October is a challenging month. With both Mars and Mercury retrograde and a difficult New Moon in Libra, it’s time to dig deep!
Time to uncover faultlines and clean up anything that’s been a drag on your energy. Face that thing you’ve been avoiding. Do what don’t want to do.
October’s Sandwiched Between Two Full Moons
October is sandwiched between two Full Moons. One on the 1st in warrior zodiac sign Aries - a deeply meaningful and instructive moment - and the other is a Blue Moon in Taurus right on Halloween - a shocker and liberator of a lunation.
Something important comes to light as October begins - something long in coming that reaches deep into the soul.
That’s due to the October 1st Full Moon in Aries, ruled by warrior Mars, who is currently retrograde and dredging up unfinished business. This Aries Full Moon is also conjunct centaur Chiron, the mentor and teacher of many a mythic hero, giving you the strength to face any difficulties. This is the kind of light that can penetrate into long forgotten and dusty places, right at the start of the month.
Pluto takes over next, stationing direct on the 4th and activating your survival instincts.
Change is inevitable from this point on, as we enter the final phase of the transformative initiation that is 2020.
By October’s second Full Moon (a Blue Moon) on the 31st - Halloween - you’ll be ready to break out of whatever bonds, physical or mental, have outgrown their value. This Full Moon is in Taurus and conjunct electrifying Uranus. That’s a pretty unstable, rebellious energy right there which can bring unexpected developments.
A Tricky Juicy October Middle
So much for the bookends. It’s in the middle for October that the main challenges lie. October 12th-16th is tricky. Mercury goes retrograde on the 13th-14th just as Mars retrograde peaks and opposes the Sun. This places your ‘foe’ in full view.
By mid-October it’s high time to begin a review - a post mortem perhaps - and clean up your act. Anything that drains your energy, things you‘ve been putting off, resentments and bad feelings that drag you down - it’s time to address these.
The Libra New Moon on the 16th is a sharply motivating one, challenged by all sides, propelling you to tackle issues head on. Keep a light schedule mid-October. You’ll have lots to be getting on with.
The second half of October is coloured by the energy of that challenging Libra New Moon unfolding, as well as Mercury and Mars both retrograde.
The second half of October is an incredible opportunity to funnel energy and thought into places that are normally left to gather dust.
By October 24th-25th, the Sun and Mercury meet, bringing a moment of clarity and the seeding of new ideas. Just in time for the electrifying energies coming through this Halloween. Happy Halloween!
Halloween could be great fun if you like surprises. Practice some healthy non-attachment. All the better to prepare you for November, which is a game changer of a month!
With Mercury and Mars going direct and Jupiter-Pluto meeting for the final time, expect many changes on the world stage - and in your personal life too.
Any highlights? The first weekend of the month promises to be rather pleasant with Uranus trine Venus and Jupiter sextile Neptune. Jupiter-Neptune, in particular, is a truly uplifting, dream-weaver energy that’s been running interference all year long. These two won’t meet again till 2022.
Now’s the time to dream big for the future, tap in and soak up this wonderfully uplifting energy of Jupiter-Neptune 2020!
Happy Halloween!