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May 2022 Astrology: The Tipping Point

Writer's picture: YourAstroGenesYourAstroGenes

With Mercury Retrograde, a Blood Moon Total Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio and Jupiter entering Aries, May 2022 is a powerhouse of a month!

May 2022 represents a powerful turning point. It is an action-packed month, a tipping point for all sorts of poisons that have been simmering under the surface, so we can clear the decks and move forward.

It’s time to purge the past, blow away the cobwebs and try a fresh approach.

Entering amid two eclipses, right on the heels of a partial Solar Eclipse in Taurus on the last day of April and two weeks before a dramatic Blood Moon Total Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio, May presents us with a radical fresh start. But its promise can only be fulfilled if we commit to clearing the obstacles that lie in the way. This month's Total Lunar Eclipse arrives on May 16th, symbolising the tipping point when intensity is sure to reach the reds.

This eclipse is a total detoxifier so don’t be surprised if all sorts of dirt, literal or metaphorical, comes to the surface.

This month's Blood Moon is sure to bring whatever problems need to be addressed right to the surface. And so is Mercury retrograde, May 10th-June 3rd. This is another indication that it is now crucial to review what hasn't worked so far, take corrective action and tackle what's been dragging on for some time.

If this seems like a tall order, right on cue, on May 11th, Jupiter also enters Aries, the very first sign of the zodiac, to boost your courage for what lies ahead and help you access the hero within.

It’s time for more dynamic action. No more faffing around and skirting around the issue.

The whole thing rounds off with a light-headed Gemini New Moon on May 30th to try to brighten the mood and get us moving in a new direction.

So, let’s have a closer look at the jam-packed astrology that is May 2022, followed by zodiac sign horoscopes. There is a lot to say so feel free to dip in and out!

...On the heels of a Solar Eclipse: Radical Do Over!

May arrives right on the heels of a liberating turning point, a Solar Eclipse in Taurus on April 30th (which you can check out in April 2022 Astrology). And while Solar Eclipses are not as dramatic as Lunar ones, the minute May enters, you will simply know that the game has changed. A fresh vibe is in the air and the old ways won't work. This is especially so, as Venus also enters Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, on May 2nd, followed by Jupiter on the 11th and Mars on the 25th. And Aries only likes things that are fresh and brand new!

That's a lot of firepower all in one go and May is a month of firsts - a month of initiatives, a month of taking bold and unsteady steps toward an as yet unknown future.

May 4th-7th is especially energising with the 5th planting the seeds of fast and radical change. That's when the Sun meets Uranus and both sextile Mars - enough to light a rocket under anybody’s garments.

Make quick work of anything still dragging on unresolved this month. Be brave and do your best to review it, address it and draw a dramatic line under it.

Mercury in Gemini is in his retrograde shadow already, ever since April 26th, and an old way of thinking is fast becoming unstable. As you get closer to May 10th, you’ll quickly realise you’ve taken a certain idea as far as it will go. Time for a different approach.

Two more sextiles complete this creative, dynamic early May picture (sextiles always present us with opportunities, but we must act fast!). Mercury sextiles Venus on May 6th mounting a major charm offensive - a lovely day to woe and convince - and May 3rd sees Jupiter sextile stationary Pluto. Talk about an alignment of powerful interests! This may be a last ditch attempt - an opportunity perhaps - to apply some vast resources toward an ambitious goal before Jupiter changes signs into Aries on May 11th. The next option will require a far more direct approach!

There is a strong martial theme building this month... Take tentative steps, but go! May is a month of radical change.

There is a lot going on this month but let us focus on the key ingredients: Jupiter in Aries, Mercury retrograde and the Blood Moon in Scorpio.

Jupiter in Aries May 11th: Call on your Inner Hero!

At midnight on May 10th-11th, there is a definitive shift in energies, both for each of us personally and on the global stage. That's when Jupiter enters Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, the sign of the warrior - a rather martial, competitive and courageous place he hasn’t occupied since 2011. Yes, that was when we had the Arab Spring. Of course back then we also had Uranus in Aries calling for revolution. But you can still expect a great surge of warrior energy and heroic dynamism as Jupiter enters Aries as May 10th morphs into May 11th. Jupiter will stay in Aries all the way until October 28th, when he dips back into Pisces for some RnR, before he enters Aries, this time full speed, on December 20th.

Jupiter in Aries feels like a clean sweep. A bold brush stroke of heroism, courage and simplicity to cut through an endless labyrinth of convoluted thinking.

The time for day-dreaming is over. Time for action!

No more time to ruminate, go with the flow or endlessly examine everything from a myriad perspectives. Jupiter in Aries gives it to you straight down the line. This is a heroic energy, a fast vibe, a pro-active, independent energy. Jupiter in Aries brings a huge confidence boost inclining people to shoot first and ask questions later.

Think back to 2011 in your life. What were you up to the last time Jupiter was in Aries? Where you getting ready for some sort of big push? Did you do something rash simply because you lost your patience and had to finally see something happen and fast? What fears were you called to face? What resentments flared up? What heroic feats did you achieve? Your 2022 horoscope says a little more about how Jupiter in Aries influences your sign.

Globally, Aries is linked with heroes, warriors and soldiers and things could certainly escalate on that front. You're not likely to take things lying down with Jupiter in Aries. Overconfidence is a danger here but it is also clear that doing nothing is no longer an option. We need some pioneering initiatives to get us out of indecision!

Mars-Jupiter conjunction May 29th: Invincible!

On May 25th, Mars also enters his home sign Aries, approaching Jupiter. Watch for May 29th especially, which is when Jupiter and Mars conjunct in Aries, blowing the warrior trumpets and heralding a powerful martial theme. You - or someone around you - may feel invincible, unbeatable! Mars-Jupiter is certainly a winning combination but it can also lead people to take liberties, giving them a sense of entitlement. Check yourself. On the plus side, if you’re a long suffering wimp, now’s the time to find that courage inside you and show your mettle.

Armed with Jupiter in Aries, giving you the courage and confidence to push on, let's check out the other major players of May 2022...

Mercury Retrograde in Gemini-Taurus May 10th-June 3rd 2022: Discover A New Dimension!

The next big thing is that Mercury stations retrograde this month, also right around May 10th at 12:47 BST at 5 degrees Gemini, to stay so until June 3rd. Take it easy on May 10th, and later on June 3rd, as Mercury's stations can short-circuit nerves and cause mistakes out of sheer impatience.

Mercury retrograde is an excellent time to chew over a particular problem and examine a question in your mind, until you come up with a satisfactory answer or solution.

This is the time to step back, to slow down and re-examine your rationale when it comes to something really important. Be sure to get your facts right and correct any reasoning errors.

May's Mercury retrograde straddles two signs, Gemini and Taurus, and what starts as a detached, intellectual exercise may require you to put some skin in the game, as Mercury crosses over from Gemini to Taurus on May 23rd. What's most important? Where do you need to place your weight, invest your energy or reset your priorities? That uncouth expression is very apt here: time to put your money where your mouth is!

Mercury Retrograde aspects Jupiter, Pluto and Mars: Big Themes

Chances are you’re contemplating some big and serious matters during this Mercury retrograde. And that’s because Mercury sextiles Jupiter and trines Pluto repeatedly, making you question your philosophy, bringing to light ethical or broader considerations versus questions of money, resources and survival. These questions begin percolating as soon as the 27-28 April, when Mercury first contacts Jupiter and Pluto, are revisited toward the 20-25 May without a final verdict, and can finally be resolved between 10th-20th June.

Mercury retrograde in Gemini also has much to do with reviewing matters around censorship and freedom of speech, as well as free and natural movement and trade - all matters that Mars retrograde in Gemini will pick up again this autumn. These themes are doubly emphasised as Mercury sextiles Mars on May 24th at critical degrees, opening up the opportunity to speak up about something that's long been suppressed, perhaps with some manic intensity. Perhaps it's not what you say or how you say it. Choose your words carefully.

Mercury Retrograde in Gemini May 10-23: Fact-Checking...

The first half of Mercury's retrograde takes place in Gemini and the first three weeks of May, until May 21st, is best used tidying up loose ends and examining your thinking to root out any factual and logical errors. With Mercury retrograde in his own sign, Gemini, communications and arrangements are more likely to go haywire during this time, devices could be playing up and misunderstandings are more likely to abound.

The trick, as much as possible, during this period, is to disengage from the excesses of the outside world and pay attention to the commentary going on in your own head...

Pay attention to your words, your programming. Check for glitches in the system and address any misconceptions or misunderstandings. Externally, use this time to tidy up loose ends and finish up whatever still needs your attention without taking new problems on.

Mercury Inferior Conjunction May 21st: New Thoughts

On May 21st, Mercury retrograde meets the Sun newly in Gemini (the so called “inferior conjunction”) and plants the seeds of a brand new way of thinking. Even if you’re none the wiser just yet, a new idea is now born. And we’re talking brand new! For this conjunction happens at the very first degree of Gemini, right at the start of Gemini season on May 21st. This is the start of all conscious thinking, of all language and writing, of all movement, trade and exchange, words and communications. May 21st opens up a whole new thinking dimension!

There is a freshness to the ideas born now - a new way of thinking that's never gone before. Savour it. Nurture it. Don't trample it underfoot.

The Sabian Symbol for this wonderful Gemini degree is: a glass-bottomed boat reveals undersea wonders. This hints at an exciting sense of discovery as a whole hidden world comes to light and, with it, a whole new dimension of reality!*

You’ll see the ideas planted on May 21st bloom in all their glory this summer, at Mercury’s superior conjunction with the Sun on 16th July. The conjunction takes place at 24:15 degrees of Cancer and the Sabian Symbol for this is: a wilful man is overshadowed by a descent of superior power. This is an interesting symbol to keep in mind for the summer, in light of current events.*

Mercury Retrograde in Taurus May 23-June 3: Money and Resources

The last 10 days of May require extra special care and attention, as you behold this wondrous new dimension of reality. Now's your moment to nurture and protect these budding new ideas of yours with all your might - especially as Mercury drops back into rock-hard Taurus on the 23rd, where he will turn direct on June 3rd.

Taurus likes to go slowly to make sure that the choices made are the right ones. Especially as there is often things like money and resources - our very security and sustenance - riding on making the right choice.

Do not rush. Even if things don’t yet make full logical sense to you, follow each of the steps nice and slow and you'll soon figure out what the salient points are. Play around with things. Throw some mock-ups. Try different versions on for size. Playing make-believe and mimicking is how we all learn and Mercury is intent on teaching us all something from this point onward. This is the time to be open minded and indulge your curiosity in a slow and steady manner.

Mercury Direct June 3rd: Haywire Moment...

Mercury stations direct on June 3rd at 9am BST at 26 degrees Taurus. This can be a tricky moment so triple check sums, amounts, wording, names and orders before you send or share. Keep an eye out for miscommunication and don’t overbook your diary. Best advice? Ease yourself into June as much as you can and let Mercury slowly straighten his course. Mercury enters Gemini again on June 13th and won’t exit his retrograde shadow til June 19th-20th.

Past June 20th, you’re finally ready to think new thoughts and move beyond whatever has bogged your mind down since late April, satisfied that you’ve come up with the best possible plan.

Blood Moon Total Lunar Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio May 16th: The Great Purge!

Armed with Jupiter in Aries, and right amid all this Mercury madness, we have the most dramatic event of this month arrive: a Blood Red Total Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Scorpio in the early hours of May 16th. This eclipse means business! It arrives at 05:14 BST at 25:17 degrees Scorpio and it is all to do with concluding unfinished business. You can find out more about this year's eclipses in Planets, Eclipses and Retrogrades 2022.

This Blood Moon of May 16th is a massive purge. Its task is to open the sewer-floodgates and release all kinds of filth, poisons and toxic back up whose time has come to be exposed and dealt with.

With the eclipse conjunct the South Node in Scorpio and square Saturn, and with Mercury retrograde at the same time, the emphasis is very much on the past. This is about old crimes, hurts and secrets coming to light; about negative feelings poisoning the system from within; about betrayal and retribution. This may sound a bit extreme but Scorpio is a sign of extremes. It rules secrets, violence, crime, sexual perversion, money, bribery, corruption, manipulation and the abuse of power. It is here that the old adage comes to mind: Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. (attributed to Lord Acton)

Scorpio is very much about power and powerlessness and the conditions that breed these, which often lie far away from view. Facing what’s hidden, what we may not want to face but which zaps our power for as long as we deny it, holds the key to our transformation and empowerment. This eclipse is about the power of alchemical transmutation and rebirth.

It’s time to purge these poisonous toxins from your world, to expose that filthy underbelly and do your best to address what you find there.

This eclipse is a show-stopper. The Sabian Symbol for this Blood Moon is: American Indians making camp after moving into new territory. This seems to indicate the importance of adapting to change, which is what this eclipse is all about.*

Saturn square the Eclipse: Reality Check

With Saturn squaring the Sun, Moon and Lunar Nodes, this eclipse seems to be a serious bump in the road - the moment we realise that we cannot go on as we have been.

It is important to step up and face any problems head on now, to take responsibility.

The day before the eclipse, May 15th, is highly charged. That's when the Sun squares Saturn exactly, just as Venus conjuncts Chiron too and there is a sense of real hurt coming to the surface. Relationships are hurt. Resources are hurt. Healing action is required. As the Sun conjuncts the North Node (on May 13th) simplicity is the key to staying sane.

Mars and Pluto, the Eclipse Rulers: Murky Waters

Harmonious aspects between the Sun and Moon and Pluto, Neptune, Mars and Jupiter increase the force of these dark and murky waters... As Mars, co-ruler of the eclipse, harmonises with the Lunar Nodes on the 15th, we may also have an outpouring of aggressive themes into the world.

Mars is also conjunct Neptune in Pisces (exact May 18th) and this could create confusion and misdirection. Neptune holds the highest and lowest of human nature - from the most deceptive to the most altruistic and refined - all in one knotted ball of yarn. Neptune tends to blur boundaries and create smokescreens and misguided actions, cross-contaminations and spills.

Don’t let old poisons contaminate what is good in your life. Let go and let the waters of Neptune wash away whatever demons the eclipse dredges up from the deep.

Pluto, the other ruler of Scorpio is also strong at this time, trine the Sun on the 19th and sextile Mars on the 22nd. This may up the intensity but also empower you to push through the mire until you get to the other side. As Churchill is famed to have said, “if you’re going through hell, keep going”.

May 23rd-29th: Shifting Goalposts

A week down the line, the energy begins to shift once more as Mercury backtracks into Taurus on the 23rd, Venus sextiles Saturn on the 24th, Mars enters Aries on the 25th, Venus squares Pluto on the 27th, Venus enters Taurus on the 28th, and Mars and Jupiter finally meet in Aries on the 29th. Here we have seven days of changing goalposts - with Mercury still retrograde just to keep us on our toes. Venus and Saturn may help stabilise the situation on the 24th but the Venus-Pluto square on the 27th will sharpen any relationship disagreements and problems around resources.

Things are starting to look up from May 28th, with both Venus and Mars on their home turf, allowing love and courage to blossom and bringing more pleasure and dynamism into the mix.

Gemini New Moon May 30th: Daredevil Moment!

After all this drama, it's a real blessing that the month ends with a lightweight New Moon in Gemini on May 30th at 12:30 BST. Mercury is still retrograde so this New Moon is truly experimental!

It’s time to test your own Beta version of whatever it is you want to experience and experiment with new ideas!

Mercury is sailing close to the North Node in Taurus at this time, so there is a real sense of the unfamiliar! We're on new and untested ground - a collective experimentation that could plug us all into the world in a whole new way. Give yourself permission to try different things without committing to anything yet. Just do what feels meaningful to you.

This New Moon arrives at 09:03 degrees of Gemini and the Sabian Symbol for it is an aeroplane performing a nosedive. This is a playful image of fun and experimentation even if it’s sailing a little close to the wind. This is the kind of daring, experimentation and playfulness that we can unlock with this May 30th Gemini New Moon - a much needed lighter vibe after the intensity of the Scorpio Eclipse...

The New Moon arrives right on the heels of Mars conjunct Jupiter in Aries on May 29th - a martial, heroic, dynamic theme, giving you the courage of ten tigers! So, whatever daredevil endeavours you have in mind, Mars-Jupiter gives you the faith and confidence to push ahead!

Sabian Symbols from Dane Rudhyar, An Astrological Mandala, NY: Vintage Books 1974, (pp.89, 127 & 95)

May 2022 Horoscope

So what does all this mean for your zodiac sign? Sky pie slicing coming right up...


Your charm and luck are through the roof this month, dear Aries, with Venus and later Jupiter in your sign. Ask for anything you want in the whole wide world - nobody can resist you! Add Mars, your ruler, in your sign from the 25th, and there is absolutely nothing you cannot accomplish - more and more so as May blends into June. May 29th seeds a brand new cycle of dynamic growth, conquest and victory for you, one that will last you for a couple of years if not a dozen!

At the same time, your values and priorities are being turned on their head and you’re experiencing a major financial transformation. Plant some good financial seeds in early May then see them grow for the rest of the year. The eclipses bring an intimate or joint financial matter to a dramatic head this month. This is an intense transformative moment when you can purge old poisons from your system and release what no longer works, physically, emotionally, financially, even sexually. There is a spooky otherworldly vibe to May’s Blood Moon so keep your spidey sense sharp!

Mercury retrograde may engineer some communication mishaps this month but this is actually an opportunity to review your neighbourhood, your environment, and any trade, transport or communications, as well as sort through your inbox and dealings with others and clear the air. Come May 30th, it’s time to put some tentative feelers out, test-run some new ideas or launch a beta version of whatever it is you’ve got on your mind.


May is the month when you can take your first steps toward a brand new future and a whole new tentative You, dear Taurus. You’re reinventing yourself and breaking new ground - all totally unfamiliar and frankly, unnerving. But fantastic nonetheless. Just draw a line under the past this month and experiment a little - no need to put anything firm in place. The eclipses bring relationship revelations this month, an ending, catharsis or major development with an important someone in your life. You’re pouring lots of energy into your friendships and community for most of May and this is a good time to pursue the realisation of a dream.

Secrets also play a big role this month and it seems you have a secret admirer or perhaps a secret helper or guardian angel with Venus and Jupiter rooting for you from behind the scenes. Come the 25th, it’s time to take a bow from all kinds of socialising and pour your energies into projects you are passionate about and that you want to work on away from prying eyes to see them flourish over the summer.

Mercury retrograde prompts you to re-evaluate your approach to earning money, spending it and to your finances more generally. Time to tackle any outstanding payments, sort through your assets and even your possessions and come up with more ingenious ways to trade and earn. The end of May is a good time to experiment with new talents and test-run new ways to make a living - more so since your charm will be on the rise with Venus in your sign from the 28th.


Your ruler, Mercury, goes retrograde this month, dear Gemini, and it’s time for some deep contemplation of who you are becoming and what you need to let go of in order to move on. This upcoming birthday will be rather special - a time to experiment with new approaches and try a few different identities on for size. Use the New Moon in your sign on May 30th to play around with tentative ideas and make a playful fresh start with everything you want in your life, even if you can’t quite see the full picture yet.

The social scene is rather wonderful for you this month with no less than three important planets in your friendship and social aspirations zone. Venus promises good times with friends and this is sure to invigorate you early in the month. And, as soon as Jupiter arrives, you can also expect all kinds of rewards and recognition coming your way as you connect with more and more likeminded people who are happy to celebrate you. Come the 25th, you’ll be so excited you’ll be ready to pour all your energy into friendships and collaborative projects with people who challenge and excite you.

May is like a powerful palate cleanser, clearing the decks for fresh and far more exciting developments down the line, if you are willing to keep an open mind and experiment. Take some time to be by yourself this month so you can keep your finger on the pulse and tap into the unifying field of inspired ideas... A work or health matter reaches a dramatic climax mid-month deeply affecting how you see your path unfolding in this world. You can do much to further your career this month.


Your career is about to shoot through to the roof, dear Cancer, with lots of important VIPs coming to know your good name. You’re charming those that matter, you’re rising through the ranks and your expectations are high - and so they should be. You’re hosting Jupiter in your career zone and it’s time to reach for the stars. And once Mars joins Jupiter toward the end of May too, you’ll have the energy and motivation to follow through with your convictions. Get ready for take off!

It’s time to totally redefine your dreams and ideals for the future. What do you aspire toward? Time to pull out all the stops! May is a month full of surprises and that’s largely due to your own creativity and flair. Expect a dramatic culmination with a matter close to your heart - a creative project, a hobby, a speculative investment, a start up company or even a child. Love may also rock your world this month, leaving you changed for good. The net effect of all this is to free you to spread your wings and reach a wider audience with your ideas. Travel, publishing, academia, law or international matters take up a lot of your time this month - now’s the time to promote these.

At the same time, certain unhelpful thoughts you’ve been carrying with you for a long while are coming to the end of the line. Let them die a quiet death and allow yourself some time to contemplate what’s ending. Work quietly behind the scenes to prep the ground for something fresh. By May’s end you’ll be ready to experiment with new ideas away from prying eyes, refresh your spirit and give yourself some much needed RnR and mental nourishment.


The goal posts are radically shifting, dear Leo, and more so this month. This is a wonderful time to make a fresh start in your career - fresher than it’s been in years! More to the point, what you do this month has the power to set you on a whole new and exciting trajectory in your life. Part and parcel of that is putting the past to bed and deciding once and for all where you stand with respect to a home, family or land and property matter. Toxic situations at home or with a family member that may have dragged on reach a dramatic culmination now, freeing you to pursue more constructive paths. You can pour a lot of energy into your intimate relationships as well as any business deals, joint finances, taxes, loans or grants now to help you move forward.

At the same time, you’re eager to widen your horizons and step outside your comfort zone - especially from May 11th. You’re feeling like escaping the humdrum and luck is on your side when it comes to expansive operations like broadcasting, publishing, campaigning, travel or study. You’ll get a lot of joy out of pushing the boundaries this month and this expansive trend will only intensify by May’s end. It’s time to spread your wings and enjoy some new experiences.

May is also a great month to reconnect with old friends. Your social circle is up for review - time to see who’s still on your wavelength and who isn’t and clear up any misunderstanding with friends. By May’s end, you’ll be ready to put out some new feelers into the community, experiment on social media perhaps, and see if this or that group is the right fit for you and everything you’re aspiring to achieve.


Your ruler, Mercury goes retrograde in the most public place in your chart, dear Virgo, and it’s time to rethink your entire life direction and overall career approach. Does your public image need a bit of a revamp? Are you on the right path or does your compass need a little tweaking? Time to review your life goals. By May’s end you’ll be ready to have some fun and carry out a career experiment or two to see what sticks and feels more meaningful to you. Be playful! This is a year when you can do a lot to totally reinvent your career and public image and it all starts now.

The eclipses are opening your mind to new ideas and alternative philosophical perspectives. There is a refreshing breeze blowing away the cobwebs as soon as May enters - it’s the smell of rebellious freedom lifting your spirits and opening up a whole world of possibilities. Old is boring, new is exciting. Don’t be afraid to test unfamiliar ground this month - especially when it comes to travel, broadcasting or sharing your ideas, or increasing your knowledge and expertise. Ideas that are past their sell by date reach the end of the line now and it’s time to throw that old broken record out and listen to a different tune. Your energy is still rather tangled up in other people’s business and you will have your hands full with an important relationship, competition or collaboration for pretty much all of May.

The good news is that your finances are due for a little boost this month. Your partner may do rather well or you may receive a loan, gift, grant or other benefit that gives you some extra energy and buoyancy. Intimate relationships and investments are favoured and this is a good time to pay down debt. As May draws to an end, you’ll be ready to join forces with someone quite closely to tackle challenges - physical, emotional or financial - and transform a situation head on.


Relationships is where it’s at, dear Libra, and it’s time to pull out all the stops. Someone seems especially charming with Venus mirrored all over your external world and once Jupiter joins in, you’ll have a fantastic opportunity to meet someone really special, whether you are looking for love or for a lucrative business relationship. And before the month is out, you’ll find yourself pouring a lot of your energy into the wonderful new person or people now entering your life.

You’re entering May with a new sense of emotional and financial freedom, thanks to a wonderful solar eclipse in Taurus and it is exactly this fresh breeze of independence that’s making room for new people to enter your life. It’s time to cut old emotional and financial cords and enjoy a simpler life that makes space for new intimate encounters. Your finances are quite dramatic still with the blood moon signalling a big payment and perhaps a total change of priorities. You’ll be quite busy at work for most of May and this is a good time to make healthy changes to your physical body and daily routine, even bringing a more spiritual element into your lifestyle.

You’re not quite sure where you stand with respect to certain legal, international or philosophical matters this month and that is fine. Take a good long time to review all the facts before you make your mind up as to what’s right or wrong. The end of May plants the seeds of new adventures calling you to distant lands, whether literally or virtually. You’re ready to leave your cares behind and breathe more freely. And while it may feel unfamiliar, now’s the time to put your feelers out and be open to all the wonders that are out there simply awaiting your discovery.


This is a very dramatic month for you personally, dear Scorpio, when you reach a powerful turning point, a catharsis, purging your life and your body of all sorts of toxins and poisons. A dramatic blood moon in your sign marks a climax, an ending, a revelation that gives you your dues and appraises you of the facts bringing a total change of attitude, even physical appearance. You’re pouring a lot of your energy into creative and speculative projects, or perhaps a hobby, child or love interest, and the realisations you now have will lead you to invest more of your energies into what brings you joy.

May allows you to make a positive fresh start in all your relationships, be they professional or personal. Time to put your best foot forward with others in an attitude of freedom and experimentation whether it is for love, gain or mutual benefit. At the same time, you’re reviewing your financial dealings and agreements with others, as well as tidying up loose ends when it comes to any debt or tax payments. Take your time to sort through the numbers and read the fine print. By the end of May, you will be ready to try a whole new approach to your finances and especially any financial ties and obligations or potential lucrative business deals.

If there was ever a great to time to kick-start a health and exercise routine, late May is it. Venus brings some pleasure into your daily routine this month and, with Jupiter there too, you may feel the need for a more freedom-loving, lavish and adventurous lifestyle. Work is sure to pick up too, especially toward the end of May with Mars’ presence, and that’s also your cue to commit to the discipline and hard work required to turn your health or physique around.


Looking for love, dear Sagittarius? Fortune smiles on the brave! Venus and Jupiter enter your true love sector this month so it’s time to let yourself take a little gamble and see what wonderful goodies the cosmos has in store for you. With Mars joining Jupiter in the last week of May too, your sex appeal is through the roof and so are your chances of scoring a win. The same goes for sports, hobbies and all creative and speculative endeavours, by the way, so go on, try your luck and have some fun!

Relationships enter a tentative period and you may find yourself revisiting old ground with your partner or reconnecting with someone from your past. Take time to clear the air and renegotiate any contracts and agreements you may have, whether you’re dealing with your spouse or a business partner. After much discussion, you’ll be ready to make a tentative fresh start on the relationship front by month’s end. Best advice? Throw out the rule book and just play it by ear. You’ll be surprised how many good things can come from this.

You’re in the process of totally releasing the past - all kinds of past hurts and resentments that you’ve been nursing for goodness knows how long - and May delivers the final blow to all that toxic material to get it out of your system for good. Take some time to be with your feelings if need be and mourn for what is gone. Then draw a line under it and move on. You’ll be spending lots of time at home or with your family this month, or you may be involved in a property move or renovation project. Do what you need to do to put the past behind you by focusing on small, simple yet liberating steps. May is taylor-made for opening you up to a brand new lifestyle, allowing you to experiment with living differently, working differently, even making positive improvements to your health. Invest your time in building good habits this month - they will be made to last.


Get ready for a whole load of luck and loveliness to pour into your home, family and private life, dear Capricorn. If you are thinking about moving house, selling, buying or renovating, Venus and Jupiter’s presence in May is sure to see you off to a good start. Mars joins the party before the month is out and you’ll find that you have the energy to turn your space around and reposition yourself more dynamically for the summer.

You’re due for some rejuvenation this month too, with the eclipses reminding you what it’s like to be a kid once more and have fun. Whatever it is that makes your heart sing - whether it is a new love, a creative project, a hobby or kids in your life - all the lights turn green this month for you to pursue it and feel a sense of creativity and joy. If there is any drama, it is in your social circle. The world around you is in turmoil. You may hear of a friend’s departure or you may decide to leave a group, team of club that’s reached the end of the line in what it can offer you. Social media can be toxic and you may pour a lot of your energy trying to manage meetings and communications this month. Whatever worldly rewards are due your way, on the other hand, are sure to come, allowing you to close one chapter of your life.

One area that will require some careful thinking is your work, health and daily routine. You may have to revisit a job, re-examine your methods or review your diet and exercise routine to see where you can make improvements for greater efficiency. Pay special attention to your habits of thought, especially any negative ones that lead you to experience the same results over and over again. By month’s end you’ll be ready to experiment with new ways of doing things, perhaps even a whole new lifestyle that can bring you greater joy.


The eclipses are turning everything upside down, urging you to set your life on a whole new foundation this month, dear Aquarius. It’s time to put your best foot forward and get your house in order. It’s a fresh start for your family and, perhaps your home and living situation too, and you’re on unfamiliar ground. But it’s liberating. See this as an opporutnity because it has the potential to bring many positive changes into your life. Whoever you used to be in the eyes of the world is also radically changing and the faster you accept that the easier things are going to be for you. Don’t hold onto an outdated public image. It’s time to let that go, collect your dues and make room for fresh life goals to guide you on your path. Now’s the time to start investing your energies differently, tackling any financial matters and drawing your self-confidence from different sources.

You’ll see lots of commotion in May, with lots of pleasant social occasions livening things up a bit. You’ll have plenty of opportunities to meet people, step out and about and explore your neighbourhood, improve the way you move around, even take short trips. This is a refreshing vibe that’s going to give you lots of food for thought and help you reassert and expand your influence. The pace picks up toward the end of May and you’ll find you will have your plate full as we head into June.

A child, romance or creative project is also largely on your mind this month and you realise that a certain way of handling the situation has gone as far as it can. It’s time to review what you want out of this one and come up with a fresh approach. Give yourself time to uncover your heart’s desire. You may fruitfully use this time to reconnect with a child, rediscover a hobby or take a beloved project off the back burner and move it forward. Be as playful and experimental as you can. By May’s end, you’ll be ready to bring more love and joy into your life - even if you’re still just taking steps in the dark. Just go for it and see where it leads you.


Mars is in your sign till May 25th and you pretty much call all the shots. Now’s the time to take charge and ask for what you want when few can resist your confidence and dynamism. With Venus and Jupiter in your money house, expenses could be rising, a trend that will continue into the summer. You may feel like spending more, treating yourself more and generally more inclined to get your way. Jupiter brings a sense of safety and abundance. Avoid electronic purchases with Mercury retrograde til early June. Your confidence is rising and, by the end of the month, you’ll be ready to do whatever it takes to energise your finances, strengthen your body and see your stock and confidence rise.

Your living situation is coming up for review this month and you’ll be deep in contemplation as to where you’re living, with whom and what changes you need to make in your home or family set up to better reflect who you are becoming. This slight hibernating vibe is just what you need to re-establish your base in May, figure out some stuff and set your life on a new foundation. By May’s end, you won’t perhaps have quite enough data yet, but you’ll nonetheless be ready to start building a base for yourself, initially tentatively, experimenting with this or that to find out what works. This is a big theme this year.

The eclipses are totally reprogramming your mind, in the meantime, rooting out old toxic beliefs and dogmas and opening you up to new and totally unfamiliar ideas based on direct experience. Let people surprise you. Let books, podcasts, seminars and videos blow your mind. Let new neighbourhoods give you a whole new perspective on how you can live and move. Short trips are beneficial for you now - anything to get you away from how you used to think and what you used to look at. A matter involving publishing, travel, study, academia or legalities may culminate this month, purging old dogmas, revealing blind spots in your thinking and ridding you of false beliefs that you’ve been dragging along for far too long. Let your outlook be transformed!

Image by Thomas McPherson from Unsplash

Article by YourAstroGenes


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