So what does November have in store for each zodiac sign? With a fresh round of eclipses starting this month in Taurus, it’s time to see what lights up like a Christmas tree now and til 2023!
Taurus kicks the eclipses off on November 19th with a partial Lunar Eclipse and that’s only the beginning. We're in for some major changes in 2022!
Before that, Mars, Mercury, the Sun and a New Moon in Scorpio all oppose shot-gun Uranus in the first half, square to party-pooper Saturn, creating an explosive pressure cooker situation. The excitement keeps coming! Venus enters Capricorn on the 5th where she’ll spend four months, turning retrograde over the holidays and transforming everything we hold dear. As for Sagittarius season, it kicks in with a Mercury-Sun conjunction on the Dragon’s Tail, bringing brilliant clarity, big news and the completion of an old karmic cycle. Talk about things being dramatic this month! Chiron in Aries sextiles Saturn and offers some sweet relief, even if it comes in the form of bitter medicine…
With so much going on - read all about it in November Astrology 2021 - a short paragraph for each star sign can hardly do justice… But, oh well, let’s slice up this pie and get a little teaser of where the lights shine for each of the twelve zodiac signs.
Read those chunks of pie where you have some big cherries, like your Sun, your Moon or your Ascendant.
Let's go...
Aries November 2021
Your financial transformation begins! You won’t value yourself and what’s most important in the same way by 2023 so get ready for a total shift in fortunes - and in priorities. You’ve had a similar transit back in 2012-2014 but back then it was all about what others can do for you - bonuses, benefits, debts and how merging your energies can vastly improve your life. Now it’s all about building your own stores of energy. The time has come to discover hidden talents and monetise them, to find new and pioneering ways to boost your income.
November starts on a financial note right from the get go, urging you to tackle payments, debts and taxes with an underlying desire to break free from complex entanglements. Things could develop quickly, leading you to make quick and liberating financial decisions. You have serious ambitions and responsibilities in your community, which makes your financial situation urgent. But what is really required is nothing short of an acceptance of yourself as a flawed human being - rather than the superhero you undoubtedly take yourself to be. This will ease some of the stress and allow you to relate to your peers from a more authentic place.
Your public image also receives a boost starting this month and it’s in for a major revamp over the holidays. So watch this space. The end of the month makes something official, bringing an accreditation or perhaps some fabulous publicity your way. Time to spread the word!
Taurus November 2021
A cycle of deep personal transformation begins - and you’re gonna come out of it a totally different person by 2024! This month, we have the first Lunar Eclipse in your sign (on the 19th) and something finally comes full circle, which may have its roots as far back as 2012-14. Back then, an important relationship was at the forefront of your mind. Now it’s your turn to take the lead and focus on everything that you want out of life. It’s time to transform your identity, pull yourself up by your bootstraps and take others with you for the ride.
The November 5th New Moon in your opposite sign signals a fresh start in all your relationships - business and personal. You may make a snap decision and fast developments could lead to a breakthrough. Others hold all the cards for now. Let them. Soon, all eyes will be on you. With Uranus in your sign it’s time to stand your ground and assert your independence, even while you labour under heavy responsibilities. These may be due to a big promotion, leadership role or parenthood, the seriousness of which is weighing down on you. Taking some time to be alone each day and maintain a more spiritual perspective can significantly help.
Venus in Capricorn puts you in a romantic mood this month and brings hope for the future. Get ready to re-evaluate your plans and forward vision, especially as we head toward Christmas. The end of November shines a bright light on a highly personal matter, illuminating the darkness with a knowledge that transforms it.
Gemini November 2021
Your life, your relationships and the very way you view yourself has transformed completely over the past two years and it’s time to begin adjusting to these changes. It’s a month to take care of practicalities, lay low and begin clearing any psychological blockages or past debris that might stand in the way of your new life. Back in 2012-14 it was a time to focus on your work. Now you need to elevate your spirit out of the mundane realms and into the more magical, letting go of old habits and work patterns. It’s time to volunteer, to meditate, to go inward and reconnect with your spirit.
Life is full of surprises this month and it’s hard to push forward with your usual activities. Use the New Moon of early November to kick bad habits and make a fresh start with your wellbeing, rethinking your work strategy and daily activities as you go along. Be ruthless in cutting waste. The Lunar Eclipse of November 19th signifies the ending of your old way of life. Your guiding credo is undergoing major restructure and it’s time to ditch old dogmas and let your intuition guide you into new discoveries. Your friends can be your inspiration on this front, helping you find your true, authentic place in this world.
You're entering a really intimate period that can be transformative for your relationships and finances as we head to December. Close partnerships get a boost and you can expect others to be generous emotionally and financially. There's a moment of great clarity on the relationship front at the end of the month.
Cancer November 2021
Your whole creative and romantic orientation toward life is changing. How you see love, friendship, children, creative hobbies and the possibility of fulfilment and happiness in your life is about to be turned on its head. Look back to 2012-14 for the last time these matters occupied your mind. Back then, it was all about love and the pursuit of happiness. Now it’s time to focus on friendship, group collaborations and the contribution you want to make. The November 4th New Moon sees you breaking away from the pack and doing what makes you happy. This is an important step in the right direction. Make a fresh start on the love front, pursue your personal interests and hobbies and assert your independence! Your friends could surprise you at this time, energising you even more to pour your energy into personal endeavours.
Above all, have fun with it! Remember, fun? Your desire for joy rubs up against heavy financial obligations such as debt, taxes and other financial commitments. The key is to let go of mainstream ideas around your career and public image and allow yourself to follow your own authentic path.
This is also a powerful month for love and romance. Someone is looking especially attractive these days and you just can’t say no. Go gently and expect important developments on the relationship front starting the second half of November and into December and the holidays. The end of the month brings great clarity at work, or with your health and daily routine.
Leo November 2021
Get ready for your career to take off, starting this November and into 2022! And as you reach for new heights in your public life, you are also dealing with a lot of left over toxins from your past, your family life, your parents and your home. These matters will take much of your energy in November. Expect fast and jarring developments that energise you and allow for a new beginning on the home and family front.
Your desire to break free and shine in your own right is powerful and you may well make more than one break for freedom and glory this month. Back in 2012-2014 you were focused on getting your home in order. Now the time has finally come to bring your career to a whole new level. Expect a dramatic reorientation to take place over the next couple of years in your goals and where you live. Others, for instance your partner, may not take kindly to these radical changes and dig in their heels in resistance creating friction. Yes, your relationship burdens are great. But you’ll just have to take them in your stride, do right by your commitments (if they are meaningful to you), and see how you can grow together - even if you have to drag them kicking and screaming into the future. Infuse them with your vision! It helps if you let go of preconceived ideas around what should happen and align with your own authentic sense of purpose and meaning.
Work is pleasant this month but there, too, things are heating up. You're headed for a re-evaluation of what job satisfaction really means to you and where it's worth spending your time and energy day in day out. The end of the month clarifies what happiness really means to you.
Virgo November 2021
November electrifies your mind and sends shocks through your nervous system - and it keeps coming! You may have one startling revelation after another, suddenly change your plans, speak up or go travelling at the drop of a hat. Pour all your energy into your communications as November gets underway and connect with everyone around you. It's a hectic month of fast developments - lots of commotion, meetings and shocking communications bring liberating results. Meanwhile chores are piling up and your workload’s growing, creating a difficult backlog in your daily functioning. Financial dependencies may be zapping your confidence but accepting this situation and the depth of commitment it brings is the key now to moving forward.
You’re embarking on an exciting set of adventures that will expand your horizons far beyond what you can imagine now by 2024. Back in 2012-14 it was all about learning new things and meeting new people. Now it’s time develop your own vision and spread your wings. Virgo is ruled by Mercury and you love to read and write, study, teach, edit and communicate. Get ready for take off and to have your voice reach many more people over the coming years. And if you're in doubt, the eclipse of November 19th is sure to give you the credentials you need to finally move forward.
Love rocks this month. Venus enters your most romantic sector and won’t depart till March 2022. Expect a major recalibration and upgrade of your happiness factor over the next four months! The end of November brings important news on the home and family front.
Libra November 2021
Get ready for powerful financial changes, beginning this month and all the way through to 2024. This is especially so regarding any debts, contributions, joint assets and divisions of property, with a major turning point as soon as November 19th. Think back to 2012-14, when you were focused once more on such matters, putting your talents to good use to build your self confidence and income. Now it’s more about what others can do for you by giving back what’s due, backing you up or even releasing you from your chains.
November is a big month for your finances. Impulse spending may be an issue but you also have many a chance to make money appearing quite suddenly in the days following the New Moon of November 5th. If faced with sudden expenses, this will only help you make faster financial decisions and invest your energy where it truly matters to you. You essentially want greater financial freedom but something’s standing in the way. Perhaps it’s child support or a demanding hobby or start up business that requires great commitment on your part. Collaboration is key. Accept others as they come and don't try to change or sanitise them.
Venus in your home sector makes this an ideal time to decorate or entertain at home. Yes, love blossoms on the home front. But hold off major house purchases, especially from mid-month through to February, as your tastes around the home are about to undergo a radical shift over the holidays. The end of the month brings communications that finally let you know the truth.
Scorpio November 2021
With a New Moon and Mars in your sign, you’re calling all the shots. Mars only visits your sign every two years and with a boost by the New Moon, now’s the time to push forward with all your initiatives! Nothing can stand in your way - except, perhaps, Uranus, who insists on firing lightning bolts of surprise every five minutes this month, especially around the 5th, 13th and 18th. All that does is to juice you up with even more energy so, off you go!
As if that all wasn’t enough, the eclipses are arriving in your vicinity, starting with a lunar eclipse in your opposite number, Taurus, bringing a major turning point for a most important relationship. This could be your spouse, a business partner or a friend. Something is coming full circle that started back in 2012-14, when you took the initiative to make great changes in your life. This time around, let others surprise and delight you! Let them lead the way into the unknown and change you alongside them. You are tied down on the home front with heavy responsibilities, works, perhaps hefty expenses or an elderly parent, putting extra pressure on you. And that’s slowing you down somewhat. But there's no time like the present. Things are unstable but liberating right now, helping you relate to others in a new and exciting way.
Work leaves something to be desired but that’s no reason to ignore your health. Adopting a daily routine that’s out of the ordinary and uniquely tailored for you will help you cope with the many stresses you face. Meanwhile, Venus in your communications sector makes this an ideal time to arrange meetings and fire off emails that are well received. Expect enriching news, shedding light on your finances, your possessions and on what’s most important to you at the end of the month.
Sagittarius November 2021
With the eclipses in your sign for the past two years, your life has transformed beyond all recognition. You have one more pass this December, helping you settle unfinished business and open the doors to a brand new future. Now, it’s important to learn to adjust to all the new things that are suddenly in your life. Take some time this month to drop under the radar and clear any backlog. There’s a big energy drain as you’re doing a lot for others right now. So try to have some alone time away from it all to recharge. You’re dealing with a lot of logistics, communication and travel difficulties, complicating matters. This is a time to accept what you cannot change and work with it, especially where love, children and creative projects go. Let your creativity shine through as you come up with solutions.
November 19th brings important changes to your work and daily schedule. A health matter could also urge you to make lifestyle changes. It’s time to get practical and come up with more efficient ways to function. Back in 2012-14, you were busy behind the scenes, perhaps even volunteering your services and expanding your spirit with little thought for material gain. Now it’s time to focus on your work, your health and practical matters. Hack life’s nitty gritty.
You might want to spend for love and pleasure now, leading to a re-evaluation of your finances and what’s worth investing your time and energy in over the holidays. If you are preparing to unveil a project, get ready to reveal your plans toward the end of November! That's when the cosmos puts you in the spotlight with an important message to impart.
Capricorn November 2021
This is an especially sociable month for you when you’ll have to leave your usual working routine and go mingle with other folk. It’s all rather jarring and unfamiliar with a number of surprises lurking in the wings but none of them unpleasant. And with Venus in your sign, your charm is sure to help you easily win people over to your cause. Get networking and be an equal among equals!
Your finances are a sore point, making it difficult for you to pursue your hobbies and enterprises. You will need to show some careful money management to navigate your projects and social occasions. Your home is your refuge and while the situation at home is less than perfect, accepting it helps raise your self esteem and connect with your authenticity.
The eclipse of November 19th shines a spotlight on your children, interests and all the things that bring you joy. This is a major turning point for your personal happiness. Whatever happens is sure to renew and rejuvenate you over the next two years, even if it feels unfamiliar and strange at first. Back in 2012-14, your personal happiness had to take a back seat so that you could operate on a social level and do right by others. Now and in 2022 it’s all about you and your own personal happiness. The end of November brings secrets to light and eliminates old shadows. This paves the way for a re-evaluation of your identity as we head toward Christmas.
Aquarius November 2021
This is a very busy month career-wise, when things could develop suddenly and quickly. You have much on your plate, whilst also dealing with surprises on the home front that may require quick reflexes on your part. Use November and the first half of December to make great strides in elevating your status and reaching your worldly goals, whilst you have Mars’ help. You won’t have such a career boost again for another two years so push to reach your goals!
Meanwhile, there is no doubt that your home holds the key to your future progress. A lunar eclipse on the 19th brings a property or family matter to a close. You're on the threshold of changing direction and orienting your life and goals in a whole new way. And the key is to place greater emphasis on your home life and let that be your goal-setting guide. Back in 2012-2014 you were called to rise in your career, take on responsibilities and shine on the world stage. Now, it’s time to focus inward, set down roots and tend to your home and family.
Your base is unstable and trying to hold down the fort whilst also carrying heavy responsibilities has placed a hefty burden on your shoulders and vitality too. But what you’re going through will be the making of you, forging a brand new identity made of steel. The key here is communication. Don't be afraid to voice your thoughts and broach difficult subjects during this tough maturation process. You’re approaching a time of private renewal and spiritual recalibration as we near the holidays. The end of the month sheds light on where you stand in your friendships, group memberships and community.
Pisces November 2021
Expect sudden news and communications to blow your mind! This is the moment when things get unstuck and old and maddening mental loops and traps are blown to smithereens. A dramatic lunar eclipse on November 19th brings crucial information to light, changing your perception of your environment and marking the start of a mental rollercoaster. Get ready for your ideas to change radically over the next two years, the way you communicate, how you travel, your credentials, even your religion. Back in 2012-14, you were up for an adventure, travelling, learning and expanding your horizons. Now it’s all about exploring what’s right on your doorstep.
This is a month of tantalising ideas, sudden messages and intellectual expansion. Throw yourself into your studies early in the month. Get material out there, publish, do some promotional outreach or settle an immigration, legal or other official matter. Time to generate more meaning in your life and pin your colours to the mast. You may be quietly suffering under political and institutional pressures, feeling lost and out of touch, or perhaps it’s your mental and physical health that's draining you. Let past structures and reference points leave your life now - let them go as completely as you can and focus on developing your own set of authentic values. If your self-worth (and perhaps your income) is a little low right now, use this period to discover your true gifts and clarify what’s important to you.
Your social circle presents you with beauty and pleasure on numerous occasions and you can have fun with friends. But know that your community and friendships are up for a major recalibration as we head into the Christmas holidays, asking you to decide where you fit in. Expect big career news by month’s end, the fulfilment of goals long in coming, shining a spotlight on the path ahead.
Image by Note Thanun on Unsplash
Horoscope by YourAstroGenes