Mars goes retrograde in your sign this autumn, dear Gemini, so get ready for a total overhaul of your identity, overall attitude and even your looks. This is going to be a hugely empowering and transformative time for you. Mars enters your sign in August and will stay there for the next seven to eight months until March 2023 so brace yourself: you’ll be at the centre of all the action and in much demand! You may find yourself at the heart of arguments and controversies too, or simply working hard to change and revamp certain aspects of your life, even leading the revolution. This might also be quite a demanding period so take good care of yourself, especially from October all the way to January 2023. This is an incredible opportunity to reinvent yourself and sharpen up your looks too so you can more easily achieve what you want. Now Mercury, your ruler, also goes retrograde this year of course — in January, May-June and September-October. This is sure to help you carry out some soul retrieval to improve the quality of your life and relationships, as well as update how you present yourself, express your creativity and sell your ideas in this world.
You’re on a spiritual quest this year, dear Gemini. Uranus and the North Node are radicalising your spirit, waking you up to a whole other hidden and exciting world. Are you becoming a secret revolutionary? Notorious? A trend-setter? The eclipses are sure to give your lifestyle a total overhaul over the next 1.5 years, a total recalibration of the way you live and work or take care of your health. A large part of doing this is letting go of the past. Ditch self-destructive habits and open up to guidance from your spirit. This is a year of great spiritual nourishment. Your genius shines brightly behind the scenes, and you might be surprised at the shadow your actions cast — especially this summer. Expect the unexpected! Any remaining barriers to your spiritual awakening should show up by September-October, echoing some themes of 2021 and giving you that itch, that restlessness you need to break free of old beliefs and attitudes that no longer serve you.
To aid you along, Jupiter in Pisces is sitting at the pinnacle of your chart in the first half of 2022, alongside Neptune. This may turn you into a guru of sorts or tune you into higher and more exalted goals in life, just as you lose interest in all things mundane. You are ready to go after your dreams and dedicate your career to some pretty lofty ideals — and the cosmos agrees, opening doors wide for you to raise your profile. January-May 2022 is an especially uplifting period when you can daydream and explore a whole realm of possibilities and avenues career-wise. You’ll return to complete these explorations in November-December this year. Don’t try too hard to define where you are headed. Trust and let inspiration guide you. From May to October, you can see some wonderful rewards for your efforts. This is the time to mobilise your social network, when VIPs, friends and acquaintances bring you luck. You’re a social maverick, let’s face it, and, by 2023, you’ll be ready to embrace this fully and grow your social circle of unusual souls.
Financially, you’ve been through the wringer, especially where your partnerships are concerned. 2022 sees Pluto finishing his demolition work of any remaining financial and emotional prisons. Your trust in previously supportive structures and institutions has been all but lost since 2008 in a transformative and, ultimately, empowering journey. Your psychology has irrevocably changed, as you’ve peeked under the surface of life and come out stronger. By 2023-24, you’ll be ready to change your religion or philosophical outlook, to find a more meaningful framework for your inner transformation, to find your ‘why’. Saturn is already preparing the ground, making you look for deeper meaning in your life as you question the point of everything. As you seek answers this year, this will prepare you for the radical change of outlook, accreditations and convictions that will transform the flag you sail under in future.
How the Year Shapes Up:
You’re revisiting your credentials, philosophy and intellectual output in light of emotional and financial considerations. Where can you put your trust? You’re seriously thinking about your future.
Your career is glowing with an otherworldly allure and you’re ready and eager to connect with like-minded people and pour your energies into your dreams. April brings a serious moment when your beliefs and your message to the world are tested. The end of April brings a spiritual fresh start.
May marks an important change to your health, lifestyle or the way you work. This is a sociable period when you may review many aspects of how you present yourself and do some digging into your subconscious to understand the kind of shadows you cast. Time to pursue your career goals and connect with likeminded people who can open doors for you.
Sudden revelations rock your world this summer — perhaps you’re gaining notoriety, revealing shocking secrets or gaining deep psychological and spiritual insights. This is bigger than you! It’s time to release the past and take care of your sustenance and immediate environment.
You’re ready to shake off the last remnants of your old worldview and deepen your practice. Your heart can see clearly now. Review what makes you happy and what inner changes can make room for it. The time has come to totally revamp your looks, outlook and approach to life. Time to make a fresh start with old habits.
You’re deep in reconstruction mode and thinking, once more, about the overall direction your life is taking. The end of the year finds you mid-transition, busy renovating yourself and your approach. A big moment arrives urging you to let go of the past, set the pace for everyone else and trust what is coming.