment. If Mars in Leo is anything at all he is chivalrous and brave of heart. Venus joins Mars in Leo on June 27th and, by early July, both planets head toward the shocking and revolutionary Saturn-Uranus square of 2021.

By June’s end, with Mars and Venus in Leo ready to oppose Saturn and square Uranus, your heart could well grow a few sizes bigger! Just the courage you need to make the powerful changes demanded by the times.

For more on the eclipses and to read your eclipse horoscope check out Eclipses May and June 2021.

The Key Aspect of 2021: Saturn square Uranus June 14th

One of the most important events this month arrives on June 14th - namely the second Saturn-Uranus square. This is the most crucial influence for 2021 and its message is clear: Change or perish.

The old way will no longer do. Old structures are breaking down at an alarming rate and we must let them… Much like everything in nature must eventually decompose and return to the earth. Holding on will only make the process more painful.

But it’s hard. Saturn in Aquarius is trying to hold on for dear life - using a classically Aquarian method - a rational, community-oriented and science-heavy approach - to control what he can and maintain order and the status quo.

But Uranus in Taurus demands that we honour our nature, that we face our fears of not being in control of the situation, and that we break away from patterns that no longer serve us.

And in a battle between Uranus and Saturn, Uranus always wins.

Crucially, this is the waning square of the Saturn-Uranus cycle and, by definition, not about building. It’s about letting a way of life break down - one that began in the late 1980s when this particular Saturn-Uranus cycle was seeded. That cycle is now winding down and we must let it go.

Chances are you first got wind of this back in February, when Saturn and Uranus first squared, creating shockwaves. This imperative for change is reemphasised in June, urging you to take action and not let things drag on.

We’ll get the third and final instalment of this revolutionary story around Christmas, when the penny finally drops and the message is firmly driven home.

As this 2021 Saturn-Uranus square happens in fixed signs Aquarius and Taurus, the refusal to let go is great and the tension high. The changes demanded of us are messing with fixed reference points at the very core of our need for stability and that would be the last thing we’d like to tamper with. But needs must.

With Saturn-Uranus and the Solar Eclipse in Gemini both happening this month, June radically shifts us all forward on all fronts, to the next step in our development.

Find out how Saturn-Uranus affects your sign in your 2021 horoscope forecast.

Venus Out of Bounds in Cancer till the Summer Solstice

Pleasure centres are wildly stimulated this month with Venus out of bounds until June 21st, giving you a penchant for luxury.

A planet goes “out of bounds” when it ventures beyond the “bandwidth” or ecliptic highway of the Sun (as I have briefly explained in the May, April and March 2021 horoscopes). And after months of Mars, then Mercury, it’s now Venus’ turn…

Hard to keep your pleasure seeking impulses in check? That’s Venus putting them on overdrive, urging you to indulge more - eat more, spend more, love more. Temptation is everywhere!

Whatever yummy morsel Venus has her eye on, she won’t take no for an answer. And with Venus in romantic, home-loving Cancer, love is sure to go through the belly, in search of a good meal, a comfy luxurious home and the company of loving and familiar faces. It’s all about that warm fuzzy feeling…

If you’ve been diligently saving during the lockdown, beware… Venus out of bounds likes to blow cash!

Venus stays out of bounds right up until the Summer Solstice, when you’ll finally be ready for some more sensible behaviour. Watch what happens as Venus edges back in and re-enters the bounds of the solar bandwidth (stretching roughly 23 degrees and 27 minutes north and south of the celestial equator). I have so far observed a ‘pressure effect’ - similar perhaps to what happens (I imagine) when a rocket leaves or enters the earth’s atmosphere… It’s ‘hold onto your hats’ then ‘aaah’. After the Solstice, there are no more planets out of bouds for the foreseeable and we can slowly return to normal functioning, at least as far as our own impulses go.

June 21 2021 Summer Solstice & Capricorn Full Moon June 24th

The 2021 Summer Solstice, when the Sun enters Cancer, arrives in the early hours of June 21st (at 04:32 BST). It is close to this month’s delicious Full Moon Supermoon at 03 degrees and 27 minutes of Capricorn on June 24th at 19:39 BST.

This Capricorn Full Moon signifies a pinnacle of achievement and the start of an inward adventure. Its aim? To restructure your life and inner landscape and make space for true soul growth.

June 20th-25th is a time of intense feeling, an emotionally satisfying period with strong activity in water signs. On June 20th, Jupiter stations retrograde in Pisces, generating a huge emotional high.

Jupiter soon harmonises with the Sun and Full Moon on the 23rd and 24th, bringing in a wonderfully healing, lucky and expansive energy - a joyful moment of promise and fulfilment.

Neptune also stations retrograde in Pisces on the 25th, when your dreams, yearnings and nostalgia reach a climax. With Jupiter and Neptune retrograde for the summer, it’s time to stop pushing outwardly with your dreams, turn inward and refine them. Time to make space inside yourself for new goals.

Venus trines romantic Neptune right on the Solstice on the 21st upping the romance, then opposes Pluto on the Full Moon of the 24th, making sure that you feel everything that’s going down to the max!

Mercury Station Direct June 22nd

And let’s not forget Mercury stationing direct at 16 degrees Gemini right past the Solstice on June 22nd, packing a real punch!

Mercury’s stationing points are super-tense, highly unstable, bringing cascades of revelations to help us move forward. They are notorious for leading us to making mistakes and, especially, to jump the gun. Try to avoid signing anything for at least the five days or so surrounding Mercury’s station. Hold your horses and wait for all the information to surface and settle.

Saturn, the ruler of the Full Moon is operative in trine to Mercury for some added stability and caution. But this could also mean that any mistakes won’t be easy to undo. Expect important revelations!

From the Capricorn Full Moon of June 24th and into July…

Saturn is the ruler of the June 24th Capricorn Full Moon and Saturn is still very closely square to Uranus. The Saturn-Uranus square is about to be confronted by Mars in Leo and Venus in Leo - an aspect already within range by the end of June. Come July 1st-8th, you’ll be ready for a major action offensive that’s going to involve all your heart! That’s when both Mars and Venus clash with Saturn and Uranus galvanising you into action.

Something important solidifies at this Full Moon of June 24th and it’s soon going to call on you to make the necessary changes that the Saturn-Uranus square demands - an action you‘d better be prepared to take in the first ten days of July.

Saturn also exactly sextiles Chiron in Aries on June 24th - right at the Full Supermoon in Capricorn - and this is a key supporting influence of 2021.

So June 24th brings an crucial opportunity for healing; a chance to create structures in your life that better support you and that reflect your own authentic personality and will.

This Full Moon is in fact a major space-creator, helping you expand, add an extension to your world - make space in which to grow and unfold, so you are ready to push forward once more with all our goals once autumn arrives.

Happy Summer Solstice!

Fun with Sabian Symbols:

June 10th Gemini Annular Solar Eclipse New Moon Micromoon:

The Sabian Symbol for Gemini’s 20th degree is: “a modern cafeteria displays an abundance of food, products of various regions” symbolising “[t]he stimulation of multifarious knowledge through the synthesising power of the mind.” [**]

The emphasis is on multiplicity and synthesis here, as expected for this Gemini Solar Eclipse. Curiously, there is also an emphasis on food and nutrition - perhaps revealing the need for a better diet of ideas through our media, but also, perhaps, a need for better overall nutrition for health. Gemini’s Tarot card is the Lovers, let’s not forget, and it’s all about choices. There are options. And we have a choice. What we choose now matters.

June 24th Capricorn Full Supermoon

The Sabian Symbol for the 4th degree of Capricorn, it is: “a group of people outfitting a large canoe at the start of a journey by water” and signifies [t]he ability to use natural resources and basic skills in order to achieve a group purpose.”

There seems to be a wonderful collective endeavour element to this Full Moon, pulling together for a common purpose. This symbol beautifully reflects that stationary Jupiter in oceanic Pisces - planet of journeys - in perfect harmony to the Sun and Moon. There is a rich emotional tone to this Full Moon, a preparation for a crossing over water, as well as the idea of building the necessary structures collectively for growth and discovery. There is also, once again, an emphasis on using simple, basic and natural resources to achieve collective ends. [**]

[**] Sabian Symbols taken from Dane Rudhyar’s An Astrological Mandala, (NY Vintage Books 1974), pp.102 & 231 respectively.

Image by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash