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September 2024 Astrology: The Big Reveal

The Virgo New Moon pulls away the curtain for the Pisces Lunar Eclipse - let the show begin! With Pluto back in Capricorn this is the final act of a long saga.

A lit up gilded theatre stage with red curtains shut and chandelier
Image by Gwen King from Unsplash

September's Astro Weather

September arrives breathless as Uranus turns retrograde just before Pluto dips back into Capricorn. Darkness is literally on the rise as we head towards the Autumn Equinox in the north. But while winter is around the corner, it won’t stay dark forever. We’re simply in a time of endings and finality. We’re already in eclipse season with the Autumn eclipses arriving September 18th and October 2nd - a tough family of eclipses signifying separations and endings.

The scenery will now change profusely as we head to the end of the year and next spring.

We’re clearing the decks for a brave new world - a reference to the sign of Aries and not the Huxley kind, we hope - and its birthing pains begin in 2025 as Saturn and Neptune near their conjunction at 0 Aries, the start of the zodiac and the very hinges of the world.  The September Virgo New Moon and Pisces partial Lunar Eclipse echo the ongoing socio-economic struggles and dissolution of old structures of Jupiter-Saturn and Saturn-Neptune, while Mercury conjunct the Sun leaves us under no illusion as to the number of shady handshakes aimed at destroying the civilised world.  It’s September and it’s time for a big reveal…

September 1st Uranus Retrograde: Process Changes

The energy is all over the place with upheaval, anxiety and excitement as September enters and Uranus stations retrograde. Uranus' station represents the progressive and revolutionary spirit turning inward.

Rather than just watching wide-eyed as the world goes crazy, it’s time to internalise these forces of disruption, to awaken, learn detachment and implement certain changes in our own lives.

Uranus retrograde until January 30th (reaching peak activity in November) affords us time to process whatever radical, shocking or progressive notions have cropped up in recent months so we can get with the programme.

September 2nd Pluto re-enters Capricorn: Final Act

On September 2nd Pluto re-enters Capricorn for one last stint until November 19th. Pluto will now be occupying the last, critical and most condensed degree of that ambitious sign. This is the crisis Capricorn degree that teaches us to distill the wisdom of this sign - that power and responsibility go hand in hand - a transit we will never again feel in our lifetime. Pluto in the final Capricorn degree might bring personal wisdom but, on a global level, it personifies the absolute height of corruption and power-abuse - to extremes we have not seen in a quarter of a century and won’t again see for another quarter. This is the stuff that leads to revolutions.

This is the temporary darkening of the light. It is the last gasp (or grasp) of the old order before the overly top-heavy and rotten structures that have grown into monstrosities over the past fifteen years (of Pluto in Capricorn) finally reveal their hand, and begin collapsing under their own weight.

Pluto entered Capricorn in 2008, announcing his arrival with the financial crisis and - most importantly - the response to it, favouring corporations over people, and beginning to amass massive wealth and power at the top. This set the tone for the next fifteen years and the zombified world we now live in. By creating super-structures, inflating assets and devaluing hard-earned money, Pluto in Capricorn created a massive wealth transfer giving rise to the notion of “the elites”and an obsession with “billionaires”. This created a monstrous wealth gap, the tip of which is in danger of reaching such levels of the stratosphere that those at the top mistake themselves for gods. But all that is fast coming to some sort of resolution. It’s at the height of such hubris that things reach critical mass. And all kinds of zombie structures - governments, corporations and other institutions - could now lose power or collapse. We’re in the thick of it now and things could get ugly for a bit. But as we move into 2025 and for the next twenty years with Pluto in Aquarius, the trend is toward equal human rights, brotherhood and community, freedom and decentralisation. Humanity is entering a whole new phase soon, and with the USA Pluto return pivotal to it all, reminiscent of the events that led to the American Revolution and Bill of Rights, it’s down to each of us to do our bit.

In our personal lives too, the next couple of months is the time to tidy unfinished business around an area of life that has obsessed, troubled and perhaps defined us over the past fifteen years - terrorising, transforming, and empowering us to survive, which is Pluto’s ultimate objective.

It’s time to get some finality and closure in this part of our life, once and for all, now and until November 19th.  Watch for Pluto’s critical station direct at the very final Capricorn degree on October 12th when things may be particularly unstable and intense.

September 2nd-3rd Virgo New Moon: Face Facts

This month’s Virgo New Moon arrives on September 3rd at 01:55 GMT (02:55 BST, 21:55 EDT) at 11:04 degrees. Time to get all your ducks in a row - especially as this New Moon should reveal much that is of import. The Sabian Symbol for this New Moon is “after the wedding, the groom snatches the veil away from his bride”.

This New Moon signals a great unveiling of truth and reality beyond hopes, dreams and illusions, signifying the penetrating power of the trained mind - the very hallmark of Virgo energy - to lift the veil of illusion and peer at the facts.

The devil is in the detail, as they say, and this New Moon calls for a discerning eye. And with Mars square Neptune at the critical degrees of their signs, we can expect some curve-balls. There’s much tomfoolery going down!

Virgo is an excellent problem solver, analyser and organiser, a brilliant healer, teacher, editor and researcher, a meticulous fixer, detoxifier and repairer of stuff. This is the time to set a practical intention and to get clear on taking steps to get there. Realism is key now as the Sun and Moon oppose Saturn. Duty calls. Certain truths must be faced and understood - especially the mechanics of how hazy general things distill into particulars affecting our day-to-day lives.

With the New Moon activating the growing pains of the Jupiter-Saturn square, this is an opportunity to make a start with a problem that cuts deep, that requires the courage to risk, learn and make mistakes, and that we are serious about tackling.

Venus in Libra, the sign of marriage, conjuncts the South Node around this lunation (on the 4th), indicating that this is a karmic moment for relationships, values and agreements of all kinds.

The ruler of this New Moon, which is Mercury, is freshly direct in Leo, armed with new information and ideas now. And this could provide just the extra excitement and oomph required to get the ball rolling! With Mercury trine Chiron (2nd) and square Uranus (7th), we may be in the final stages of digesting a radical - perhaps hitherto unthinkable! - idea. By the 9th, Mercury enters Virgo and soon begins covering new ground (beyond his previous retrograde motion), giving rise to new things to think about. By the 12th, Mercury sextiles Mars and it’s all systems go!  Mercury will stay in Virgo until the 26th, during which time the analytical mind will be firing on all cylinders, allowing the promise of the Virgo Full Moon to gain momentum. 

Watch for important new beginnings now, for whatever starts will reach a dramatic fruition point by mid-March 2025 and the next Virgo Full Moon, which is a Total Lunar Eclipse!

September 4th Mars enters Cancer: Defend and Protect

Back to back with the Virgo New Moon, on September 4th Mars enters Cancer, a sign that will form the bedrock of changes to come between now and next spring, as Mars retrogrades between Leo and Cancer.

Mars in Cancer energises our roots, nationality, home and family, as well as all our close bonds, defences and protective nature. This is going to be an emotional few months!

September 6th-17th Mars goes out of bounds (veering off the path of the sun), giving us greater independence over our choices and actions. In this first instance, Mars will stay in Cancer until November 4th (right up to the US election!) but will return to this sign, this time retrograde, on January 6th (another US symbolic date!) and until mid-April 2025. Again, this signals the start of a crucial - and rather cantankerous - six month period, urging us to defend what’s important to us. Watch this space!

September 17th-18th Pisces Lunar Eclipse: The Curtain Rises!

The big news this month is that the eclipses move into a new sign. We have a partial Lunar Eclipse Full Moon Supermoon in Pisces (at 25:40 degrees), on September 18th at 02:34 GMT (03:34 BST, 22:34 EDT) - the first of its kind.

This eclipse presages themes of the future - specifically for 2025-26 - when the eclipses (and Lunar Nodes) move through Virgo and Pisces, a crucial crossroads for the spirit of humanity.

What’s more, this eclipse is conjunct Neptune, ruler of Pisces, and it’s a North Node eclipse, pulling us toward the future, toward where growth lies and the solutions to our present dilemmas. But Neptune is not an easy planet. He symbolises our urge for union with the divine, and therefore also our tendency to get duped or hypnotised by illusions. True spiritual sensitisation sadly often comes through some sort of loss. And so the next couple of years could be testing, activating key themes of suffering, sacrifice, compassion and ultimately redemption, with lots of smoke and mirrors to navigate in between.

If material reality is less than pleasing as we move forward, it is to awaken the human spirit to a higher plane of existence. This is the only way we can fight against the grey, faceless, dehumanising bureaucracies now threatening our world (Virgo South Node coming soon).

It is in these dark and turbulent times - this collective dark night of the soul - that we find the spiritual gifts of humanity and learn true compassion and its capacity to transcend. And it starts now.

The run up to the eclipse contains a confrontational moment on the 16th as Mars in Cancer squares the Lunar Nodes. This is essentially a dilemma around action: do we defend the past or fight for the future? Venus trines Jupiter on the 15th bringing luxury and pleasure - mark the date - but opposes Chiron on the 17th - a vulnerable moment.

The Sabian Symbol for this eclipse is: “a new moon that divides its influences” or, more fully “watching the very thin moon crescent appearing at sunset, different people realise that the time has come to go ahead with their different projects.” The phrasing in uncanny, for, in summary, it symbolises "the fallacy of totalitarianism." It says, there are no “one size fits all” solutions, no workable top down approach, no uniformity in response to a crisis, even a crisis common to all. We have the ‘many’ arising from the ‘one’. Division, multiplicity, and many different approaches in response to a common impulse, the singular portent of a new beginning.

This may well be the point where our reality truly starts fracturing, dividing, ‘fractalling.’

Note also that we have the image of a new moon, a beginning, even though this is a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, a point of fruition. Is this a nascent new reality long in the making? The implementation of a long-hatched plan? The coming to full term of a new consciousness?

Both autumnal eclipses of September-October 2024 belong to a family of eclipses (a “Saros cycle”) that pertain to separations, endings, and losses. It’s time to let go, and let the tides wash away the debris. There’s a sadness to it all, as well as a need for discipline and restriction, as we are at a low ebb. But we need to clear out this old stuff now, to let go. The challenge is to not become chronically anxious, hysterical and self-destructive, but to allow these events to distill, hearten and purify our spirit.

The next few years will show us that we have little choice but to awaken to our spiritual gifts.

This Full Moon Eclipse conjuncts Neptune, at the apex of a so called “kite” with the Sun, Uranus and Pluto. This is like a tightly drawn bow and arrow pointing toward a need for spiritual refinement. A square to Jupiter magnifies the eclipse influence and disperses its energies even more, as if through a prism of light, or a radio signal of jammed frequencies, to teach us to refine our antennae. Mercury in Virgo exactly opposes Saturn (18th) and squares Jupiter (21st), activating the intellectual growing pains of Jupiter-Saturn and sharpening the discriminatory faculties. The eclipse is visible in pretty much the entire western world, bringing events to culmination.

September 22nd Autumn Equinox: The Harvest

The September Equinox arrives on the 22nd at 12:43 UT/GMT when the Sun enters Libra, breaking the spell of the Lunar Eclipse.

Libra is the sign of relationships, contracts and agreements, culture, diplomacy, the legal system and the courts of law that sustain civilisation. This Equinox heralds a time of deep political manoeuvring. It’s also a great time to get out there and mingle, creating the necessary relationships and agreements to ‘survive the winter’.

Also on the 22nd Venus squares Pluto before entering Scorpio in the small hours of September 23rd.

Venus in Scorpio from the 23rd kick-starts an intense, transformative phase for relationships and financial affairs until October 17th.

Right then, on September 24th-26th, Mercury draws his own bow and arrow towards the distillation of our spirit. Mercury trines Uranus and Pluto and opposes Neptune, using shock tactics and persuasion to confuse and misdirect, whilst also revealing truths and bringing great inspiration. This time could be great for writing, communications and creative pursuits.

Finally, on the 26th, we have Saturn and Pluto forming a minor hard angle, the first since their conjunction of 2020 that hit the reset button on our world.

This is a reminder that we’re still wading through the primary testing phase of the top-down structural controls that were initiated four years ago, and whose full force we won’t fully test until the last two years of this decade.

September 30th Mercury Conjoins Sun: The Verdict

September closes with yet another important event, the Mercury-Sun superior conjunction (i.e. with Mercury direct) that paves the way to the next and final eclipse of 2024 - the Libra Solar Eclipse of October 2nd, the last of its kind.

Setting the stage for October's upcoming eclipse, the Sun and Mercury now meet on top of the South Node, a heavy moment of karmic returns, rewards and retributions. This should be a moment of game changing information coming to light, of stark clarity.

We could see serious revelations coming to light about past shady handshakes, negotiations, perversions of the law and other political events. Time to get some clarity for the past three years! Libra also rules the courts and this could well be the culmination moment of legal initiatives seeded in 2021 and especially in the autumn. The Sun meets the South Node on the 29th, and Mercury arrives on the 30th.

September ends on a strong, clear note, with Mars trine Saturn, providing a solid ground for organised, disciplined, strategic action.

October’s Solar Eclipse is now around the corner, and these days promise quite a bit of churning to smooth out the lumps from the celestial butter.

September 2024 Horoscope

Intricate wood carving of wheel with spokes against carved background
Image by Atul Pandey from Unsplash

Let’s see how September’s soupy goods divide among the great big zodiac pie in the sky. Where does the Virgo New Moon open new doors? And how does the Pisces Lunar Eclipse galvanise your future? To what does Pluto in Capricorn bring closure and where does Uranus demand change? And how about the Equiox, heralding a new season? These chopped up goods are a poor substitute for the real thing but there's still lots you can gather from them. Check out your Sun sign for your spirit, the Ascendant for the skin, and your Moon sign for the thoughtless animal within!

PS: I may well discontinue these… But for now, here’s a nice fat slice. Tuck in!


  • Where to make a new beginning: In your work, health and daily routine! Use the Virgo New Moon to kick-start good habits or set a new work project into motion that can bring you joy. Focus especially on anything that requires psychological discipline and brings opportunities for learning, speaking and networking.

  • Seek closure with parents and authority figures, or in your career, role and public image now and until November 19th.

  • Internalise changes in your value system, finances and source of self worth

  • Invest energy in your home, family and inner life, or a property now and until April 2025!

  • The Pisces Lunar Eclipse launches a psychological and spiritual process of letting go.  This may involve behind the scenes activities, large institutions, imaginative and spiritual experiences or a release of self sabotaging behaviours brought on by your work and other practical concerns. Take time to unplug and connect with your spirit.

  • The equinox highlights past relationships, contracts, agreements.

  • Expect good times with others and perhaps a pleasant gift or two.


  • Where to make a new beginning: your own creativity, self expression and personal fulfilment! Use the Virgo New Moon to bring more of you out into the world, enjoy life and romance, and anything that brings you joy! This will set a good foundation for the future. Focus especially on anything that requires testing your ideas in the wider community and affords opportunities for greater self confidence and financial returns.

  • Seek closure by getting clear on where you stand and what you stand for now and until November 19th.

  • Internalise changes to your sense of identity.

  • Invest energy in writing, speaking, media projects, travel, paperwork, networking now and until April 2025!

  • The Pisces Lunar Eclipse highlights your hopes and dreams, as well as matters around your social community, groups, clubs, social media and like-minded folks with whom you share a spiritual or creative connection. Time to pull out all the stops in your own creativity to reach for your dreams.

  • The Equinox highlights karmic issues around your work, health, habits and daily routine.

  • Expect good times through work and relationships!


  • Where to make a new beginning: In your home and family life! Use the Virgo New Moon to organise your space, sort out residence, property or family matters, set up ground rules and establish a good foundation for writing, speaking, networking and promoting your ideas. Focus especially on anything that requires you to embrace professional responsibility and raise your game, whilst also affording you opportunities for personal growth.

  • Seek closure around intimate emotional and financial interdependencies, banking, tax and business matters that have been dragging on for a while, now and until November 19th.

  • Internalise changes to your spiritual and psychological outlook and your ability to surrender ot tap into the zeitgeist.

  • Invest energy in your talents, assets and resources, in raising your self worth and financial wellbeing now and until April 2025!

  • The Pisces Lunar Eclipse brings fast and powerful developments in your career and overall life direction. Expect a major reorientation over the next couple of years, supported by inner psychological, spiritual and personal changes. Be ready to realign your life-compass using your spirit and imagination.

  • The Equinox highlights matters of love and children, your own creativity and personal fulfilment that carry karmic rewards.

  • Expect good times at work or doing what you love!


  • Where to make a new beginning: with all communications, speaking or writing projects, networking, paperwork and collecting data. Use the Virgo New Moon to put a deal into motion, gather information, launch a media project or kick-start paperwork that can ultimately boost your income. Focus especially on anything that requires a strategic vision or a specialist approach - or on anything leads to better credentials, a publication, or official stamp of approval - whilst also bringing opportunities to tap into your spirit, intuition or creativity.

  • Seek closure with relationships, contracts and agreements now and until November 19th.

  • Internalise changes in your social circle, any group involvements, and in your hopes and dreams for the future.

  • Invest energy in yourself, your body and your fitness, as well as your own goals and desires. With Mars in your sign for a good long stint til November, and again from January to April, you hold all the cards. It’s time to go after everything you want and not take ‘No’ for an answer!

  • The Pisces Lunar Eclipse brings rapid changes around your academic studies, a legal or publishing project, or to travel and international matters. This change of plans or outlook is based on your own ability to write, communicate, and connect with others. Be ready to reconsider where you stand and what you believe in from a more imaginative or spiritual perspective.

  • The Equinox sheds clarity on an ongoing home, family or property situation, on your place of residence and, ultimately, on your life’s psychological and physical foundations.

  • Expect good times at home and, from the 23rd onwards, enjoying romance and doing what you love.


  • Where to make a new beginning: in how you use your assets, talents and resources! Use the Virgo New Moon to come up with a financial plan to boost your income and self esteem and bring more of yourself and your ideas into the world. Especially focus on anything that requires your to tackle joint financial difficulties and build relations of trust, but also affords an opportunity to realise gains, pursue your hopes and dreams and expand your social circle.

  • Seek closure in your health, your work, habits and daily routine with matters that may have plagued you for some time, now and until November 19th

  • Internalise changes around your career, goals and public image, as your life direction seems to be constantly in flux.

  • Invest energy in your own therapy, in creative projects, selfless or spiritual pursuits, as well as in any work behind the scenes or in large institutions that can help you move the needle. Make sure to rest frequently, as you are entering a potentially tiring period now and until April 2025.

  • The Pisces Lunar Eclipse launches a cleansing process in all matters of shared energy and finances. A deeply transformative time begins, both in your personal and business relationships, and in all joint financial matters, based on your own assets, talents, resources and sense of confidence and self worth. Time to let go a little more, merge your energies and seek imaginative solutions.

  • The Equinox clarifies the facts and highlights important people, places and communications or paperwork that can help you move forward.

  • Expect good times going for communicating and connecting with people in your immediate environment, as well as in your home and family!


  • Where to make a new beginning: in everything that you want - from your identity and looks, your approach to life and everything you personally desire! Use the Virgo New Moon - the only one this year in your sign - to set your intent for the year ahead in ways that can help you heal, tap into your innermost creative spirit and let go. Focus on anything that requires you to test your ideas against others, be it a relationship, the public, a collaborator or competitor, whilst also bringing opportunities to raise your profile.

  • Seek closure around matters of love, children or creative self-expression dragging on for some time - and, more deeply, in anything that concerns your own personal fulfilment - now and until November 19th.

  • Internalise changes in your belief system and outlook on life, in becoming more public with your voice, and in making room for a new vision and plans for the future.

  • Invest energy in pursuing your hopes and dreams, connecting with like-minded people or fighting for a cause now and until April 2025!

  • The Pisces Lunar Eclipse brings important developments in your relationships, contracts and agreements, and in any contacts with the public, all founded on who you are becoming. Time to connect with others from a more imaginative, glamorous, spiritual or compassionate perspective.

  • The Equinox highlights karmic matters in your financial situation, as well as how you use your time, talents, assets and resources, reflecting your sense of self worth.

  • Expect good times investing in pleasurable pursuits, and later travelling and connecting with people!


  • Where to make a new beginning: your spiritual renewal! Time to let go of the past and prepare for a new birthday season. Use the Virgo New Moon to drop off the radar, get some RnR and tap into your intuition, as well as making the necessary moves behind the scenes to draw people to your cause. Focus especially on having the discipline to tackle a difficult work project or health concern, whilst also taking the opportunity to gain credentials, publish and spread your message, travel, expand your mind, and embark on new adventures.

  • Seek closure in long standing home, family, residence or property matters, now and until November 19th.

  • Internalise changes around joint financial affairs, intimacy or the cutting of ties.

  • Invest energy in your career, public image and in raising your profile and pursuing your goals now and until April 2025!

  • The Pisces Lunar Eclipse activates your work, health and daily routine, bringing changes to your lifestyle. These changes arise from your deepest psychological needs. It’s important to be sensitive to any psychosomatic signs now that you need to change your habits, or find more fulfilling work.

  • The Equinox launches your birthday season - happy birthday Libra! This is also a period of clarity in all personal matters and of karmic rewards for past initiatives. With a final eclipse coming in your sign in early October, this is your time to clear the decks, claim your rewards, learn your lessons and move on.

  • Expect good times enjoying others’ attention with Venus in your sign until September 23rd. Use this period to tend to your looks, make loving connections and pursuing pleasure. Your charm stays strong after the 23rd too - use what you’ve got!


  • Where to make a new beginning: in your hopes and dreams, any group projects, as well as your community and social circle! Use the Virgo New Moon to make a start toward a dream or ideal and to connect with those like-minded allies that can help you raise your profile and reach your goal. Focus especially anything that requires you to get serious about creative or speculative projects, (or something or someone you love) whilst also affording an opportunity for joint financial investment, for a merging of energies based on trust, and for greater intimacy and bonding.

  • Seek closure when it comes to a business deal, to your movements and immediate environment, or to any communications, contracts, paperwork or media and writing projects, now and until November 19th.

  • Internalise changes in how your experience with others, in relationship, contracts or agreements, is pushing you to evolve.

  • Invest energy in publishing, academic, legal and international matters. Also in anything to do with studies or travel, with expanding your world or gaining credentials, and with making your position official and spreading your message, now and until April 2025!

  • The Pisces Lunar Eclipse galvanises you to take risks and tap into your imagination to create a life of greater joy. The name of the game is personal fulfilment now and until 2026 - whether through love and romance, children, or your hobbies, any start ups, speculations and projects of creative self-fulfilment. All that is grounded in your own hopes and dreams, the people, clubs and communities that support you, and any group endeavours or causes you espouse - all areas where things will soon reach some sort of resolution.

  • The Equinox reveals big secrets, personal psychological hangups or behind the scenes activities sabotaging your efforts. There is a distinct feel of karmic endings, putting the past behind you.

  • Expect good times in private, behind closed doors until the Equinox. After that, it’s time to focus on your looks, on what brings you pleasure and on charming your way to what you want with Venus in your sign from the 23rd!


  • Where to make a new beginning: in your career, role in the world and public image! Use the Virgo New Moon to raise your profile or set off toward a worldly goal you’re serious about. This can help you expand your world, study, travel, publish, get a stamp of approval, gain credentials or spread your message. Focus especially on anything that requires you to tackle home and family matters by setting good boundaries or establishing a base, thereby setting a good foundation for yourself, whilst also affording you opportunities for growth through new or better relationships, collaborations and contacts with the public.

  • Seek closure when it comes to your talents, assets and resources, your earning power and financial situation - indeed anything that has been undermining your self worth, now and until November 19th.

  • Internalise changes in your work situation, or that need to take place when it comes to your lifestyle habits, your job, health or daily routine.

  • Invest energy in your intimate bonds, shared life and joint finances. Delve under the surface and release energy blocks now and until April 2025!

  • The Pisces Lunar Eclipse brings important developments around your home and family, your place of residence or property, and your psychological underpinnings. This is a time of inner release, also based on changes in how you view your career and role in the world.

  • The Equinox highlights group involvements, your community or social circle, and your hopes and dreams for the future - this is a time of karmic returns.

  • Expect good times socialising and networking with likeminded people until the Equinox, after which you enter a more private mood.


  • Where to make a new beginning: with your outlook and big picture life-plans. The Virgo New Moon brings a new perspective - use it to spread your message, come up with a new vision for your life, or kick-start any kind of legal, academic, or international proceedings that can improve the way you share your energy and finances with others. Focus especially on anything that requires mental discipline, learning, connecting and moving around the world differently, in ways that can help you improve your day-to-day work, health habits, and overall lifestyle.

  • Seek closure in who you are and what you want out of life - your identity, desires, approach and even your physical body. Try to understand your journey for the past 15 years (since 2008 when Pluto entered your sign), now and until 19th November. See how those years have transformed you completely and put the final touches in your new identity and outlook.

  • Internalise changes in what actually makes you happy, whether it is a new hobby, a new romance, a child or creative project.

  • Invest energy in your relationships and honour your agreements! Others will take up much of your time now and (on and off) until next April.

  • The Pisces Lunar Eclipse activates your imagination and galvanises your mind with new inspirational messages, contacts, connections and information coming through all founded in a change of philosophical outlook on your part. The next couple of years are sure to expand your mind.

  • The Equinox highlights your role in the world, authority, responsibilities, career or public image, bringing karmic returns to past decisions.

  • Expect good times with VIPs, or enjoying the favour of higher ups. An especially sociable time awaits you from the Equinox on!


  • Where to make a new beginning: in your joint finances and bonds of trust! Use the Virgo New Moon to organise your financial situation with banks, the state etc, to kick-start a merger or division of property, or get closer with someone. All this will improve the channels of communication in your relationships. Focus especially on anything that requires financial discipline on your part or pushes you back to your own devices. Anything that causes you to take a hard look at your own assets, talents and resources, and anything that undermines your self-worth, whilst also affording you more opportunities to enjoy life and love or express yourself creatively.

  • Seek closure to the various psychological complexes, secrets, demons and mysteries that have plagued your life - whether as hidden enemies in your midst, or in your own self-sabotaging behaviours and the like, where you hold blind spots. Ditto for any behind the scenes activities or involvements with large institutions - now and until November 19th.

  • Internalise changes around your home and family or base, around your own psychological underpinnings, or with a property or residence.

  • Invest energy at work, in starting a new job, or with a health and exercise routine now, pacing yourself for th long haul - this is a good time to work hard or go into training, now and until April 2025!

  • The Pisces Lunar Eclipse brings important financial developments! Expect changes and revelations around what is yours and what isn’t. That’s your finances, assets and resources, as well as your talents, and whatever gives you a sense of self confidence and self worth, as well as a sense of security and that you are living by your values. These changes may arise from matters of trust, as well as any close emotional and financial entanglements you have with others. It’s a time to let go of poison strings and focus on what you have.

  • The Equinox brings clarity in legal, moral, international or academic and publishing matters. This is a time of karmic realisations.

  • Expect good times travelling, spreading the word, reading and generally expanding your horizons. From the Equinox onwards you can raise your profile, as you enjoy the favour of higher ups!


  • Where to make a new beginning: In your relationships! Use the Virgo New Moon to set a new intent around partnerships, agreements and collaborations - all the ways you interface with others or even with the public. Doing so can allow you to get clearer on the task at hand and come up with a good schedule or a healthy daily routine. Focus especially on anything that requires you to assume greater responsibility for your own choices, behaviours and approach to life, whilst also affording you opportunities for inner personal growth and a better home life.

  • Seek closure around group projects, your community or social circle now and until November 19th - as well as when it comes to your hopes and dreams for the future, which are about to arise from the ashes of what they were back in 2008.

  • Internalise changes around siblings, peers and the environment you operate in, as well as any deals, travel plans, communications, writing projects and paperwork.

  • Invest energy in your own personal fulfilment! This could be love and romance, trying for a baby, your own creativity and personal joy, or an immersion in your favourite hobbies. This is a big theme for the next six months as you pour your energies toward your own happiness and self-expression!

  • The Pisces Lunar Eclipse Supermoon in your sign kick-starts a monumental time of change for you! Everything from your identity, your name, looks and the way you present yourself, to what you actually want and how you go about it are about to go through a cleansing and rebirth in the year and a half to come! Relationships, contracts, agreements, or perhaps connecting with an audience, are your springboard for this.

  • The Equinox brings a time of clarity and karmic lessons and returns in your joint finances, shared resources, complex financial dealings with banks, family members etc, as well as matters of trust in your intimate bonds.

  • Expect good times in close quarters with others until the Equinox! After that, you’ll want to expand your search for pleasure through travel, adventure, study and all sorts of outreach activities.

Article by YourAstroGenes


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