What are the lessons of Saturn in Pisces? And what can we expect from the Saturn-Neptune Conjunction of 2025-26?

“The most terrifying words in the English language are:
I'm from the government and I'm here to help.”
—Ronald Reagan
We are once more grasping the truth of this in 2023-26.
On March 7th 2023 Saturn, the great taskmaster, entered Pisces, the sign of the two slippery fish and, bar a three-month interlude 25 May-1 Sep 2025, Saturn will stay in Pisces until 14 February 2026. Saturn is a structuring, controlling and solidifying force. Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac, the end of the road, a fluid terrain, dissolving into the infinite. What happens when the two meet?
Much like our bones deteriorate out in space, we can expect the gradual weakening and deterioration of social structures, and of all divisions and definitions, urging us to look within for answers.
So, what can we expect with Saturn in Pisces? There are exquisite lessons both on the collective and personal level, all to do with letting go, and the dissolution of obsolete structures, boundaries, and limitations.
The aim of this transit is to teach us healing, compassion and transcendence.
This is especially true as Saturn now heads closer and closer to his seminal conjunction with Neptune, to take place in Aries in 2025-26. Here we have a huge tidal wave washing ashore and clearing the decks for a new beginning.
Saturn in Pisces engineers orchestrated chaos to hypnotise us and take us to the heights and depths of our soul, delivering its lessons through peak spiritual experiences of release, love and unity, as well as dark moments of tragedy, sacrifice and loss. The sense of feeling lost may get stronger now, turning us to a more divine source for answers. The only way forward is to relinquish control and to masterfully ride this wave that will carry us to the birth of a brave new world.
SIGNPOST: Jump straight to your Saturn (and Neptune) in Pisces horoscope or what to expect if you've Saturn in Pisces and it is your Saturn return. You can check out the upcoming Saturn-Neptune conjunction in Aries, and check out the Saturn-Neptune conjunction timeline, as well as see history through the eyes of previous transits of Saturn in Pisces. Or simply, read on!
Saturn in Pisces: What Glitters Isn’t Gold…
We are currently experiencing the last gasp of a ghost world that is a mere shell of its former self.
By February 2026 there will be barely a trace of it left. The governments, structures and institutions that used to form the backbone of our society are so hollowed out by this point, they seem almost meaningless (also thanks to Pluto in Aquarius). All that remains is to toss out the shell so we can build afresh. That’s the job of Saturn in the latter half of Pisces - with the aid of Neptune of course - now and throughout 2025. By February 2026, as Saturn and Neptune finally meet in Aries - the sign of rebirth, of Spring! - it will be time for our world to be reborn, kicking and screaming, complete with new and pioneering ideologies, institutions, geopolitics and economics.
We have already lived through more than half of this transit. We know Saturn in Pisces’ modus operandi well enough.
Saturn in Pisces is a master illusionist, witch-hunter and spell-binder.
As morally bankrupt governments and institutions now sink into quicksand, they can only try and retain control through the mastery of spells, illusion and misdirection, and through massive guilt trips and gaslighting based on a false sense of morality. This is the manipulation of our very spirit.
We’re dreaming en mass, and someone else is running the programme!
Under Saturn in Pisces, ‘black’ turns to ‘white’ and ‘top’ to ‘bottom.’ And if all else fails, a constant supply of pharmaceuticals, woke ideology, smear campaigns, gaslighting, scandal and sensationalist entertainment will do. Anything to keep us small, guilt-ridden, distracted and mesmerised. Anything to blur the boundaries between illusion and reality. That’s the dark side of Saturn in Pisces. It puts the “cult” in culture and the “sur” on the surreal.
But what glitters isn’t gold. As Reagan is famed to have said: “the scariest sentence in the English language is ‘I am from the government and I am here to help’”.
This can be a time of massive disillusionment with existing systems.
No government programme, no miracle drug, no staged media illusion can save us now. The moment has come for humanity to flex its atrophying spiritual muscles.
Ultimately, Saturn in Pisces is all about spiritual mastery.
Through the shattering of one mirage after another, Saturn eventually forces us to look for spiritual sustenance within - the place we are most scared to look! Away from devices. Away from the fanfare. Away from hypocritical moral directives. And into our very soul. Make no mistake. Saturn in Pisces calls for inner work, for spiritual discipline and devotion so we can mature. And if we refuse that call, that’s when we are most vulnerable to institutional attempts to intrude where they don’t belong, encroaching on our spirit, capturing our consciousness and hijacking our imagination.
As Einstein is famed to have said: ‘imagination is the preview of the future’. Let’s not let it be someone else’s future.
The Saturn-Neptune Conjunction in Aries
Saturn in Pisces is not alone. Neptune has also been in Pisces since 2012, persistently dissolving all boundaries between ‘us’ and ‘them’, the seen and the unseen, reality and illusion…
The last time Neptune was in Pisces (1848-62) he did the same, with the spiritualist movement of the mid-19th century in full swing. And Neptune has steadily been doing its thing once more since 2012, with a huge revival of things like channeling, mediumship, trance states, ‘manifesting’ etc, all spread with the help of ubiquitous social media platforms.
Once Saturn also entered Pisces in March 2023, all this started solidifying into a new spiritual attitude, a well established, more robust connection with the divine as hitherto fringe ideas are fast becoming more mainstream. We are in the final stretch. As Saturn and Neptune edge ever closer together in 2025, we will feel the structural dissolution of what no longer serves us and a spiritual awakening into a new reality, arising when Saturn conjuncts Neptune at 0 degrees Aries, the very hinges of the world on 20th February 2026.
This seminal conjunction of Saturn and Neptune in Aries in February 2026 will signal the final dissolution of the global capitalist ideologies that were seeded with the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989. It will also signal the end of the current geo-political balance of power.
It will also most likely bring about a major political change in Russia, which is very sensitive to the Saturn-Neptune cycle. This is the birth of a new social, ideological and spiritual organising paradigm for humanity. And it is the disillusionment and erosion of 2024-2025 that will get us there.
Exposing a Lack of Integrity: The Essence of Saturn Transits
One thing to always remember about Saturn is that he is the Great Teacher. Saturn demands integrity. And reveals the lack of it.
Whatever Saturn touches had better be true and honest… Or else Saturn is sure to expose the extent of the corruption. Often, we are presented with a test - a choice to be made - before we see the consequences of our choices. And so it was back in 2021-2023. That was when Saturn in Aquarius exposed a total lack of integrity in Big Tech companies, as well as our hitherto highly revered Scientific Institutions. Both were sadly proven to have been totally co-opted and corrupted by the time Saturn left Aquarius in March 2023.
With Saturn in Pisces, it’s Big Pharma’s turn - as well as our legacy Media and Entertainment industries. As well as anything that passes itself for religious, moral, medical or social Care (with a capital "C")…. Saturn in Pisces is exposing unethical behaviour in Big Pharma, Health Care and the State, the empty posturing, sensationalism and moral bankruptcy of our woke media and entertainment industries, and, ultimately, our deep spiritual poverty.
“Pharma” means poison. And the notion of poisoning is crucial in Pisces, a sign that all too frequently dissolves its sorrows in its poison of choice.
With Saturn in Pisces we are looking at questions of mass poisoning - be it through our medicine, our food and water, or our screens.
This is the poisoning of our planet, our blood, our very minds... It is interesting that the FDA was indeed founded with Saturn in Pisces back in 1905. It now has its own Saturn return. Has it retained its integrity? It’s time for a reckoning.
Saturn in Pisces is also often a time of scandal. The OJ Simpson trial went down the last time Saturn was in Pisces, as did Princess Diana’s famous BBC interview exposing the truth of her marriage. (And now, as Saturn’s return echoes through the chambers of time, we have news of OJ’s passing, we have the coronation of King Charles with his new Queen, and a totally new kind of mesmerising media frenzy through so called 'alternative' media.)
We’re living through a deeply sensationalist few years once more, years that will make history. Only the scandals are bigger this time, vaster and more nebulous, all thanks to Neptune’s presence.
These scandals permeate not only a few individuals here and there in the entertainment industry, but are seemingly spread all over our media, our governments, and our religious and regulatory institutions as a whole. It is these scandals, together with the masses of gaslighting and attempts at censorship and control, that are leading to the dissolution of much of the existing structural integrity of our world - especially as Saturn and Neptune head for their conjunction in 2025-26.
Where Is Our Humanity?
Most heartbreaking of all, Saturn in Pisces is often a time of massive loss, suffering and tragedy. Genocide is sadly not uncommon during these times, as is a rise in suicide and despair. It was Saturn in Pisces that saw the the ethnic cleansing of Jewish and Romany people become well established in Nazi Germany in the 30s. It was Saturn in Pisces that saw the greatest losses in the Vietnam war in the 60s. And it was Saturn in Pisces that saw the Bosnian genocide of the 90s.
Sadly, it often takes true tragedy to awaken us to our humanity.
For how can you ever go looking for something if you don’t first realise you lost it? Only history can reveal the true extent of the tragedies of our current times. Watch out especially for January-June 2025, when the Lunar Nodes and eclipses join Saturn and Neptune in Pisces.
Pisces Spreads What Aquarius Invents: Saturn and Neptune in Pisces
When any major planet shifts from Aquarius into Pisces, the technological and social experiments that took place in Aquarius tend to spread and become normalised and ubiquitous. This is especially so with the major outer planets. We saw it when futuristic Uranus did it in 2003-2004 with the spread of Broadband, Wifi and Facebook allowing everyone to ‘tap in and connect’ via technology. We saw it when hypnotic Neptune did it since 2011-2012 with the iPad, Netflix and Instagram, and with increasingly sophisticated and captivating imagery, video and social media interaction. And now it’s Saturn’s turn.
Unlike Uranus’ excitement or Neptune’s allure, Saturn likes to establish things and make them official.
Saturn is all about regulation and structure and that’s not always a good thing. Saturn in Scorpio 2013-15 brought a whole host of financial regulations that only served to ring-fence corporate profits. Saturn in Sagittarius 2015-2017 brought Brexit, talk of borders and licensing laws that limited the hitherto free and international trade, movement and access to content. Life has been getting increasingly cumbersome. And then Saturn entered his own signs - first Capricorn and then Aquarius - from 2017 to 2023 and really went to town. Saturn in Capricorn 2017-2020 saw an increase in government bureaucracy (like those hypocritical privacy laws) that made life cumbersome for everyone bar big corporations (who have all our data anyway). And as Saturn entered Aquarius in March 2020, we saw new experimental horrors like lockdowns, digital IDs, mandates, censorship, and other types of social control. Did you know that it was Saturn in Aquarius back in the 1930s that established the first ever concentration camp in Nazi Germany? And it was Saturn in Pisces that spread that evil.
But not this time... Yes, government bureaucracy is ubiquitous right now; and yes social discrimination is rife; and, yes, there are increased attempts to normalise censorship and control. But it cannot last.
For Neptune is nearby, ready to apply his magical dissolving liquid to it all - indeed to anything that lacks that key ingredient that is the true gift and hallmark of any Saturn transit: integrity.
But it will take time. And, as the eclipses conjunct both Saturn and Neptune in Pisces in 2025, we still have some final important events waiting to happen that could awaken that deep spiritual yearning within us and bring that final dissolving wave to bear on that old world order.
Community Consciousness
Did anything good happen during the pandemic that we can now also expect more of now? Yes.
Saturn in Aquarius 2021-2023 taught us what it is to have true social conscience. He taught us to value our freedom and not take it for granted. And he taught us how to organise ourselves from the grass roots up into new communities.
Saturn in Aquarius also brought to life alternate social media platforms that are now becoming much better established with Saturn in Pisces. These movements, initially founded on honest social integrity, are now spreading and fast - just like the use of email and the internet that first arose, then spread and became ubiquitous in the mid-90s - the last time Saturn moved from Aquarius to Pisces.
And as we head for 2025-2026 and the upcoming Saturn-Neptune conjunction, it is that sense of collective conscience, unity and togetherness that is slowly seeping through the filtering sieve of Saturn in Pisces.
Add to that Neptune nearby, and we have the true distillation of a brand new consciousness that will lead us into a brand new era.
So what else can we expect with Saturn in Pisces, especially as we head to the Saturn-Neptune conjunction of 2025-26?
The Rise of New Cultural Icons!
Saturn in Pisces gives rise to cultural icons and creates cultural institutions!
The last time Saturn was in Pisces in the 90s we had iconic shows like ‘Friends’ (Note Saturn’s echo through the caverns of time, as we heard of the sad passing of Matthew Perry). We had the birth of reality TV, the rise of Brit Pop, and the first big animation films like Toy Story and the Lion King. In the 60s we had Star Trek and Dr Zhivago, big rock bands like The Doors and the Beetles putting out iconic albums. In the 30s we have the abdication of King Edward VIII for love that captured the imagination, for that’s what it’s all about, and, of course, a host of dark cultural archetypes emerging from Nazi Germany. And it was Saturn in Pisces in the 1900s that even brought us Nickelodeon, the first movie theatre.
And now, Saturn in Pisces is making cultural history once again. Only, as befits the 21st century, it is not on TV, the cinema, or even on stage... It is made on podcasts, and alternate news, visual and social media platforms.
And it is made by independent content creators (like Jo Rogan) that will go down in history as definitive of our era.
Hopes for Nuclear Disarmament?
Dare we hope for de-escalation of war, and for cooperation among humankind ?
It was Saturn in Pisces that saw the first Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START I, signed two years earlier) put into effect and another such treaty (START II) signed between the USA and Russia. It was also during that time in the mid-90s that the International Court of Justice deemed the threat or use of nuclear weapons contrary to international law and urged for nuclear disarmament. It was also during Saturn in Pisces in the 90s that Ukraine agreed to give up its soviet nuclear weapons... Interesting. These are pertinent issues once more and there is some hope that current events will lead to positive developments - especially as Saturn and Neptune finally conjunct in the warrior sign of Aries in February 2026.
If the Saturn-Neptune conjunction in Capricorn in 1989 literally dissolved the Berlin wall (Capricorn) and dismantled an entire political system (Soviet bloc), dare we hope for a dissolution of the current war machine (Aries) or the vast military industrial complex? Remains to be seen.
Rediscovering Our Common Humanity
Out of tragedy and loss are borne great social movements.
It is during Saturn in Pisces that racial and other divisions can dissolve and ideals made manifest. Previous transits of Saturn in Pisces saw Martin Luther King Jr, the Ghetto Riots and finally the passing of the Voting Rights Act. It saw the rise of Nelson Mandela and the first multi-racial elections in South Africa. It saw the establishment of the Miranda Rights (the right to remain silent). Before that, we had the FDR New Deal in the 1930s (the first ever social care programme), and even the first ever codification of the international SOS signal in Morse code at the turn of the 20th century.
There is a true humanitarian spirit that can emerge with Saturn in Pisces
But it comes after pain and sacrifice, which could be more pronounced in 2025. Watch out for the eclipses in March and September.
Structuring the Chaos: Mysteries Made Legit!
Another wonderful feature to Saturn in Pisces is that it can give structure to the imagination.
It was Saturn in Pisces that saw Einstein publish his special Theory of Relativity in the early 1900s, and later, the discovery of a whole other world through psychedelics in the 1960s (which were promptly made illegal, but watch this space!). In the mid-1990s, we had the first full cloning of Dolly the Sheep and the first soft landing on the moon, the rover on Mars and the first probe on Jupiter - all sending back new images of our world revealing that we are part of a greater whole. We have come a long way from the Wright Brothers taking humanity up in the air back in 1903 - that prototype first famous successful flight taking place with Saturn in Aquarius - but it was Saturn in Pisces that saw them actually normalise their invention by doing a round trip and landing safely.) And now, in the 21st century, we’ve come so far that talk of UAPs (i.e. UFOs) is practically legit, taking place in open government hearings!
At core, Saturn in Pisces is about structuring the unseen or understanding what lies deeper.
By 2026, we may well be much wiser as to what lies beyond our earth out in space, or in the deepest oceans, or under the melting icecaps; we may know much more about all kinds of 'crystalline' structures, be it water (ruled by Pisces), or consciousness or our very own DNA.
Many absolutes could crumble now, as things previously considered impossible become new frontiers to be explored.
And this is just the beginning of the incredible leaps of understanding that await us once Saturn and Neptune enter Aries for good in 2026.
Saturn-Neptune Timeline in 2025-2026
Already as we enter 2025, Saturn and Neptune join forces in the depths of Pisces, to enter Aries in tandem. By February 2025, Saturn and Neptune are within range of each other, paving the way for their conjunction in a year’s time, on the 20th of February 2026. Neptune first dips his toe in Aries from the 30th of March to the 22nd of October 2025 and Saturn follows suit from May 25th to September 1st.
After dipping into Aries for the Summer, Saturn and Neptune both return to Pisces in the Autumn of 2025, to finish the job of dissolving artificial divisions and lifting the veil on a whole host of mysteries, ready for the rise of a new consciousness by February 2026.
Watch out especially for January -June 2025, and for the March eclipses! It is in January 2025 that the North Node enters Pisces, where it intends to pummel our spirit into greater compassion and refinement through ‘soul-growth’ experiences, as it conjuncts Neptune in February and Saturn in April.
Were You Born with Saturn in Pisces?
Are you born with Saturn in Pisces (see dates below)? Then this is your Saturn return!
Chances are you have come to this world to master this illusion we call life (as a master magician!), to gain deep wisdom, express devotion, creativity and compassion, and be a spiritual giant upon the earth. You are truly a master of devotion!
This could be devotion to humanity, to the people you love or are trying to help. It could be devotion to your art, using your imagination in masterful ways to give structure to unseen realms and inspire others. Or it could be a form of spiritual devotion through various practices. You may start out in life afraid of the unseen and cynical about much of this. But you have such vast inner riches to make manifest that experiences are sure to deepen and enrich your soul, lending you wisdom. And that’s how true psychological mastery develops.
Every twenty nine years or so Saturn returns to his natal position to see how you’re doing with all that. And right now, this is once more your time to spiritually grow and mature.
Looking at History: 20th Century Times of Saturn in Pisces:
Saturn spends about two and a half years in each sign and takes twenty-nine years to complete a full circle and return to the same sign. Saturn transited Pisces four times before now over the course of the 20th century. Here is a list of key events for those periods for reference.
Saturn in Pisces Dates in the 20th Century:
1905-1908 (13 April-17 August 1905 + 8 Jan 1906-19 Mar 1908)
1935-1938 (14 Feb 1935-25 April 1937 + 18 Oct 1937-14 Jan 1938)
1964-1967 (24 Mar-16 Sep 1964 + 16 Dec 1964-3 Mar 1967)
1993-1996 (21 May 1993-30 July 1993 + 29 Jan 1994-7 April 1996)
April 1905-March 1908
(Also: Neptune-Uranus opposition with Saturn trine Neptune and sextile Uranus)
Special Theory of Relativity E=MC2 (five papers that shake the scientific world).
Nickelodeon (the first type of movie theatre in the United States and Canada)
First ever SOS international signal established via Morse Code.
Vesuvius eruption in Naples 1905 & San Francisco Earthquake 1906.
The Pure Food and Drug Act enacted, later the FDA.
Wright Brothers (after their famous first flight of 1903) come up with The Flyer III, the first practical aircraft flying consistently under full control and bringing its pilot back to the starting point safely and landing without damage.
14 February 1935 - 14 January 1938
(Saturn in Pisces opposite Neptune in Virgo)
Antisemitism in Germany — Racial Purity / Nazis — citizen rights revoked and property seized,
Arresting of Gypsies in Germany
Rome-Berlin axis formed / Himmler appointed
First purpose built concentration camp raised (Buchenwald), one of largest (Dachau was the prototype in 1933 with Saturn in Aquarius).
FDR New Deal / Socialism (first ever retirement security system / social services)
United Automobile Workers strike changes car industry
African America sprinter Jesse Owens wins Olympic gold medals in Nazi Germany Berlin Olympics
King George V dies, Edward VIII abdicates throne for love
24 March - 16 September 1964 AND 16 December 1964 - 3 March 1967
(Uranus-Pluto conjunction in Virgo opposite Saturn-Chiron conjunction in Pisces)
Vietnam war - massive losses for USA.
Aberfan South Wales tragedy immortalised in the Netflix show ‘The Crown’.
Martin Luther King Jr & Voting rights act - prohibits racial discrimination in voting (Ghetto Riots 1964-67 - bad conditions expressed in riots and violence against discrimination)
Miranda Rights 1966: protect underprivileged folk by reminding them of their 5th amendment to refuse to answer self-incriminating questions (“you have the right to remain silent”) - the result of the United States Supreme Court case of Miranda v. Arizona.
Iconic shows like Dr Zhivago, Days of our Lives, Start Trek and Batman TV series
The rise of the mini skirt.
Iconic rock albums, e.g. by the Doors “The Doors”, Beach Boys “Pet Sound” and Bob Dylan “Blonde on Blonde”, Beatles “revolver” “Sgt Pepper”
‘Acid Test’ parties on psychedelics / LSD made illegal 1966.
21 May 1993 - 30 July 1993 AND 29 January 1994 - 7 April 1996.
(Uranus-Neptune conjunction in Aquarius, Saturn there too a few years earlier)
NAFTA trilateral trade bloc agreement between US, Mexico and Canada.
Schengen area established in Europe
Sweden and Norway vote against EU membership
First multi-racial elections in South Africa with Nelson Mandela
Bill Clinton years
Email and Internet spread fast, creating new connectivity all over the world.
DVDs replace VHS - first in Japan then here
Netscape - the first ever internet browser!
Nintendo 64, Playstation, Ebay, Yahoo, Amazon came to be (Google was next in 1998 - all these are fundamentally expressions of Uranus in Aquarius but also representative of how the internet spread into our lives during the three short years of Saturn in Pisces)
Big Animation films: Toy Story & Lion King.
Windows 95 was the first commercial operating system aimed and regular people, not just professionals or experts. (Windows has definitely lost its way at this Saturn return)
Mars pathfinder landed - first ever rover outside the earth and moon transmitting images.
First soft landing on the Moon and first image of Earth from the Moon
First laser communication from space.
Galileo space craft reaches Jupiter and sends probe transmitting data for the first time
This is the time of George Clooney & Brad Pitt, ‘Dusk til Dawn’ and ‘Pulp Fiction’, Braveheart and the pilot of now a cultural institution of a TV series, ‘Friends’.
Diana’s famous 1995 BBC interview “there were 3 of us in the marriage” airs.
Birth of reality TV with OJ Simpson trial
Brit-pop (Nirvana, Manic Street Preachers, Nick Cave, Oasis, Blur, Beastie Boys), Macarena
Starbucks presents the Frappuccino
Dolly the Sheep - the first cloned mammal.
Mad Cow Disease…
Japan, Burma, Indonesia and India earthquakes
Oklahoma City bombing
Suicide of Curt Cobain Nirvana (River Phoenix just before that)
Rwanda Genocide
Bosnian Genocide / Nato direct intervention bombing Serb targets.
January 1994 Ukraine signs an agreement with the United States and Russia to give up all the nuclear weapons deployed in the country by the former Soviet Union.
Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty START I put into effect and START II (signed) between US and Russia.
Saturn (and Neptune!) in Pisces Horoscope
Let's briefly divide up the sky pie into its customary twelve zodiac slices to see this Saturn in Pisces transit from the perspective of each zodiac sign. Check your sun sign for the core lessons, your rising sign for where you feel the greatest pressure and your moon sign for where your wine goblet has run dry and you’re feeling parched…
Things are happening at a deep unconscious level for you, dear Aries. You may be involved in some deep spiritual discipline or doing important psychological work behind the scenes. Or, if you’re not fully in touch with your inner life at the moment, you may be having strange and disconcerting experiences, dreams, and self-sabotaging events that isolate you and disconnect you from your environment. These are your inner demons acting out. And if so, it is to turn your attention inwards. This is a time to let go of the past and withdraw your projections from the world. Tackle your inner demons, let what's no longer necessary leave your life and prepare for a brand new you very soon, as Saturn and Neptune conjunct in your sign.
This is a time of social responsibility and of sacrifice and service to your community, dear Taurus. Time to make your contribution. If you are working with others toward a common cause or ideal, this could be a time of great achievement and reward. Equally, if you are struggling to find your tribe, or if your old ideals are slowly dying, this is a time to consider where you truly belong, what your soul’s deepest desires are, and to fully commit to that. This period demands true social integrity and involvement to allow you to truly pursue and realise your dreams and ideals.
It’s your career that’s taking strange yet inspiring turns, dear Gemini. It requires sacrifices on your part, and a more spiritually mature approach. A stoic, selfless and devotional attitude will serve you now. Paradoxically, you can achieve great heights now, so long as your ends are not merely selfish. You’re setting on a new path and this time is also somewhat experimental. To get there, you will really have to let yourself be a vessel for something greater, the zeitgeist that seeks to express itself through you, through your public face and your role in the world.
You’re on a quest to find meaning and give form to inspiration, dear Cancer. It is time to develop your higher mind. This could be through academic achievement, publishing or other ways to legitimise your ideas. It could be through travel and international work, or through religious and other spiritual disciplines. Legal, moral or philosophical problems could preoccupy you now, for it’s time to learn where you truly stand on a whole hosts of important issues. Devote yourself to truth and intellectual integrity and let true inspiration speak through you, giving your voice gravitas.
This is a time of test and sacrifices in your closest relationships and joint finances, dear Leo. You are learning about intimacy and trust, about devotion to another, but also about healthy boundaries. You are deepening your commitment and strengthening your bonds, as you are required to relinquish control and trust in something greater. This period can put you through your paces and transform you, testing your ability to share and merge your energies with another. It is a good time for occult studies or deep psychological work, and for deepening your character through contact with life’s hidden aspects or most fundamental experiences.
The time has come to get serious about relationships, dear Virgo. An important relationship may require sacrifices now and great chunks of your time and energy. Integrity is key in all your associations, personal and professional. A relationship that no longer serves you or is not based on mutual respect and commitment will not pass the test. If things slow down with another, it is to give you the space to decide if you want to commit, or who you want to associate with, what clients you want to work with or who your audience is. Approaching interactions in a spirit of service and long-term commitment, whilst also respecting your own boundaries, is the way forward.
It is your work, health and daily routine that could get hard going now, requiring devotion, sacrifices and discipline on your part. This can be a tricky period where the daily grind is slow or hard going, or it may be hard to establish a productive routine because of chaotic elements you cannot control, or because you are seeking a more inspirational lifestyle. Pay attention to your health now, be cautious with medicine and substances and establish good habits. This could also be a period of devotion to your discipline, or a period of training and mentorship that’s spiritually fulfilling.
You are getting serious about your creative talents, children or a speculative project, dear Scorpio. Perhaps you are forced to take some nerve-racking risks. Making sacrifices for your children, to see a creative project to fruition or get your business off the ground is part and parcel of it all. And now, the time has come to pull out all the stops and truly follow your heart without trying to control all the details. If your life lacks in love or joy it’s time to address that, even if you have to kiss many frogs to find your prince. Beware of 'get rich quick' schemes but do allow inspiration to guide you in taking inspired yet calculated risks, whether in love, your creativity or your investments.
You have had to make many sacrifices for your home and family, dear Sagittarius, even perhaps working to realise your dream home or to devote yourself to your family. Still, the past couple of years may have felt especially restrictive, forcing you to live in a more confined space, to revisit your past or to dig down deeper to find the strength and integrity to rise to the occasion. You are building the cornerstone and foundations of your future growth, based on true integrity. Focus on your personal life and build your world from the ground up. Real estate matters fare better with an inspired, devotional or more spiritual approach.
You are called to channel inspiration into word and movement, dear Capricorn, and potentially to be of service in your environment, which may presently be rather chaotic and demanding. There may be a devotional nature to your interactions, and it is important that you make the necessary sacrifices, whilst also preserving some healthy boundaries for your mental health. You may face restrictions in speech or movement, responsibilities with a sibling or neighbour, or you may be training for something. You’re on a learning curve of mental discipline so you can make an impact, and express your creativity, using the inspiration now flowing through you.
The time has come to reset your priorities, dear Aquarius. What is worth your time and money? What’s worth sacrificing for? And are you living life according to your values? Are you respecting yourself and making the best of your talents and resources? This is a good time to devote your energies to what matters most, to elevate your value system and build your confidence. If money is tight, it is asking you to pare things down and invest in what is truly worth your time and energy. Ultimately, this is a lesson in self worth, and an opportunity to refine and purify your core values and preferences.
Saturn and Neptune are in your sign, dear Pisces, and your very identity is changing. You have been going through a slow distillation process ever since Neptune entered your sign back in 2011-12 - and may have experienced this more strongly at any time over the past 15 years, depending on whether you are born early, middle or late in the sign and whether you have other planets there. Much like homeopathic medicine, Neptune dilutes your sense of identity again and again until almost no trace of it is left - none but your essence - the most pure part of you. And now, Saturn in your sign since 2023 has lumbered you with new responsibilities, taught you lessons, and forged a brand new and more mature identity in the process. This can be a difficult process, often making you feel all alone, carrying burdens and making sacrifices, especially if you are born late in the sign. Devote yourself to this slow distillation of yourself and you’ll come out the other side stronger and wiser and heaving earned the respect of everyone around you.
Article by YourAstroGenes