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Astrology February 2024: Awaken and Initiate!

Writer's picture: YourAstroGenesYourAstroGenes

February's Chiron-Node conjunction, Aquarius New Moon and Virgo Full Moon bring healing, initiation and awakening on a mass scale...

Sunlight through trees

February is a powerful month, when the light of an awakening consciousness shines through the opening of our collective wounds.  

It is a moment of initiation, an influx of new frequencies that are here to stay. It's a time to heal and release the past so we can move forward. Like any healing process, it may leave us feeling vulnerable or exposed - all known avenues having been exhausted. But that's exactly the point. Time to try something new.

The first half of 2024 brings destabilising energies. And now, in February, we are at a powerful point of initiation. Much of this is due to Pluto in Aquarius now hovering around 0° degrees, with the last Full Moon of January 25th having amplified this new frequency to the max. At the same time, we were hit with waves of back to back medium strength solar flares, making January 21-26 quite electrifying.

All this is opening us to new ways of perceiving things, forcing our minds and bodies to adapt.

With Chiron and the Eclipse Points coming together this month, we're extra-sensitive to the slightest shifts in vibration. Something invisible is shifting.

Every planet is direct this month and time flies! Mercury, Venus and Mars all meet with Pluto at the gates of Aquarius, helping us process this new reality we find ourselves in, just as the Aquarius New Moon on the 9th fuels the desire for change. We have a stickler of a Virgo Full Moon on the 24th - flanked by a sexy Mars-Venus union on the 22nd and a stern Mercury-Saturn-Sun alignment on the 28th. Crucial information is now coming to light with a righteous, grass-roots revolution building up all the way to April!  So let's have a look at February's particulars. Or you can check out the February 2024 zodiac horoscopes...

Mercury Enters Aquarius Conjunct Pluto, 5th February: Laser Vision

Mark February 5th and 13th-17th in your calendar. This is when the Mercury, Mars and Venus - in veritable procession behind the Sun - enter Aquarius in a row and meet with newly minted Pluto!

First up is Mercury. Starting the month in Capricorn, Mercury sextiles Neptune on the 2nd, an imaginative day. Then on the 5th, Mercury leaves Capricorn and enters Aquarius, bumping up against Pluto. Mercury-Pluto have the gift of X-ray vision, allowing us to see beneath the surface to the truth of any situation. Transformative information could now be coming to light. With Venus and the Sun activating Chiron and the eclipse points too, February 5th-6th could be poignant.

Mars & Venus in Capricorn until mid-February: Love and Desire

Mars and Venus are coming ever closer together this month. They spend the first half of February in Capricorn, where Mars is exalted and granted great executive powers, leaving them free to gallivant around the hills of the goatfish in honour of Pan. February 7th and 8th promise romantic excitement as Venus trines Uranus and Mars sextiles Neptune. Venus won't sextile Neptune until the 13th - a good lead-up to Valentine Day and perhaps a reason to celebrate early, if that sort of thing is on your radar... 

Aquarius New Moon, 9th February: Awaken!

The first major event this month is the Aquarius New Moon at 20°40' at 22:59 GMT/UT. Time to set our intentions for the coming months of the growing of the light!  This lunation packs a punch, as it's also closely square Aquarius' ruler: rebel Uranus.

This is a time of awakening and inward revolution, a time of change, disruption and detachment or separation from an old reality that's now seen clearly for what it is - as if through a lens - detachment being a key Aquarian trait.

Uranus carries with it the element of surprise - to wake us up from our trance, to jailbreak us from illusion and effect change. Things may develop suddenly at this time, and feel at one-remove, separate, far out. This New Moon brings awakening and change, birthing new illuminating vibes into the planet.

The Sabian Symbol for this New Moon - a disappointed and disillusioned woman courageously faces a seemingly empty life - reveals the reasons for this sudden 'divorce' or detachment from our old and crumbling realities. The enchantment, the illusion is broken! The current state may well be shock. But if the life ahead seems empty it is only because it is a blank canvas, a brand new beginning with no coordinates, a path as yet untravelled and unknown - but potentially very exciting. Resilience, personal integrity and strength of character are required to deal with the upset and forge a new path. Presence is now called for to not fall into apathy or blindly react to events.

Mercury in Aquarius squares Jupiter at the same time (10th) and we may have a flood of information coming in, brilliant ideas, as well as all kind of hyperbolic speech and exaggeration. New concepts present themselves whole right now, in non-linear form, requiring an enlarged mental capacity to process them.

The Sun and Moon harmonise with the Lunar Nodes just as Saturn, (the other Aquarius-ruler), is on good terms with Jupiter. With Mars sextile Neptune too, there is potential for a positive and inspired move forward as we break away from old systems.

Mars enters Aquarius Conjunct Pluto, February 13th-14th: Empowering Will

On the 13th, it's Mars' turn to leave Capricorn and enter Aquarius bumping up against Pluto on the 14th.  This makes for an intense and action-packed couple of days! There's nothing you cannot achieve now if you put your all into it. This is 'go til you drop energy' with a will that can conquer mountains. At the same time we could see military action, shady political moves, and secret or underhanded and widespread socio-technological initiatives. Mars-Pluto can lend courage to the wimpiest of us, bringing on superhuman strength. And therein lies the potential for transformation. You may need to rest afterwards.

Venus enters Aquarius Conjunct Pluto, February 16th-17th: Empowering Love

On the 16th, it's Venus' turn to leave Capricorn and enter Aquarius, uniting with Pluto on the 17th. Here we have the transformative power of love! Like Persephone being abducted into the underworld and eating of the forbidden fruit (the pomegranate), there is an initiation into the mysteries, into relationships and situations that leave our values, desires and preferences transformed. No going back. Love runs deep at this point, and pockets do too. The middle of February is a potentially transformative moment for money, relationships and agreements. 

Chiron Conjunct North Node, February 19th: Initiation!

All this leads up to a key event: On February 19th Chiron in Aries conjuncts the North Lunar Node of the eclipse points at 16°45' Aries at 21:12GMT/UT. Chiron is a healer, teacher, mentor figure. He was the teacher of Asclepius, the father of medicine, as well as the mentor of legendary heroes like Jason and Achilles.

This Chiron conjunction with the North Node in Aries, the most heroic sign of all, signals that humanity is embarking on a great heroic journey of its own and needs courage and mentorship now more than ever.

This is a collective request for mentorship for each of us individually, as there is nobody else that will take this mantle. And it is also a cry for help and healing on a mass scale. We are now calling forth the hero within and inviting the light of consciousness to shine through our individual and collective wounds.

But Chiron's tutelage requires us to be open, vulnerable, authentic, reintegrating disowned parts of ourselves, even if it means ostracisation. And this takes great courage.

It will be the weirdos, mavericks and outcasts of this world that will forge a path into the future now. 

There is a purity to Aries, the pure impulse to be. The pure and indomitable will that allows a single blade of grass to push through dark soil until it reaches the brilliant light of day. And it's our turn to push through now until we reach the light.

This Chiron-North Node Conjunction of February 19th is echoed once more on March 5th with the powerful Total Solar Eclipse of April 8th once more searing its themes upon our consciousness. [This reflects Chiron's conjunction to the so called "True" Node (or exact ecliptic intersection between Sun and Moon) that happens on February 19th at the 17th degree of Aries, and its conjunction to the Mean Node (the mathematical average of that intersection) which happens on March 5th at the 18th degree. As for April 8th, we have a total solar eclipse exactly conjunct Chiron.]

The Sabian Symbols for the 17th and 18th degrees of Aries, where Chiron meets the North Node are "two dignified spinsters sitting in silence" and "an empty hammock stretched between two trees". Both symbols evoke a notion of emptiness, something missing. One denies nature and the other invites it, calling for rest. Whatever has been denied the soul, it's time for our vital energies to turn inward to find it, facing outward circumstances with fortitude and a full awareness of the situation at hand. Rest for healing and inner work are important now, so we can stay calm and regain our natural rhythm, ready to act when necessary.

Planets Aspecting Chiron and the Nodes: Healing Energies

This healing energy is with us all month. Watch out for February 5th-6th when the Chiron/Node combo squares Venus and sextiles the Sun. This could be a sensitive moment for love, relationships and financial matters - anything that signifies our ability to participate with others and enjoy the fruits of such participation. Here we have an opportunity to heal the past and reclaim lost parts of ourselves, reintegrating them back into wholeness. 

Mercury is next to sextile Chiron and the Node on February 15th, giving disowned and vilified voices a chance to be heard and listened to.

Come February 29th (it's a leap year!) it's Venus's turn, giving us a chance to mend bridges and restore our capacity for love, pleasure, and wellbeing as we enter March.

Venus Conjunct Mars in Aquarius, 22nd February: Cerebral Passion!

Venus has been catching up with Mars all this time and on February 22nd they meet at 06°57 Aquarius. Mars and Venus are right next to Pluto, opposite the Moon and square Jupiter, repeating some of the expansive and dramatic vibes of late January.

Here, once more, we have the widening of the aperture so that a whole new frequency can be heard loud and clear. 

We have excessive passion and OTT encounters, forcing us to go bigger and expand our capacity to fight, initiate or take our fill of love..

Not knowing when to stop, Venus and Mars perfect their square to Jupiter on the 25th and 27th respectively, riding this gung-ho wave of near-fanatical passion for five days straight.

Virgo Full Moon February 24th: Life is for All!

February's Full Moon is bang in the middle of all that fanfare, on the 24th at 5°23' Virgo at 12:30GMT/UT.  

What this Full Moon brings is a solid and important piece of evidence - key information, a reality check!

That's because the Full Moon is opposite Saturn, Mercury and the Sun.

Something comes full circle now - especially around themes to do with our work, health, biology and everyday lives - small tiny things that have a big impact. It's as if all the little cogs that make that great big wheel go round fall into place now and the computer finally produces an output. Something concrete, important information, facts, tangible proof that we can build on. The Moon is trine Jupiter too, ensuring there is positive momentum toward truth, liberty and growth. 

The Sabian Symbol for this Full Moon is "a merry-go-round" - a literal symbol of the dynamic life force that makes the world go round. This is the coiled serpent, the life impulse itself, the dance of the universe, and the mad spinning ball we're all riding on.  

We're all on this merry-go-round, eager to give things a go, and nobody is to be left out. Anyone found lying, controlling or manipulating the rules so as to impose themselves upon the others is robbing others of the joy of the ride.

This Full Moon highlights the importance of honesty, close interaction with each other, and proper use of the life force if we're all to have a good go on this merry-go-round and master the skills required for personal and social satisfaction.

This Full Moon happens within two days of the Mars-Venus conjunction, riding on a huge wave of mad passion. But Mercury, the ruler of this Full Moon, which entered Pisces on the 23rd, is about to meet with the Sun and Saturn - a reality check. And so the Full Moon is sandwiched between the sexiest of vibes and a nice cold shower of hard facts.

Mercury Conjuncts Sun-Saturn in Pisces February 28th: Catching a Slippery Fish!

Mercury is currently speeding along the far side of our solar system and, on February 28th, he perfectly aligns with the Sun under the watchful eye of Saturn.

This is a triple conjunction, delivering some stern clarity around a host of muddy matters - many of them likely around the start of the pandemic, early 2020.

For this is Mercury's Superior Conjunction with the Sun, at 09°14 Pisces, i.e. the culmination of the Mercury retrograde cycle that was last seeded in early Pisces at the start of the pandemic back in January-February 2020. Things that were fuzzy then become clear now. And with Saturn present, there are important lessons to be learned. 

Of course, with Pisces nothing is ever clear-cut. These are some big and slippery fish we're dealing with. The waters are treacherous - there be monsters!

When the world starts to swim and nothing makes sense any more, it's time to train the inner senses; to tune out the noise and strengthen your own inner truth radar.

This holds for all things we see and hear - when the voices underwater begin sounding distorted and grotesque, it's time to tune inward and learn to discern the truth for ourselves. 

The Sabian Symbol for this triple conjunction is "an aviator pursues his journey flying through ground-obscuring clouds". This indicates precisely this kind of mastery - of navigating without being able to see, of learning to rely on an inner sense that transcends outward limitations. This is the only way to survive in such treacherous conditions. Discernment is Virgo’s middle name.

Learning to fly through the fog - or to see and hear underwater - and develop new skills of discernment is a key lesson of this triple conjunction.

As Mercury sextiles Jupiter on the 29th (later followed by the Sun), there is a chance for growth and positive outcomes here that can stand us in good stead as we welcome the growing of the light. 

February 2024 Zodiac Horoscopes

Buddha on a leaf

So how does February’s horoscope get peppered around the big zodiac pie in the sky? Where does the Aquarius New Moon invite you to wake up and set new intentions? How does Chiron and the Node initiate you into a new way of seeing things? And what does the Virgo Full Moon shed light on? Read your sun sign for the heart of the matter, your ascendant for where the clothes meet the skin, and your moon sign for things that might not quite register until you pay attention…


Get ready for powerful changes through your social circle, dear Aries. This is very publicly focused  month, seeing you on display, taking career initiatives and fulfilling responsibilities. Now’s your time to reach for the top! This is especially so in the first half of the month, when you can make bold career moves and impress higher ups, or anyone who has the power to influence your direction in life. Why not pull out all the stops to reach your goals and dreams? Soon you will be in no doubt as to the importance of the company you keep - your peers and allies. You’re just beginning a powerful journey of transformation through group activities, friendships and communities, including social media. Use the New Moon of February 9th to set forth a clear intention about your dreams for the future, the contribution you want to make and the people you want to surround yourself with. Your values, preferences and priorities are rapidly changing and you may surprise yourself with the choices you make. It’s time to revolutionise where you give your time, money, talents and resources and even the way you earn a living.  Your finances continue to be unstable, but Jupiter gives you good financial protection until May.

Health and healing are also important themes this month. Time to examine your lifestyle or working methods and make changes for greater efficiency and wellbeing. Something crystallises in your subconscious mind at the Full Moon of February 24th, revealing hidden or psychological reasons behind a habit, behaviour or physical symptom, or revealing tricky political situations you may be dealing with at work. This can also give you the missing piece of a spiritual puzzle and clarify your next steps. A work project set in motion back in September could now be reaching completion. You may be working toward a deadline and it’s important to get some rest toward month’s end, which could be a gateway toward psychological insight and spiritual wisdom. You have the opportunity to see yourself in a whole new light now and in the coming months, embracing parts of yourself that may have been left behind in the fray of life, or buried in the negative patterns of relationships long past. This is an opportunity for wholeness and greater authenticity within yourself, taking charge of your sense of self, identity and initiative. You may not feel very heroic right now, but you can be a real inspiration to others, just by letting more of your true self come through.


Your life trajectory, career and public face are about to change radically, dear Taurus. You can already feel yourself growing in stature, developing a powerful sense of mission and responsibility in life, embracing your duties as if your very life depended upon it. And it is this all-or-nothing attitude, this commitment to your chosen path that will transform your life completely over the next two decades. Use the New Moon of February 9th to set a powerful new intention for your career and public image - reinvent yourself! The second half of February gives you plenty of fuel to reach for your most ambitious goals. As for the first half, it brings an air of freedom with it. This is a great time to take a break, travel, throw yourself into your favourite study or research project, or just take a time out and contemplate the bigger picture of your life. Get a change of scenery and give yourself some space to think and get in the right headspace. This is also a good time to share your ideas, complete a marketing or publishing project or handle legal or official papers. Your own sense of who you are is highly unstable at the moment, changing fast. You are experiencing an awkward, sudden growth spurt! Jupiter demands that you don’t stay within the confines of what you know but that you expand your horizons and self-conception - especially between now and May.

February is a delicious month in many ways and the Full Moon of February 24th is all about how much pleasure and joy you can derive out of life. Let yourself be a kid again and play, pursue your favourite hobbies, celebrate who and what you love and get creative. A labour of love set in motion back in September could now culminate. At the same time, vague matters around your friendships, social circle or a group project that may have been plaguing you for four years now could finally get clear and precise. This could be due to important news from a friend or important developments with a friendship group or club. The truth is out. This gives you clarity around your dreams, your place in the community, and the contribution you wish to make, putting your creative talents and your desire for love and joy in a wider context. At the same time, you’re experiencing a profound psychological and spiritual awakening, perhaps opening up to parts of your own subconscious mind, or even your greater being, that you have shunned before. It’s time to leave old habits behind, let go of stuck patterns of behaviour - whether it is around your lifestyle, health or working methods - and let your spirit guide you. Why not set time aside to rest, dream or meditate, undergo therapy work or healing? Anything that reconnects you with your greater spirit is what the doctor ordered.


You’re in a deeply private, empowering and transformative headspace as February begins, dear Gemini. Take this chance to strengthen your bonds, get to know someone better and redress any power imbalance in your intimate relationships. This is also a great time to secure funding, clinch a financial deal, sort out debts, taxes, bank accounts or other complex financial matters. At the same time you’re starting to appreciate the bigger picture of your life. You’re ready to spread your wings - and your views! - sharing your ideas with a wider audience. New and powerful changes in your philosophical outlook will transform you over the coming decades and give your ideas a wider reach - via publishing, broadcasting, travelling, education and other powerful outreach channels. Set your intentions of how you want to expand your mind and spread your message to a wider audience now, after the New Moon of February 9th. Great passion and desire fuel you to quest for answers this month and it’s a great time to share your vision with others. You may get sudden flashes of insight or even enjoy playing a subversive role. Follow your intuition.

You’re also realising the importance of having real friends and a true sense of community around you. You may feel like a scapegoat or misfit - or be surrounded by misfits and mavericks - or even emerge as an unlikely leader in your community. The point is that you seek true friendship, people who share your dreams and where you can feel you belong and freely be yourself, and pour your creativity into something greater. This is no time to just look for kicks or please yourself. It’s an opportunity to connect with people who truly get you, get appreciation for what you bring, and be involved in something greater. The Full Moon of February 24th draws your attention inwards, toward your own foundations, both physical and psychological - your home and family, living situation or inner sense of self. It reminds you of the importance of having a solid base to stand on if you are to grow in stature and reach your goals. Time to tend to your roots and make sure they are strong. Things that may have been set in motion last September to provide a new foundation for your growth could now come to a head. This could also be an important moment in your career, when something crystallises, perhaps some recognition for your efforts, a sign that you’re on the right track, a call to make a serious commitment, or some piece of information to help you clarify your goals.


Your mind is on contracts, agreements, partnerships, collaborations and important relationships in your life as February begins, dear Cancer. You’ll have plenty of opportunity for pleasant and passionate interactions until mid-February, and you could also experience confrontations where you need to hold your own. But it’s all in a good spirit and it all helps free you annd expand your outlook. At the same time new powerful alchemical changes are building up within you, through close encounters and relationships of intimacy and trust - including joint financial dealings. You may even be developing a new found interest in the occult or a passion for delving under the surface. Set your intentions for change, empowerment and transformation - physical, sexual, emotional and financial - and for the bonds you now want to foster at the New Moon of February 9th. Group involvements are a driver this alchemical process, galvanising you into close relationships of intimacy, where you can test the waters of trust. You’ll have great passion and desire fuelling your intimate and financial relationships this month, strengthening your bonds.

At the same time, you’re experiencing an initiation into a position of leadership and responsibility. This could be because you’ve taking on an unusual role, or because you’re in charge of a situation in unusual circumstances. When it comes to your career, you could see yourself veering off the mainstream. Don’t be afraid to stand out of the crowd now or present yourself as a maverick, outsider and oddball to the wider world, for this is what the world needs right now and you could be the one to fill those shoes. You are awakening to your personal authority and this means leaving behind the past, and perhaps also resolving matters that stem from your childhood, home, living situation or family. The Full Moon of February 24th brings an important contract, deal or communication to a head - one you may have been working on since September. There is a heaviness and longevity to anything you sign now: what you put in place could be legally binding for a long time to come. So examine it carefully. Legal, moral or academic matters that were really fuzzy back in 2019 and early 2020 now become clear and precise. The same goes for any projects involving publishing, travel, media or broadcasting. All such matters receive a clear verdict by month’s end, giving you solid guidance and painting a bigger picture.


You’ve some exciting tasks to be getting on with in as February gets underway, dear Leo! You can expect both heated and pleasant moments in your day to day routine til mid-month, as you pull out all the stops to get a project finished, find a job or work on your body and your health. At the same time, you’re entering totally new and unfamiliar ground on the relationship arena, with some powerful encounters lined up for you - especially February 13th-17th. Relationships, contracts and agreements - collaborations and even fights - will have a dramatic impact on your life over the next couple of decades. February is the month when you realise that there is true power in the partnerships you strike, in whom you have by your side, how you face competition, and how you interface with others in all walks of life. Relationships have the power to change the course of your life now. Set your intentions on the partnership front soon after the New Moon of February 9th and decide what and whom you want to attract. A particular interaction - whether friendly, romantic or competitive - could get really hot this month, around the 22nd. 

At the same time, you’re experiencing an initiation into different cultures, philosophies, and views on life. This could be due your travels, a religious conversion, your studies, or through publishing, broadcasting or legal or other official matters that give you a wider operating field. It’s time to open up to what you don’t know and awaken to alternative or holistic views on life. This means leaving behind familiar circles, people and ideas and opening up to things unfamiliar - the unknown. The Full Moon of February 24th brings an important financial matter to a head - one you may have been working on since September. Trust is key and any intimate bonds or financial agreements you enter into will have to be honoured in the long run. Financial matters that may have been hazy for the past four to five years now become clear, allowing you to plan ahead and make a real financial commitment. Important information now comes to light. Matters of trust and intimacy are also brought to a head, shedding clarity on whom you can trust and putting down proper boundaries where they are needed. All this helps you shine a clear spotlight on what’s purely yours to offer or withhold, and what is shared. This can raise your confidence and make you feel more secure.


The first half of February is a time for fun fun fun, dear Virgo! You’re throwing caution to the wind and following your heart’s desire. You want to feel the love, enjoy the things, pastimes and people that bring you joy and feel young and carefree. And so you should! You can enjoy passionate moments of fun, love and romance all the way til February 17th, after which, you’ll need to return your attention to matters of work or health. You’ve recently entered a whole new ballgame when it comes to your health, lifestyle and overall wellbeing. This includes the things you do to take care of your body or heal. And it also includes the work you do, how you are of service, the meaning you derive from it, as well as ways you may seek to improve on your technique, skills or methods.  This will be a huge area of focus in the coming years for you - and it’s as if the two are intertwined: work and health. It’s a question of lifestyle. It’s by setting yourself a good routine, one that brings you satisfaction every single day - both from the work you do and because you take good care of yourself - that you can keep yourself ticking over and reach a place of productivity and greater wellbeing. Use the New Moon of February 9th to set your intentions for any work health and lifestyle improvements you want to make on all levels of your life. This may require you to face surprising truths and ditch old dogmatic ideas that no longer serve you. A change of scenery, trip or revolutionary book or study could refresh or surprise you, bringing positive change.

At the same time, you’re experiencing a powerful spiritual awakening of your shamanic powers of alchemy, resurrection and transformation. Whatever fears you’re facing - whether they are health-related, sexual, financial or psychological - they are the pathway to transformation and greater wisdom. The Full Moon of February 24th is in your own sign and represents a key moment of culmination with matters close to your heart that began last September. You only get one Full Moon in your sign per year and it’s a crucial moment for you when something dear to your heart reaches completion. It’s a moment of realisation, when the spotlight falls on you and what you want out of life - as well as on your body, what gives you vitality and your overall approach to life. Things come to a head now, the penny drops and you are in no doubt how to proceed - especially when it comes to an important contract or relationship. Things that may have felt hazy for the past four to five years now become crystal clear and you may have a difficult discussion to make, a stark truth to face or a serious message to impart. The end of the month is a moment of truth in your relationships, just as it is a powerful moment of self-reflection for you, personally, allowing you to grow and experience greater freedom.


Your home and family have your attention as February begins, dear Libra - whether you’re moving, renovating, decorating, entertaining house guests, reconnecting with your roots, or simply spending more time at home. And you have many a passionate and pleasant moment at home or with loved ones until February 17th. At the same time, a powerful time of self-realisation begins when you’ll want to externalise and express what has been cooped up inside you in a most powerful way. This could be a powerful need for love and romance or for creative self expression, a desire for greater fun, joy and happiness, or even a greater urge to procreate. The next two decades are about how intensely you can enjoy life, and how much of yourself you can express into the world and bring out to play. Time to follow your heart’s desire! Use the New Moon of February 9th to set your intentions for maximum happiness in the coming years, and be prepared to get up close and personal with others, developing trust without codependency - being able to cut any unhealthy cords that hold you back. Relationships are your doorway to initiation this year. Perhaps you’re in an unusual relationship or you’re having to care for someone, or even put up with someone acting out. Whatever it is, this person is the doorway to your awakening, showing a different side to life and to yourself, teaching you a new way to interact with others, understand yourself and the whole relationship game.

The Full Moon of February 24th is your moment to take a bow and lay low for a little bit so you can reconnect with your spirit. Something important is coming to a head for you next month and this is your chance to take a moment to gather your thoughts and recoup your energies, ready for important developments next month. You may see secrets revealed, get psychological or spiritual insights, or feel the need to rest, sleep, dream or meditate. This could coincide with you receiving important news about your health, or about a work project that you’ve been working hard toward. Either way, you’re now taken to task and can finally get clarity and find out the truth of a situation that may have eluded you for the past four to five years or so. A spiritual journey that may have begun last September is also coming to a head now and you may have revealing dreams or insights to help you move forward.


You’ve lots to be getting on with as February enters, dear Scorpio - paperwork, contracts, communications, trips, meetings and travel - it’s all go! Much of it is pleasant, some perhaps confrontational, but all passionate and deeply meaningful nonetheless - no chance of boredom there until February 17th. At the same time, you’re entering a totally new and unfamiliar psychological space. It’s a time of major psychological endings and beginnings in your life, a journey into your inner landscape - you’re entering a journey of total inner transformation! Your home and family will be a hotbed of activity - especially after the middle of February - with the New Moon of February 9th giving you the opportunity to set a new intention as to your life’s foundations: this includes your past and roots, your home and overall living situation, your city or country of residence, your family, as well as any real estate and property matters that need a total overhaul. You’re digging deep into your roots, transforming the cornerstone of your existence and can expect many changes in your personal life in the coming years. Relationships continue to be unpredictable and you’ll have to take this into account. Use this month to set a powerful and revolutionary intent as to the foundations on which you want to build your life moving forward.

Your work and health are presently a powerful doorway to initiation. They are the path to a spiritual awakening and to taking a different approach to how you want to live your life. Alternative healing methods could be the answer now, opening you up to a totally new way of understanding your body and daily routine. Alternative lifestyles might also appeal to you and, if so, now’s the time to pursue them. Look to the different, the outlier, the bizarre. Open yourself up to alternatives when it comes to solving a work, health or lifestyle puzzle. Life is trying to help you reintegrate parts of yourself back into the whole so your an build a lifestyle that reflects your true needs. The Full Moon of February 24th brings a group or collaborative project to culmination, perhaps highlighting efforts stemming from last September, allowing you to reap the fruits of your effort and celebrate your contribution. The spotlight could be on a friendship or group project now, at the same time bringing an important realisation around a child, creative project, or matter of the heart. This is the time when things get concrete. Things that may have been hazy and unclear for the past four to five years could finally get clarity now - a reality check to show you where you stand. Armed with this knowledge you can make better creative and romantic decisions in the future, as well as know exactly where you stand within the group.


Your mind is on money, pleasure and the good things in life as February enters, dear Sagittarius. You may be working to increase your cash-flow, or enjoy spending more money on the things and people you love, or you may be using what you’ve got to build greater security and increase your assets and your confidence. You’re in a strong position this month and will enjoy exercising this strength until mid-February. At the same time, you’re at the threshold of a huge learning curve. You’ve entered new and unfamiliar territory - perhaps you’ve moved neighbourhood, entered a new school, or some other new media environment whose language and people are totally unfamiliar to you. You’ve lots to learn, it seems, and it will be a journey of training and empowerment, allowing you to implement more and more of your ideas and put your own creative stamp on your immediate environment.  Use the New Moon of February 9th to set fresh intentions as to all the things you want to learn, the people you want to connect with and the ideas you want to share. This is a veritable lifestyle revolution! You’re totally being shaken out of your routine and it’s high time to try something new!

This is also a month of a powerful spiritual awakening. It’s your heart, your children and your creative projects that make you feel more vulnerable now and open the way to a deeper appreciation of life. Whether it’s a new romance that’s pulling at your heartstrings, spending time with your children that reminds you of the preciousness of happy moments, or a creative project that allows you to be playful and feel joy, this is the right path for you right now. Pour your all into what makes your heart sing and feel yourself becoming rejuvenated! The Full Moon of February 24th could bring recognition, accolades as well as increased responsibilities. It’s a moment of culmination for your career, showing you where you are headed - whether it’s professionally, as a parent, or with any leadership role you may have to fulfil. Something that’s been on your mind since September now comes to a head, showing you the next steps forward to reach your goals. All this requires a commitment on your part, setting the cornerstone of whatever you wish to build, making an inward decision and commitment to building a base for the long term. At the same time, you may get important news around your home and family, a property matter or your living situation. Things that may have been hazy going as far back as 2020 could get crystal clear now, giving you a good foundation on which to reorient your life and see where you’re headed.


You’re everyone’s sweetheart right now, dear Capricorn, and with Mars and Venus in your sign until mid-February you can charm anyone’s pants off and get your way. Want something? All you have to do is ask! At the same time, your financial situation is hotting up - a bit like the frog in the boiling pot - as you’ve entered a two decade period of financial transformation. On a deeper level, it’s about your sense of strength, confidence and self worth. It’s time to stretched your body, your self esteem and your money making muscles, as you maybe called to test your strength in all kinds of environments in the future, to see if you can weather any storm. ‘Pluto’, which has just entered your money house, means ‘wealth’ and your capacity for it has just increased exponentially, as has your potential for extreme ups and downs. Above all, this is about how you handle your energies - whether it is your body, assets or finances. You’ll get a taster of the extreme power you can wield this month, with great passion and desire coursing through your veins. Use the New Moon of February 9th to set your intentions for strength, confidence and financial wellbeing the year ahead, making sure to include self-love at the top of the list. Fun and joy must be part of it. You have an opportunity for total rejuvenation this year so let yourself free to follow your bliss. Hobbies, children and anything else that brings you joy can be the ticket to awakening and positive change.

February is also a time of great psychological healing - a journey of deepening and returning to source - with the doorway to your own initiation coming straight through your home. It’s at home, in private, with your family where you experience a kind of spiritual awakening now, transcending petty matters and stepping off the beaten path. Deep psychological healing can take place right now, releasing you from the past, healing you at a core level and allowing you to reconnect with your roots. Make sure you spend time in private or with your family this month. If you need a change of scenery, the Full Moon of February 24th brings an opportunity to get away and break your day-to-day routine. This could also be the time that you hear important news, or when an international deal, or a project or paperwork you’ve been working on becomes officially recognised - one that got a fresh lease of life last September. Ideas that have been hazy for the past four years could now get precise with facts coming to light that leave no doubt as to the truth of the situation. This sort of proof or verification could be exactly what frees you to share your views with a wider audience, publish, market, take to the road and reach out to others, making things official. Watch out for an important communication, contract or meeting at the end of the month.


There’s lots going on behind the scenes as February gets underway, dear Aquarius, and it’s not lost on you that it’s your birthday season too! But Pluto is now in your sign and you can sense that whatever you thought you knew, however mature you thought you were, things are about to change drastically. You can sense that the winds of change are here and there’s no use resisting. For Aquarius rising, you’re about to totally transform the way you see yourself and approach life. As for Aquarius sun sign, your very sense of identity, your life spark and sense of purpose are about to undergo a powerful journey of initiation. Things get underway as soon as the New Moon of February 9th so use the next ten days or so to set your personal will and intentions for the coming year - and the coming decades. You can already sense that changes are needed so why not get ahead of them? Set your course for the most rich and empowering journey you can currently imagine! Changes at home and letting go of the past are key ingredients in this mix, as is remaining open to inner psychological change at your core, reinventing the cornerstone of your existence. These are structures that we usually have no desire to tamper with but you may now need to be open to renovating your life from the very foundations up.

You’ll be glad to know that Mars and Venus enter your sign from the 13th and 16th respectively, giving you such great charm and magnetism that nobody could deny you a single request! Circle February 22nd, when the two meet in your sign granting you superhuman powers of seduction. The stakes may be high but the universe is giving you all the tools to go for gold!  At the same time, there are strange changes in your environment - with siblings, peers or coworkers - that may leave you feeling a little vulnerable and exposed. This is a good thing. For it’s time to just be honest, clear the air, unleash your voice and speak your true opinions. This is especially true if you’ve been holding back for fear of being judged, veering off the accepted narrative, or hurting others. The truth will out and you may find that you become the mouthpiece for it, whether in frank conversation or by unleashing your creative voice. This is an initiation of sorts for you, allowing you to deviate from the same old stories that have now become stale. Time to leave old dogmas behind and see the world with fresh eyes, learning from scratch, as it were, and calling a spade a spade. The end of the month could bring private matters to a head, whether you’re dealing with finances or relationships of trust and intimacy that require delicate handling. Money is certainly a part of this and you may finally get a verdict on a financial matter that’s been unclear for the past four to five years or so, eating away at your self worth and confidence, as well as your bank account. Perhaps you’ll get a nugget of something giving you that confirmation that your efforts have not been in vain, no matter how modest. This is also a test of your values. And if you’ve been unsure about something, this Full Moon of February 24th will help you set clear priorities one way or another, clarifying questions you may have posed last September. Someone else is crucial to this story - whether it’s finances you share with a bank, sponsor, partner or family - or someone you trust who has your back. Your finances and your sense of self worth may have taken a beating in recent times, but you'll soon be stronger for knowing where you stand.


The first half of February is a sociable time, dear Pisces, when you may enjoy good times with friends and energising group activities. This is a great time to network and pursue your dreams. By the middle of the month, however, you’ll know that you're entering a liminal, uncertain and transformative space in your life. You can feel the past falling away while the future is not yet formed. And what you need to do now is traverse this no-mans-land, this place of shadows, demons and angels! This is a journey of letting go of the past as you undergo a powerful psychological and spiritual transformation. Set your intentions for this spiritual journey just after the New Moon of February 9th, when your journey into the shadows of your own mind begins in earnest. You may want to set aside time for daily meditation, undergo therapy or alternative healing methods to help you work with your own shadow toward greater empowerment. And you may experience powerful dreams and synchronicities as you slowly enter this magical space. Working behind the scenes within large institutions could also prove transformational for you over the coming two decades. You may want to throw yourself into collective activities to handle these energies, like government work or charity. Being open to new ideas is key in all this, as well as speaking the truth as you see it.

At the same time, you’re discovering talents and resources you may have hitherto been blissfully unaware of. These could open you up to different ways of seeing yourself, your value and what you have to offer. And they may open you up to alternative earning pathways. The question is are you ready to embrace these? If you suffer from low self esteem, it’s time to see yourself in a new light. You have something that’s sorely needed. It’s just a matter of having the courage and confidence to bring it to the table. The Full Moon of February 24th brings a serious reality check, placing the spotlight firmly on a key relationship, contract or collaboration - the culmination of a journey that commanded your attention last September. This could be a moment of self doubt, reduced vitality and lack of self-confidence, but also a moment of solidification of resolve. Above all, it’s important that you take responsibility for your life now and do what you must to build in the right direction. Saturn meets the Sun and Mercury in your sign at the end of the month, bringing a much needed lesson, and shedding light on a situation that may have seemed murky or unclear for the past four to five years. This tough little morsel of truth is exactly what you need to build on, so you can develop a solid sense of identity, personal accountability, integrity and self-reliance that can sustain you for decades to come. Let others in your life act as a mirror and reflect back to you what it is you are not seeing. This is an important moment of self-realisation.

Sun through trees image by Srikanth from Unsplash

Buddha on a leaf image by Samuel Austin from Unsplash

Article by YourAstroGenes


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