The Lunar Nodes move into Pisces and Virgo: only a true spiritual awakening can combat excessive automation now and make humanity whole again.
The Lunar Nodes in Pisces and Virgo 2025-2026
The Lunar Nodes take about 19 years to go around the zodiac, changing signs every 18 months or so. They are the mathematical points where the orbits of the sun and moon intersect around the earth. They are also magnetic points of a kind, being points of perfect cosmic body alignment, of simply, we can call they the ‘eclipse points’, where the eclipses happen when Sun, Moon and Earth align. More poetically the Lunar Nodes are like a Great Dragon hungering for new experience at one end (the Dragon’s Head or North Node) and spewing chewed up stuff out the other (the Dragon’s Tail or South Node). And the time has come once more for this a Great Dragon to change is diet once more, as the Nodes shift signs from Aries and Libra into Pisces and Virgo. This happens January 11th 2025 (for the True our exact Nodes, our January 29th for the Mean or avarage Nodes) to stay so until July 2026. What to make of this?
Where are we coming from? Lunar Nodes in Aries and Libra
Standing up for ourselves was a big theme in 2023-2024. The Lunar Nodes have just spent 18 months in Aries and Libra and global attention shifted away from finances and the cost of living crisis (the previous Taurus-Scorpio theme) and toward matters of war and peace. The past year and a half, with the South Node in Libra, called into the question our implicit social contracts and agreements, our culture and democracies. It was during the past year and a half that terms like ‘lawfare’ became prominent and unlikely heroes emerged from the woodwork to make a stand for human rights and freedoms. The South Node tends to bring out the negative aspects of a sign, at least on a global stage, things that require resolution - the karmic fallout, as it were, of previous choices. In Libra, we saw the misuse of laws and the justice system and the corruption of the social contracts that used to underpin civilisation. As old Libra karma ripened, it was crucial that we make a stand to re-balance the scales. That’s where the North Node in Aries came in. The moment was ripe to not simply roll over but to stand up and make some noise. And so we did.
Where are we headed? Lunar Nodes in Pisces and Virgo
But that time is past. Now, on January 11th, the Nodes switch signs again, as they do every 18 months, and go into Pisces and Virgo, there to stay until July 2026. Yet another global shift in consciousness is imminent. We're ready for the next batch of lessons for humanity.
With the South Node in Virgo and the North Node in Pisces, January 2025-July 2026 is going to be a time of excessive automation and systematisation that calls for the awakening of compassion, creativity and unity to make humanity whole again. We seek spiritual nourishment now as we seek to heal broken systems. We seek inspiration to re-animate the soulless machine.
The South Node, by transit, tends to bring forth the dark side of a zodiac sign. And in Virgo we have faceless systems, functions and bureaucracies that can make our lives easier when running smoothly but can also turn into a dystopia nightmare when not. Virgo represents medicine and healthcare, skill (and malpractice), work and employment, ‘micro’ and ‘nano’ technologies of all kinds (the pill, the microchip, our very DNA), as well as our intricate biological symbiosis with the entire ecosystem of the earth. Expect a reckoning on all these fronts over the next year and a half. Virgo seeks a clinical kind of perfection and purity. But life is messy. The dark side of Virgo is a hellish bureaucratic automation that is inimical to life.
And as we face all that Virgo excess, we are called to embark on a heroic spiritual journey. For the antidote to the South Node always lies in the North Node, toward which we are now pulled with ever greater force.
The North Node in Pisces calls us to connect powerfully with our imagination, our creativity and our ability for compassion and transcendence. It asks us to merge fully with our spirit, the very stuff that makes so much more than a bunch of processes, the stuff that makes us divine.
Any emphasis on “faster”, better” or “more efficient” over the next 18 months is only going to highlight the poverty and flat one dimensionality of such linear, mundane, automated processes, no matter how flawless. Humanity is so much more than that! And it’s time to embody that fully, to showcase it, to use it or lose it!
Pisces, now hosting the North Node, also rules the seas. And much of what will come to pass over the next 18 months could feel like a biblical deluge, a literal or spiritual cleansing of sorts. Let the tidal waves come and sweep away illusions, debris and the toxicity of old malfunctioning systems. It’s time to give birth to something new. Sadly, suffering and sacrifice are key Piscean lessons. Their goal is distill our spirit, and to teach compassion. Not some feeble kind born of weakness. But the ability to rise above judgment, transcend boundaries and approach all life from a greater state of all encompassing unity. This is a time of spiritual awakening, a kind of disillusionment that is purifying, and huge imaginative leaps. As Einstein famously said, problems cannot be solved from the same mindset that created them. To solve the equation now, we must leap into a whole new wavelength. Time to let the human spirit flow back into this empty shell of a world.
In the 20th century, we've already had the North Node in Pisces & South Node in Virgo in 1913-14, 1931-33, 1950-52, 1969-70, 1987-89, 2006-07. But this time, in 2025-26, with Neptune, Pisces’ ruler also in Pisces and conjunct the North Node (in February, with Saturn in Pisces following in April) in the most critical Pisces degree, with Neptune changing signs, and with the seminal Saturn-Neptune conjunction in Aries imminent, I think we can expect something truly special. Watch this space.
How does do the Nodes in Pisces and Virgo affect you personally?
If you are a Pisces or a Virgo you can expect life defining developments surrounding your person, body, identity and relationships in the year and a half ahead! Ditto if you have planets or points in Pisces and Virgo. Gemini and Sagittarius, the other two mutable signs can expect a time of major reorientation in life, especially when it comes to home and career matters. Cardinal signs can expect to deal with daily matters a lot; Aries and Libra can expect many changes in their working life, routines and daily habits, while Cancer and Capricorn have the opportunity to travel, study, write, publish and expand their horizons and connect with different kinds of people. For fixed signs, this is a time to invest, speculate, earn and consolidate. For Taurus and Scorpio, this could be a highly creative time when you can make an important contribution and receive rewards; and Leo and Aquarius are sure to see interesting financial developments. Above all, everything depends on your own personal chart. Do you have planets or points in Pisces or Virgo that are touched by this transit? Then you are going to feel it the most!
Image by Ron Whitaker from Unsplash
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