Your greatest luck comes through other people this year, dear Virgo. Get ready for some lucky encounters, collaborations and involvements that can be beneficial and lucrative. Jupiter in Pisces makes this a year to invest in good partnerships. Let others uplift you, especially January-May and November-December. An important relationship or business partnership might prove particularly healing this spring, inspiring and uplifting you, bringing new opportunities for growth and providing much spiritual sustenance. May to October brings a chance to go deeper with someone, build trust and strengthen your bond. You may also find your finances improving due to a generous gift, windfall or your partner’s financial success. You’ll do well if you seek funding or other benefits during that period or if you want to sort out any debt, joint property or other situation that drains your energy. By 2023, others will feel more and more that they can put their trust in you, sensing a kind of authenticity that is hard to find elsewhere.
The question of personal fulfilment weighs heavily in your mind as the year begins. Pluto has radically transformed your idea of happiness since 2008, demolishing romantic notions around love and children, forcing you to take risks and face your fears, especially around your creative self expression. While these matters may have dominated your thinking for well over a decade, 2022 will see the last of these phobias and obsessions around matters of the heart, children, happiness and fulfilment. Come 2023-24 Pluto will be ready to introduce you to a whole new lifestyle so you can begin turning your talents into skills and improving your health, work and efficiency. 2022 is laying the groundwork for this, allowing you to develop systems and practice what you know so you can improve, and impressing upon you the importance of making certain lifestyle changes. Put in the work in 2022 and this will stand you in good stead down the line.
Your mind is ready to soar high above life’s minutiae and be free this year, more so this summer! Uranus and the eclipses are joining forces to revolutionise your philosophy, urging you to see the world from a radically new perspective. A life changing trip? A crazy adventure? Wider publicity? It’s time to stop digging up your back yard and start raising your eyes to more distant horizons. Ask searching questions. You could well become a mouthpiece for truth in 2022, finding yourself unable to stay silent or live a lie. The eclipses bring a total recalibration of your mental outlook and you might find yourself broadcasting groundbreaking ideas through writing, publicity, marketing, podcasts or videos. It’s time to go where you have never been before and explore new theories. The autumn brings echoes of 2021, creating friction between your budding radical ideas and the practicalities of your life. Just the thing to demolish any remaining barriers to your freedom and to sharing your knowledge and expertise.
Mercury, your ruler, goes retrograde three times this year, in January, May-June and September-October, helping you review your work-life balance, and weigh practical concerns up against the things that make you happy. Come the autumn, it’s time to give your career and goals a total revamp. Pull out all the stops! Mars goes retrograde in the most visible part of your chart and you seem to be undergoing renovations to your public image, becoming someone else quite publicly, for all to see. This is a marathon run, not a sprint. So pace yourself as you set new goals and begin towards them. With Mars in your career zone for seven whole months, from August 2022 till March 2023, you can be sure that your social status, your career and your overall life direction and role in the world will look quite different by next spring.
How the Year Shapes Up:
The start of the year helps you better understand what lifestyle changes you need to make to feel happier. Examine work versus love, creativity and hobbies.
Relationships take on an otherworldly character and can be deeply fulfilling. You’re ready to make an important decision for your work, health or lifestyle. The end of April opens up new horizons.
There is a shift of energy toward more intimate involvements as well as toward making financial improvements. It’s time to review your career direction and find your ‘why’. Relationships still take up a lot of your time and you can expect important communications, meetings and exchanges.
A journey, seminar, broadcast or publication could prove life-changing and liberating, opening new horizons for you to explore. It’s time to blow your own mind and speak up about what you know to be true. After a sociable period, you decide to bow out and fly under the radar.
You have a better understanding of what matters most and begin to review your priorities and change your attitude accordingly. Your career and overall life direction become a hotbed of activity, as you try to implement progressive ideas into your work. You’re ready to make a fresh start with an old idea.
Dramatic events change the way you see the world, opening up new possibilities for understanding and for sharing what you know. Your career and life goals are already deep in reconstruction mode. A special someone brings you luck.