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September 2021 Zodiac Sign Horoscope: Get All Your Ducks in A Row!

Writer's picture: YourAstroGenesYourAstroGenes

Let's see what this month's Virgo New Moon, Pisces Full Moon and Autumn Equinox have in store for every slice of the sky pie.

The Moon got New in Virgo on the 7th - September’s sign - and September is well underway. So how is the month shaping up for every zodiac sign?

We’re approaching the Autumn Equinox (autumn in the north, spring in the south) and we’ve got a Virgo-Libra emphasis all month long, alongside a very strong Neptune and a most poignant Full Moon in Pisces (Neptune’s sign) on the last day of summer.

Mercury meanwhile, Virgo’s ruler, is about to turn retrograde on the 27th, closing a cycle that was seeded in early June, and getting ready to begin afresh. This month’s Virgo New Moon should therefore reflect that sense of closure that Virgo’s ruler is all about right now.

So without further ado, let’s slice up this cake and lay out the September horoscope for each star sign!

Aries September Horoscope

Work and other people take up all your time as September gets underway, dear Aries. It’s time to get your world in order, streamline the way you work (and rest!) and set in place the partnerships, contracts and agreements that will help you get the job done.

The September 7th Virgo New Moon brings a fresh start at work. Time to tidy your desk, spring clean you cupboards and tick anything off your list that’s been pending a while. Get your schedule looking ship-shape and your whole world working nicely. Organised like that, you’ll have a competitive edge, plus be ready to engage in all sorts of fruitful negotiations and collaborations. Others seem to demand much of your time from mid-September onwards and you’ll need to rethink how you deal with them - whether this is a partner, client or competitor. By the end of the month, you’ll be ready to renegotiate certain contracts.

The September 21st Pisces Full Moon is a time of spiritual completion. You may have incredibly vivid and meaningful dreams or be filled with creative inspiration as summer comes to a close. This may be the moment you have to just let go, take a time out and rest. Time spent alone, in prayer, meditation, creative trance or just sleeping and recharging your batteries will be time well spent.

The Autumn Equinox arrives on the 22nd and it’s all about what you value most in others - especially those with whom you have something to share, whether it’s your finances or your deepest secrets. Fairness requires that you restore the balance of power in a relationship, sharing a problem perhaps, listening to what someone has to say, bonding more deeply and even receiving a gift - financial or otherwise -if that’s what is needed. Your finances are topsy turvy right now and any help is welcome, even if it means reconsidering your priorities. Making space for others enriches your world.

Taurus September Horoscope

Work and pleasure go hand in hand this month, dear Taurus. You have lots on, but there is also great joy in what you’re doing. Whether or not the two are linked, there’s a something in your life that makes you so happy that whatever chores you’ve got to get on with pale by comparison.

The September 7th Virgo New Moon is all about love, creativity and personal fulfilment. What makes you happy? You may be in the throes of a new love affair, starting a fresh creative project, trying for a baby, indulging in your favourite hobbies - or all of the above. If you’ve got kids, it’s playtime. You can now get closure in matters of the heart and have some pure unadulterated fun - at least till the 15th. Mid-month, your work begins to heat up and you’ll have lots to be getting on with. Adopt an experimental attitude with any new assignments coming your way. You’ll have plenty of time to review any job offers in October.

The September 21st Pisces Full Moon brings rewards for your creative efforts. You’re longing for a soul connection to an inspiring community where you can all be as one - a group of people with whom you can contemplate the finer things in life and escape the humdrum. This Full Moon shines a light on exactly these dreams of yours. A group involvement could reach a critical juncture causing emotion to well up in you.

The Autumn Equinox arrives on the 22nd and that’s always a time to roll up your sleeves. If you’re looking for work - or perhaps more fulfilling work - tend to your relationships. It’s not about what you know but whom you know. You are in the process of reinventing yourself and your professional profile. And that is sure to affect your relationships too. Time to decide what sorts of people, contracts and agreements you want in your life. That will also guide you in the right direction at work - especially in the last ten days of September, when all the professional lights turn green.

Gemini September Horoscope

Home, family and children is where it’s at, dear Gemini. It’s time to bring home a fresh, youthful spirit and make it a happy place. This is also a great month for your favourite pastimes, your home being the perfect place to indulge in your hobbies, enjoy special moments with your kids and kick-start creative endeavours.

The September 7th Virgo New Moon is your chance to set a new foundation from where to achieve your dreams. Get your house in order, fix anything that needs it and organise your space. You’re in for a fun-packed, creative stint come mid-September, when you’ll have plenty of time to indulge your pleasures, even return to a creative project that’s been on the back burner. Children also feature largely as you head into the autumn, reminding you of your inner Peter Pan and youthful spirit. The time has come to review what truly makes you happy and make lots of space for it!

The September 21st Pisces Full Moon shines a light on your most glamorous achievements. You’re aiming pretty high - chasing the dream! - so no wonder you never quite feel that you’re there. Has it perchance come true? Reality can never quite match up, it seems. This is a wistful moment and no matter how you feel, you’re appearing pretty near perfect to those worshipping you from down below…

The Autumn Equinox arrives on the 22nd and it’s hell-bent on bringing you joy. Love rocks, creativity soars and, if you have kids, they’re probably taking up much of your time right now. Autumn always finds you feeling frisky. The key to it all this year is streamlining the way you work. Eliminate inefficiency, ditch bad habits and hone your skills. Challenge any dogmatic preconceptions that keep you stuck in your ways. The cosmos is giving you a green light to step forward, embark on an adventure and live in joy!

Cancer September Horoscope

Your home is your castle, dear Cancer, and never more than this month but you’ve also got many plates spinning. You are so very busy with meetings, talks, and travelling to and fro and this is driving you to distraction. Home is where all the action is and you'll soon be pouring all your energy into securing your base and tending to your family.

The September 7th Virgo New Moon opens a window for a short but very productive trip. This could also be a zoom meeting or other point of contact - its point being to stimulate your mind and plug you firmly into the people and places that make you tick. Use this time to gather information, explore your surroundings and put in an appearance. Mid-month, your home becomes a hotbed of activity. Whether you’re dealing with renovations or a family matter, you’ll have plenty of time to rethink your strategy come October.

The September 21st Pisces Full Moon fills your head with romantic notions... Distant travel and adventure are on your mind. Are you taking a holiday? Or is this the culmination of an ambitious international, academic or publishing project? It’s the last day of Summer so let your mind take flight and explore unknown territory. How inspiring!

The Autumn Equinox arrives on the 22nd and you’re ready to get your house in order. This is always a roosting time for you. And the key to a happy home is the happy moments you spend in it. Whether it’s because you're immersed in your favourite pastimes or making time for love and romance, it's time to do what brings you joy. This creates the perfect space this autumn - physically and emotionally - to make you feel secure.

Leo September Horoscope

Money talks and your mind is filled with it, dear Leo. You’re looking for new ways to bring in the dosh, to boost your reserves, and you’re networking like a fiend, connecting with people and trying to find that one meeting or idea that will get you well on your way to financial security.

The September 7th Virgo New Moon brings a fresh financial start, you’ll be glad to hear. Time to address matters that have been long pending and nagging away at you. Take a closer look at your assets and make improvements to reach your financial goals. Life gets more hectic mid-month with lots of people to meet, calls to make and travels to and fro. Use this time to learn key information, connect with the right people and promote your ideas. You’ll have plenty of time to review what you’ve learned as September gives way to October.

The September 21st Pisces Full Moon shines a light on your most complex relationships. It’s a case of quantum entanglement… You’re deeply enmeshed in a psychic web of financial and emotional dependencies and it makes it impossible to be in control of your world... Nothing doing so just run with it. Let go into it and the cosmos will be generous right back. This is a sexy, transformative Full Moon bringing financial realisations, dissolving bonds that no longer serve you and deepening those that do.

The Autumn Equinox arrives on the 22nd and you're just itching to step out and explore your options. This year though, your home has a lot to offer. Invite people over to your place instead. Or let your family introduce you to the right people and follow those leads. You’re juggling a lot of balls - exploring a new career whilst also caring for your partner who’s under some stress - and it’s taking a toll. Tend to your foundations, your own wellbeing, your home and family and everything will flow from there. The end of the month brings lots of contacts and communications, connecting you with just the right people.

Virgo September Horoscope

The spotlight is on you and what you've got, dear Virgo. Yes, count your blessings for they are many! If you find that you need to add to your stores, strengthen your core perhaps or go and make a bit more money, you’ll have plenty a chance to do so.

The September 7th Virgo New Moon is your moment to shine. Put yourself first. This is a time of renewal for you, setting the tone for a whole year till your next birthday. Get closure with things you used to want that are no longer relevant and tidy up loose ends. There, now you're ready for the year ahead. Your mind is on money matters mid-month and on making the most of your assets - especially as expenses may rise. Consolidating your resources is where it's at, that and getting a little boost of income. That should see your confidence rise. By the end of September, you’ll be ready to review your finances and your priorities too.

The September 21st Pisces Full Moon brings a culmination in your most important relationships. A particular someone is dripping with honey right now and you don’t know where they end and you begin. Romance hits the reds all month long - and more than ever at this most romantic, yearning, wistful Full Moon, the last of the summer.

The Autumn Equinox arrives on the 22nd urging you to think about what’s of real value to you. Money talks and it’s time to explore new territory. Connect with your peers, communicate, share your views, ask their opinion. Learn something new and use your analytical mind to boost your value. It’s time to make some key lifestyle changes and you’ll need to be open to a new way of seeing things to achieve that. The last ten days of September bring financial and professional opportunities.

Libra September Horoscope

It’s Your Season, dear Libra! And you are straddling two worlds as September begins - the ‘here and now’ and nevereverland… With work seemingly spilling into everything else, it’s a fine balance between staying behind the scenes and preparing for some major initiatives in the coming weeks.

The September 7th Virgo New Moon signals the perfect time for some spiritual spring cleaning. Time to take a bow and tend to any loose ends away from prying eyes. You don’t have long... Mars enters your sign on the 15th and you’ll soon be at the centre of all the action. Assert yourself! You have lots on your plate mid-month onwards, calling all the shots. Mid-September to the end of October is also a great time to get fit. You’ll have time to review your looks and the conception you hold of yourself in October.

The September 21st Pisces Full Moon shines a light on your work and overall lifestyle. If you are yearning for a different kind of work or daily routine, you’ll feel it strongly mid-month and be in no doubt at all by the 21st. If your schedule seems amorphous, perhaps it’s time to daydream a little at work (a cheeky way to rest) and dream up your ideal lifestyle? This Full Moon may also signal the completion of a major work project.

The Autumn Equinox arrives on the 22nd and it always puts you at the forefront of events. This is Your Moment. Your values are rapidly changing and it's time to focus on what truly matters to you. Knowing what you've got and what’s worth investing time and money in, is key to reinventing yourself this autumn. It’s a case of 'if you’ve got it flaunt it', giving you the confidence you need to push forward with everything you desire. The cosmos is urging you to go for it and enjoy the ride.

Scorpio September Horoscope

You’re plugged in and connected, working on group projects and collaborations and pursuing your dreams. Whether you're dreaming of a large pay off or a better world, your creativity is on fire. You're game, bring it on!

The September 7th Virgo New Moon brings new opportunities to chase your dreams and connect with those who support them. Use September 7-15 to nurture those friendships and associations you want to see flourish. It's time to network! Mid-month, you’re ready to take a back seat and work behind the scenes. Make sure to rest, sleep well and periodically unwind as the stress and tiredness can creep up on you. This is an excellent time for meditation and creative work.

The September 21st Pisces Full Moon shines a spotlight on all the things that bring you love and fulfilment. What makes you happy? Is it your children, your lover, or perhaps your hobbies and speculative ventures? Time to immerse yourself in it all. The last day of Summer brings a poignant moment of happiness.

The Autumn Equinox arrives on the 22nd. That’s always a time of letting go for you, as you prepare for renewal and a fresh cycle to start around Halloween - your birthday. Venus in your sign from the 10th means your charm is off the charts! That gives you a. agreeable veneer, allowing you to accomplish whatever you're doing behind the scenes unchallenged. Make your moves in secret and the Universe has your back, opening pathways for financial and personal empowerment.

Sagittarius September Horoscope

You’re entering a very public phase, dear Sagittarius, and it’s time to decide your next career steps and see your dreams realised. The emphasis is on your public role and on the community that relies on you. You have expectations to live up to and that's in stark contrast to the general morphlessness that may reign at home.

The September 7th Virgo New Moon signals a fresh start in your career and any office you may carry. It’s time to get things moving in the right direction after a long delay. Expect your social calendar to start filling up after September 15th. You have lots of networking to do, if you are going to build the community you desire. With Mercury retrograde from the 27th, you’ll have a chance to rethink said community in October and catch up with old friends too.

The September 21st Pisces Full Moon shines a spotlight on your home and family. The situation may feel a little chaotic, but it's rather dreamy too! You may be pinching yourself: is this real? Yes and the Full Moon signals a very emotional, romantic home and family moment!

The Autumn Equinox arrives on the 22nd and that’s always a highly sociable time for you. The key this year is to take time off from your busy schedule and just be by yourself. Meditate. Get creative. Take notice of your dreams. If that’s impossible, let others join you and lend a helping hand. Trust the cosmos to help. Your lifestyle has changed so radically this year and it’s important to plan some downtime where you can recharge your batteries. This will help you see the reward of your efforts.

Capricorn September Horoscope

September is a high profile, high visibility month for you, dear Capricorn. You are ready for an adventure - whether it’s just a change of scenery, like a holiday, or an ambitious, far reaching business proposition or publicity stunt. Indeed, your career is on the rise and your responsibilities are multiplying by the minute.

The September 7th Virgo New Moon brings a much needed fresh perspective. Time to make plans for the future. You also have a window for a quick getaway if you want it, somewhere near water perhaps. A change of scenery will help you hit reset and organise the contents of your mind now. Do this soon, as your responsibilities will start to mount mid-September - time to be proactive and raise your profile. By the end of the month, you’ll be ready to review your career goals and overall life-path choices.

The September 21st Pisces Full Moon sensitises your mind to all things strange and whimsical. Do you love a good story? Are you in the grip of a thought, like a fly caught in its magnetic web? This is an inspired Full Moon! Write it all down and you'll have something interesting by the end of it. Try also to speak clearly and avoid misunderstandings. Meetings and conversations are hypnotising…and down the rabbit hole you go.

The Autumn Equinox arrives on the 22nd shines a light on your career and overall life path. You're always getting serious about career when Autumn hits. And having the right community of friends and allies this year is key to your success. Changes in your social circles may leave your breathless now. It’s time to decide what friendships are worth hanging onto and where you may have grown apart. All the career lights turn green at work toward at the end of the month, giving you a great big thumbs up!

Aquarius September Horoscope

Passion and vision go hand in hand this month, dear Aquarius. Whether it’s business deals, legal matters and international agreements you've got in the works, or you’re planning a sexy escape with your squeeze, you're ready for lift off. And you want to go all the way.

The September 7th Virgo New Moon opens the perfect window for you to get all all kinds of financial matters sorted. Anything that needs changing and transforming in your life - like a health matter or the power balance in your relationship - now is a good time to tackle that too. By mid-month, you’re ready to start planning ahead. Autumn is always about the promise of growth for you. And, come the 27th, you’ll be ready to rethink your philosophy of life and any plans for expansion you may be contemplating, be it through study, travel abroad or publicity.

At the September 21st Pisces Full Moon, finances are still looming large on your mind. It’s hard to keep track of all your spending and this Full Moon may bring a sentimental financial outlay. But it’s all for a good cause. Indeed, every penny spent now is good for the soul.

The Autumn Equinox arrives on the 22nd and, as usual at this time, your mind wanders, seeking greener pastures. The key to greater freedom is cultivating the right public image right now. Your home life is crazy right now and you carry a lot on your shoulders. Time to pursue those goals that really please you. Rise to them and see doors open wide - especially in the last ten days of the month.

Pisces September Horoscope

Relationships are where it’s all at, dear Pisces! Where are you in all this? Your identity has shifted so much with Neptune in your sign since 2010, that’s it is less and less clear precisely what that personal pronoun “I’ refers to...

The September 7th Virgo New Moon brings a chance for closure and a fresh start in your relationships. Get all your agreements in order, negotiate and put an end to old conversations that have dragged on. Dealings and interactions get really intense mid-month and you’ll be dealing with financial matters too, like debts, gifts and divisions of property. You can revisit and review your financial situation from September 27th onwards.

The September 21st Pisces Full Moon signals a major turning point. It's a wistful moment when you can see how far you've come since your last birthday and assess how you want to proceed from here on in. Are you living the dream? Where you expecting something else? This is a poignant moment, bringing a sense of completion to something that is personally important to you.

The Autumn Equinox arrives on the 22nd and is always an intense, transformative and somewhat uncomfortable time for you. You're shedding your summer skin - is that your tan? - and morphing into your winter persona. This year, it’s all about finding your “why” if you are to make this transformation easier. Your way of thinking is radically changing and it's time to focus on the bigger picture - and perhaps change it! A change of scenery will also help things along. There’s lots of emotional space for clearing house this month, physically and psychologically.

Image (cropped) by Josué Soto from Unsplash


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