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The Astrology of November 2024: The Alchemical Point!

Writer's picture: YourAstroGenesYourAstroGenes

Pluto enters tech-y Aquarius for good amid a powerful Scorpio New Moon and a liberating Taurus Full Supermoon!

a butterfly in the darkness
Image by Joshua Woroniecki from Unsplash

November's Astro Weather at a Glance

The key theme this month is transformation - Scorpio’s and Pluto’s middle name. And both are powerfully emphasised in November, a month that starts with a no-nonsense Scorpio New Moon on the 1st. This lunation means business! Secretive Scorpio is all about personal empowerment. And key to it all is forming strong, unbreakable bonds. Ultimately, like with any descent into the underworld, the true aim of this lunation is alchemical transformation. And it comes through facing what we most fear. This is that moment..

Pluto is in the final degrees of Capricorn for the last time for another quarter of a century, and the jig is up. Holding onto old control mechanisms to ward off what we fear most is a futile endeavour. Ditto for old power structures. Pluto in Capricorn has been busy feeding a corrupt all-consuming global hierarchy for the past fifteen years, ever since the financial crash of 2008 when he first entered the sign. Well, time is running out for that particular beast - even as it holds on for dear life. Of course, shadow can take many forms. And it’s time for it to take a new guise… On November 19th Pluto enters Aquarius until 2044, and we are entering a whole new and strange beast of a techno-world - one that is yet to fully reveal both its riches and its terrors. Still, this is a world where no old style top down hierarchy can ultimately survive. It won’t happen overnight, but there is no turning back this train.

Speeding all this up, Uranus is right across Scorpio these days, revealing secrets, breaking bonds and making uncertainty the flavour of the day. It’s all part and parcel of our rapid awakening to life’s more unsavoury aspects, paving the way for more wholesome values. A destabilising Taurus Full Supermoon on the 15th conjunct Uranus, on the same day that Saturn stations direct, could see all sorts of shocking yet liberating developments for a galvanising reality check by the middle of the month.

Add to that Mercury and Mars soon to go retrograde, and we’re about to review and revisit a whole host of issues. There is a great emphasis on our collective existence as a single human race from here on in, and this is sure to be brought forward by November’s events. Mercury goes retrograde November 26th and Mars ten days later. And with both Mercury and Mars treading uncertain ground, whatever scenery we are looking at right now bears no resemblance to the future. We ain’t seen nothin’ yet! Read on and find out what November has in store.

Don’t give a damn? Jump straight to your November 2024 Horoscope.  You can also check out a list of November’s Astrological Events by date.

The Last Days of Pluto in Capricorn, November 1st-19th: The Jig Is Up

It’s a creaky old world... November 1st - 19th are the final days of Pluto in the dregs of Capricorn, the very last degree. This signals that we have come to the end of the road and change is imminent.

The jig is up!  Time for us all to stop flogging a dead horse and give whatever died a proper burial. Time to let go. And as we do so, let's look back at the last fifteen years, since late 2008, and understand what has obsessed us so, what has terrified us and what we have grappled with the most.

Where have we been so caught up in a power struggle, fighting for survival, driven by such fear and need for control that we killed a part of ourselves to survive? Was it our identity? Our happiness? Our values? Our sense of home and family? Let’s take a moment to release that stranglehold within and put the past to bed. And if there are residual fears still lingering, it’s easier now to see them for what they are, mere shadows. Let’s receive the lessons and the gifts, and prepare for a totally new and unfamiliar world to greet us on the other side, with new challenges, obsessions and revelations that serve to transform and empower. Mark November 19th, for that’s when the future is here. The next twenty years will blow our minds.

It’s worth noting that the US election and the two weeks that follow it happen during this last stint of Pluto in Capricorn and therefore belong to the old world format. This is an important election, not just for its result, but for the realisation that we need to change an entirely corrupt system. It may well be the last election of its kind, perhaps globally. With the USA Pluto return also finalising its course, America is about to radically change, slowly dismantling its role as a vassal for global domination, just like Britain did before it. These are certainly important times. Let’s see what transpires.

Scorpio New Moon, November 1st: Make a Pledge

The astrological month begins bang on November 1st, with an incredibly powerful Scorpio New Moon at 12:47 GMT at the 10th degree.

This New Moon has maximum grit and stamina! Time to make a total commitment, body and soul, to squarely face those fears and do what it takes to transform a difficult situation.

Are you prepared to go the distance? If there is something you need to face, excise, or transmute to fully come into your power, now’s the time to set that powerful intent.

This New Moon is trine Saturn, steadying the scalpel and guiding Scorpio’s single-minded focus toward lasting results. Where Scorpio is, money is never far behind. Scorpio is par excellence a money sign, for the way we handle money is the way we handle energy, a very manifestation of magical substance, of life’s blood itself. With Saturn present, it’s time to face the task at hand with strength and stamina, and to make a commitment that can stand the test of time.

The Sabian Symbol for this New Moon is “a fellowship supper reunites old comrades”, symbolising the easy energy flow between people who are deeply bonded by shared experience. It all starts with making a pledge. A commitment. It starts with opting in and participating in full, thus becoming part of a chosen egregore or group spirit.

A present intent to be 'all in' leads to initiatives and choices down the line that have the power to transform us.

This is the first of a series of New Moons at 10 degrees of their signs to take us all the way to late March 2025, suggesting variations on a theme until we get the picture. (Do you have any points or planets around 10 degrees of any sign? Prepare for multiple new initiatives over the coming months.)

Pluto Opposite Mars, November 3rd: The Last Stand

The reason this New Moon is super-intense is that Scorpio’s rulers (Mars and Pluto) are at loggerheads, making this yet another desperate do-or-die moment. Mars and Pluto are heading for one of the most polarised aspects there is, an opposition, on November 3rd, and it’s between the most gung-ho of planets, and at the most critical degrees of their respective signs (Cancer and Capricorn).

This aspect contains a kind of madness, a back-against-the-wall kind of urgency that can lead to extreme choices.

What does Mars in Cancer fight for? He fights for the defence: for food and shelter, home and family, land and history, the country and its people. And all against the shadows of an indomitable top-down destructive force. This is Mars in Cancer’s last stand. It’s now or never. But the energies are unstable. For while Mars and Pluto will clash again - in January and April 2025 - they will have moved into new signs Leo and Aquarius by then, entirely changing the context of this polarisation. Pre-US-election, fear is heightened. But everything is about to change…

Mars opposite Pluto does not happen in a vacuum. There is a powerful ‘kite’ formation (looks like a diamond or a bow and arrow) with Mercury and Neptune pointing at the transformative powers of Pluto. This is alchemy in the making. The powers that be may be pulling out all the stops but Mars in Cancer, the protector, is making one last stand. Pluto is about to switch signs and the powers that be will soon take on a new guise and change the rules of the game - watch this space!

Mercury enters Sagittarius, November 2nd: What Do I See?

It’s time to think more adventurously, in broad and visionary brush strokes.

Mercury in Sagittarius has no time for Scorpio’s secrets. He blurts out the truth or whatever he's thinking (or has his roving eye on). Time to go on an intellectual adventure, to look up to the horizon and behold the bigger picture! Mercury will stay in Sagittarius well into the New Year, going retrograde on November 26th.

Jupiter sextiles Chiron, November 2nd: An Opportunity to Heal

November 2nd also sees Chiron and Jupiter perfect their sextile once more, picking up where they left off mid-October. 

This is a time of accelerated and magnified healing through gathering together, through authentic words and conversations that recognise hurt and take steps to heal.

It’s a good time to journal, speak and pay attention to alternate voices, and to finally tackle long festering issues with greater ease and magnanimity.

Mars enters Leo, November 4th: A Valiant Knight

Mars enters Leo on the 4th where he will turn retrograde in one month’s time (December 6).

We are now in really tricky territory, where every step that is taken forward will soon be retraced. Do not mount your horse just yet and play the knight in shining armour… This is going to be a marathon, not a sprint. And much could change down the line.

Mars in Leo calls for courage and honour. He is a true and valiant knight. But the way forward is not open. Nor will it be for a good long while…perhaps not until April 18 next year, when Mars re-enters Leo having completed whatever task is now holding him back. For on December 6th Mars turns retrograde, and that's when we run out of mojo and begin retracing our steps. Let’s take the next few weeks to build up our courage for the Mars retrograde ordeal yet to come. Let’s pace ourselves.

Mercury’s Retrograde Shadow Out of Bounds, November 8th-26th: Uncertain Ground

Things are already getting shaky by November 8th when Mercury enters his own retrograde shadow (i.e. the degrees of the zodiac he will go back over during his retrograde).

Time to start wrapping things up, to tidy loose ends and close any deals before we go searching for new adventures. Prep the mind for some downtime, shutting down for maintenance on November 26th, which is when Mercury turns.

Also note that Mercury goes Out of Bounds this month - joining Venus in her own travels further south than the path of the Sun. And it all happens during Mercury's shadow period November 8-26.

Mercury Out of Bounds heightens our independent thought and our creativity! Much can be figured out and understood this month (post the US election).

As Mercury ends his Out of Bounds stint on the day he goes retrograde, bang on the 26th, this will give us much to chew on - plus the necessary downtime to mull it over.

Hindsight, they say, is 20:20 and that’s much of what this month may be about. Use November 8th to November 26th - and even into the first half of Mercury's retrograde until December 6th - to revisit old ground, review the situation and squeeze meaning out of recent experience. Be ready to pick up plans, projects and ideas that had previously been put on the back burner from the 26th, picking up any pieces that got lost in life's fray. Then, come December 6th, you can start putting them together to build a new map for a new adventure. That’s a new and bigger picture emerging all the way until December 15th and further, until January 3rd, when Mercury exits his shadow.

Venus in Capricorn Out of Bounds, November 11th: Love’s Serious Business

Venus enters Capricorn November 11th to stay until December 7th and it’s time to get down to the serious business of relationships.

Much of this could be dealing with actual business relationships and financial affairs, or practical matters in personal relationship, putting our values to the test.

On the personal front, love is best shown in real or material ways, such as making a serious commitment, fulfilling love’s duties or spending more to celebrate in style. Respect is the name of the game.

Note that Venus is also Out of Bounds until December 2nd (further south than the apparent path of the sun), so this is not ‘business as usual’.

We now have a chance to embrace more authentic values and assess matters from a more independent or unusual perspective.

As Mercury and Venus join hands in their adventures beyond the purview of the Sun, from the 8th onwards, this could be a fantastic time for romance, socialising and parties, as well as for creative work of all kinds.

Taurus Full Supermoon, November 15th: Liberation!

And so we arrive at very heightened moment, the Taurus Full Moon Supermoon of November 15th, at 21:28 GMT at the 25th degree of Taurus. This Full Moon is a Supermoon at that - i.e. very close to the earth and magnified! - not to mention that the Moon is exalted in Taurus, heightening our needs and our senses!

This is a seminal point, for it is the first non-eclipse Full Moon in Taurus since November 2020. It’s the first chance we get to assess an area of our lives that doesn’t cope well with change after a whole cascade of them.

It is a chance to see things in a new light after the storm. The eclipses entered Taurus in November 2021 and lasted up to and including October 2023, bringing us war and a cost of living crisis, and turning every Full Moon in that sign into an eclipse for three years straight. No wonder that otherwise steadfast Taurus - and anyone who has planets or points in there - doesn’t know if they’re coming or going at this point.

Well, this Full Moon could be an enlightening moment. A break from the past. A liberator, setting us free in an area of life where we habitually hold on most tightly. Time to let go of that tugging rope and finally embrace change!

For this Taurus Full Moon is conjunct Uranus, at the so called ‘Uranus opposition’ to the Sun. Uranus is synonymous with truth, innovation, and freedom. He brings excitement. He shakes and stirs. But the line between excitement and anxiety is often so blurred that we emotionally detach - we go numb to cope. The key here is not detachment but non-attachment. And as the penny drops, calling for change, an attitude of non-attachment will serve us best.

The Sabian Symbol for this Full Supermoon is “a vast public park”, its focus being the cultivation of natural energies that are not merely for the self, but meant for collective access, use and enjoyment!

This could be a moment of awakening to a sense of ourselves as belonging to a larger peaceful whole, a eureka moment into the truth that we are one human community in this garden we call earth.

We could feel a sudden desire to cultivate our world as a beautiful place to live in relaxed symbiosis as one organised harmonious whole. And that’s because this Full Moon connects not only with Uranus, but also with Neptune and Pluto in an ongoing mini-grand-trine.

This Taurus Full SuperMoon activates collective energies that are highly idealistic, innovative and transformative - energies that will take us into 2025 and beyond.

This Full Supermoon is also an important choice point, a moment of commitment and a relationship test. This is because Venus, its ruler, squares the eclipse points, presenting us with a dilemma. Venus is in Capricorn so whatever our concerns, they may well have a worldly flavour or there may be duties and responsibilities carried in our choices.

It is time to make a responsible choice.

And that’s no less because Saturn is also very powerful at this Full Moon, stationing direct on the very same day...

Saturn Direct, November 15th: Get To Work

Also on the 15th, Saturn in Pisces stations direct.

It’s time for a major reality check - especially when it comes to whatever defences we deploy to ward off chaos.

Are we making conscious sacrifices? How do we ward off chaos? Where do we squirm rather than face reality? And what inspires us so that it connects us with something greater? Saturn in Pisces is ultimately all about spiritual mastery. And after nearly five months of soul searching, it’s time to use our dreams and inspirations to shape our world. Time to face our spiritual shortcomings, fears and weaknesses, and any feigned sentimentalism or pretence of care.

Time to move forward and learn to navigate the chaos, trusting only our inner senses.

On the mundane level, Saturn in Pisces is a master magician, manipulating appearances, creating sensationalism, orchestrating chaos, and ruling with a set of smoke and mirrors. Whatever lie we’re telling ourselves, it's time to stop. Catch that slippery fish! Or, at least, find that divine current within and flow with that instead…

This is no idle moment. Saturn finds himself at the apex of a T-cross with Mercury and Jupiter, a tense aspect calling for action. Much information is still coming to light - much of it surely troubling thanks to the Mercury-Jupiter opposition, both square Saturn.

It is important to communicate tough truths and speak up now, even when the conversation is hard going, even in the face of severe criticism, hyperbole, or outright rejection. 

Mercury is already in his retrograde shadow at this point, as is Mars. And much will change down the line. Still, voiced concerns must now be taken in earnest.

Pluto enters Aquarius, November 19th: The Future Is Here!

Come November 19th at 20:39GMT Pluto enters Aquarius for good, i.e. until 2044.

No more “will we - won’t we.” It’s done. We are now fully immersed in a brand new world.

A world with unimaginable technology shaping us beyond recognition, with paradigm-shifting galactic revelations, with a potential for awakening so great, it can transform humanity. This is the awakening of our consciousness to its capabilities, to reality as nothing but vibration, to humanity’s true state being one of freedom. But it is early days. Pluto will stick to the nascent, critical 0 degrees of Aquarius until December 29th. It won’t be until the new year that we get into the full swing of things.

Pluto first made his entrance into Aquarius in March 2023, bringing us Chat GPT, UAP whistleblowers, and all kinds of weirdness that is fast becoming commonplace. That was but the tip of the iceberg.

With Pluto at 0 Aquarius from the 19th, we may feel an unsettling fear of the unknown as we head into 2025. Even so, we certainly know more now than we did in March 2023, when Pluto first dipped his toe in Aquarius, catching us by surprise. We are ready.

So let’s say our goodbyes to that creaky old world. The period of defending the past is over. Time to look wide-eyed into the future.

Read up on Pluto in Aquarius 2023-2044: Galactic Citizens, if you want to know more. That’s where I draw parallels between the next twenty years and previous transits of Pluto in Aquarius that span (i) the American and French Revolutions of the 18th century, (i) the Reformation and Copernican revolution of the 16th century and, even further back, a time period that has much to teach us: the Scottish War of Independence, end of the Crusades, and breakup of the Mongolian Empire of the 13th century, including amazing new discoveries (like paper) arriving from travels to the Far East - back then literally the ends of the earth! Humanity may be aeons away from those dark middle ages - marching into that fabled enlightened age of Aquarius - and yet the 13th century holds some truly important lessons for us. (That’s also the time of the Magna Carta! And while not related to Pluto in Aquarius, the Magna Carta is related to another huge astrological event happening right now, the Great Conjunction in Aquarius.)

Mercury Retrograde, November 26th: Re-Envision the World

The month closes with Mercury turning retrograde in Sagittarius on November 26th, at 02:42am GMT. Mercury retrograde will take us all the way to December 15th and will travel within Sagittarius 7-23 degrees.

Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius is all about re-igniting that fire within - that faith, hope and vision - our sense of adventure!

It’s about having the faith to take a leap, the foresight to see the bigger picture, the adventurousness to discover the truth. Time to re-envision our future.

The coming few weeks could be highly exploratory! Give yourself permission to go on an adventure, to open your mind, expand your options and explore new possibilities. This is especially so as Mercury squares Saturn and opposes Jupiter repeatedly during his retrograde, highlighting our collective growing pains (read up on Jupiter-Saturn in August 2024 Astrology: Growing Pains).

Let's honour our growing pains by facing facts and learning from mistakes, while also staying open to new opportunities and taking calculated risks.

Saturn-Jupiter is all about treading that fine line between over-caution vs. recklessness, cynicism vs naive optimism, arrogance vs a crippling lack of confidence. Somewhere in the middle lies the capacity to make mistakes, learn from them and still keep confidently moving forward. It’s a tricky balancing act and we get another chance to try it, especially as Jupiter and Saturn clash once more December 24th.

Mercury doesn’t exit his retrograde shadow until January 3rd so it’s a good thing we can use the holidays to hit pause… Take this time to re-envision a new future, well into the New Year and beyond.

NB: Mercury will go back and forth over the USA Ascendant during this period too, calling into question the very identity of that nation. With everything else activating the US chart now and into 2025-26, watch this space!

Peeking into December…

As we leave November, we’re now truly entering an uncertain period.

Mark December 6th for it’s when the world’s moving parts start to come apart… That’s when Mercury in Sagittarius meets the Sun just as Mars turns retrograde in Leo, thwarting any sense of leadership and urging us to dig deeper - a vibe that will take us all the way into the new year.  The marathon now begins!

Make only tentative plans from mid-November and train those foresight muscles.

It’s a brave new world we’re entering in 2025!


Week 1

1 NEW MOON SCORPIO: set a powerful new intent

1-2 Mercury trine Neptune & Mars / sextile Pluto: Incredible inspiration and power!

2 Jupiter sextile Chiron: magnified healing

3 Mars opposite Pluto: back against the wall

3 Venus opposite Jupiter trine Chiron: test your values and principles

Week 2

4 Mars into Leo (shadow)

4 Sun trine Saturn: solid plans

7 Mercury trine Node: Important communications

9 Venus square Neptune: hopelessly romantic

Week 3

11 Venus Capricorn: serious about relationships

12 Mercury square Saturn harsh truths

15 Saturn direct: reality check

15 Taurus FULL SuperMOON: liberation & revelation!

16 Venus square Nodes: dilemma

16-17 Sun-Uranus opposition: shock, surprise and freedom

Week 4

18 Mercury opposite Jupiter: what do you know?

19 Sun trine Neptune: dream forward

19 Mercury trine Chiron: healing words

19 PLUTO ENTERS AQUARIUS (to stay until 2044): paradigm shift!

21 Sun enters Sagittarius / sextile Pluto: an opportunity for something new

22 Venus sextile Saturn: a chance to commit

23 Mars trine Node: global initiatives / actions have power

Week 5

25-26 MERCURY RETROGRADE: pause & review

26-27 Sun trine Mars / North Node: powerful action and initiative!

28 Venus square Chiron: old wounds around relationships / finances.

(And we have a New Moon again December 1st!)

November 2024 Horoscope by Zodiac Sign

So, let’s slice up that big pie in the sky! How does November shape up for you? If you have no access to a personalised horoscope reading, you can certainly glean data from the zodiac slices below... Read your Sun sign for your core, your Rising sign for the skin, and your Moon sign for the animal within.

Aries November Horoscope

  • Apply healing balm to your sense of identity as a maverick or outsider. Speak up, network and dare to be the odd one out. A writing, communications or media project may offer the perfect opportunity for this.

  • Release any fears and obsessions over your career, public image or direction in life, your duties and responsibilities - as well as around bosses, parenting and authority figures. Recognise how you have risen in stature over the past fifteen years and commit to your path fearlessly.

  • Pledge to make steady progress in your joint finances and intimate relationships this month (financial dependencies, debts, grants, pensions, deals or mergers behind the scenes. Build trust.

  • Prepare for a marathon run around matters of home and family, romance, children and creative projects. Home-related initiatives will be revisited January-April next year, so pace yourself.

  • Get ready to be transformed through powerful friendships and joint community endeavours. You’re getting ready to make your contribution and pursue your dreams in a big way.

  • Face the necessity for solitude. You may need to go through a period of isolation to reconnect with your spirit. If you feel disconnected from your environment, or sabotaged, recognise that your demons are playing up so you can uncover and release deep psychological patterns.

  • Liberate your earning power - embrace change in your values and the way you handle money. A sudden expense may arise, or you may put a new talent to use or change how you invest your energies to reflect your rapidly changing values. This could create a career dilemma  at the Full Moon.

  • Re-envision your sense of purpose and meaning in life - rediscover your ‘why’. You may need to review travel plans, or a legal, academic, publishing or international matter.

Taurus November Horoscope

  • Apply healing balm to your very soul by having more faith in your own values, talents and abilities, and by increasing your self worth and your capacity to earn money.

  • Release all dogmatic censorious and judgmental attitudes based on fear - be it fear of rejection by an intellectual elite, fear of exile, moral castigation or litigation, or the fear of some punishing god. Set your mind free so you can share your powerful message with the world.

  • Pledge to make steady progress in all your interactions this month - be it romantic, business or in reaching out to clients or an audience. Make allies, find your people and build your network so you can and move toward your dreams.

  • Prepare for a marathon run in all kinds of day to day matters - travel, communications, paperwork, a writing or media project, as well as matters involving your home or family. Pace yourself as you revisit all these moving parts of your life in the new year. It won’t be until April that any home or family projects can move full speed ahead.

  • Get ready for big changes in your career and public image moving forward. It’s time to slowly step into greater responsibility in a brand new role.

  • Face the importance of pursuing your dreams. It’s no good just following someone else’s dream or doing right by the community. What do you want your unique contribution to be? Who are your people? Start networking and building your tribe.

  • Liberate yourself from all attachments to your previous persona and embrace change, full stop. In case you haven’t figured it out yet, you, a steady Taurus, have been radicalised, shattered and changed beyond recognition - all thanks to the eclipses and Uranus in your sign. Let go of what’s broken and embrace the excitement of discovering who you are from a new perspective. This Taurus Full Moon could bring you some shocking yet liberating revelations, presenting you with fresh moral or intellectual dilemmas.

  • Re-envision how your attitude to shared money and resources - be it debt, grants, family finances, pensions, taxes or investments - as well as those close bonds that require trust.

Gemini November Horoscope

  • Apply healing balm to your friendships and social circles by embracing the amazing opportunities for growth and expansion you now have. Jupiter in your sign brings you luck all the way until your next birthday! Make the most of your network of mavericks and outsiders.

  • Release deep-seated financial fears, cynicism or expectations of betrayal. It’s time to let go of any mistrust or obsessive attempts to control what happens in your business dealings or intimate encounters. Recognise your power to survive transformative encounters and go forth fearlessly.

  • Pledge to make steady progress in your work this month, as you slowly reach for those budding new ambitious career goals. If you need to perfect a skill or come up with a better daily routine for your health and productivity now is the time to do it.

  • Prepare for a marathon run of putting your assets, talents and resources to good use to improve your financial situation. Process financial stress in a way that allows you to share your message, advance a deal or make the necessary connections and pace yourself. You will have plenty of time to revisit financial matters January to April next year.

  • Get ready for big changes in your outlook and you ability to reach people with your message - be it through travel, publishing and broadcasting, through gaining new credentials, legitimising what you do, or converting.

  • Face the importance for career success and respect. This is a new beginning. Take slow and steady steps toward your goals, keep raising your profile and show you can handle responsibility until you get there.

  • Liberate your spirit from all encumbrances, uncover secrets, and embrace spiritual renewal. You might gain sudden notoriety, be privy to a shocking relevation, or experience sudden enlightenment or inspiration. This Full Moon could be a highly creative moment.

  • Re-envision how you interface with others - personally, professionally or with the public.

Cancer November Horoscope

  • Apply healing balm to your career and public image with the help of secret helpers and guardian angels. Take time to meditate, uncover secrets, immerse yourself in your creativity and pursue things behind the scenes. Use your intuition.

  • Release long standing power struggles, fears and obsessions around relationships, contracts and agreements. You’ve been through a long and intense fifteen year period when others really got under your skin. Recognise how these battles have made you hardier and wiser in how you handle partnership and confrontation.

  • Pledge to make steady progress with a creative project, romance or labour of love this month that can raise your profile intellectually, legitimise your efforts and open up a whole new world of possibilities.

  • Prepare for a marathon run with everything that you truly desire, especially if it also involves improving your financial situation. Mars is about to spend an unprecedented five months in total your sign. You’ve been through two of them already and have likely set powerful initiatives in motion. Pace yourself over the next six months and prepare to confidently move forward in March.

  • Get ready for big changes in your financial situation, especially in banking, investments or resources you share with your family or spouse, as well as big business.

  • Face facts and do what you must to resolve a legal or immigration matter, or to gain the credentials you need to establish yourself as an authority in your field. It may be time to proceed with an important publication, journey or course of study. What do you stand for?

  • Liberate your dreams and aspirations! Embrace the changes and excitement that a friendship group or community involvement brings into your life. Free yourself from peer pressure so you can pursue your dreams. Sudden developments in your social circle around this Full Moon could bring much excitement and disruption, presenting you with new relationship dilemmas.

  • Re-envision your work, habits and daily routine. How can you improve your lifestyle or skills for greater health and productivity?

Leo November Horoscope

  • Apply healing balm to your sense of purpose and possibility by connecting with your tribe and pursue your dreams. Seek out allies to help you with any legal, academic, publishing, broadcasting, travel or international matters.

  • Release blocks, fears or obsessions around your work or a health matter. Examine any bad habits or other stressors recognising your ability to transform a situation through positive daily practices.

  • Pledge to make steady progress with a home, family or property matter this month, building greater trust in your relationships, as well as improving your joint finances.

  • Prepare for a marathon run psychological work to reshape your identity - from processing suppressed or self-sabotaging behaviour to dealing with difficult situations that require careful handling. Sometimes our demons are projected on the outside and any hidden enemies could now come into full view to help you make the necessary changes to your own attitude. Pick no battles until you’ve had time to reassess your own psychological complexes or other hidden aspects of your life from January to April 2025.

  • Get ready for life changing relationships, contracts or interactions with the public from here on in, including potential power struggles and transformative collaborations.

  • Face the reality of a complex financial situation - whether with joint or family finances, debt, taxes, pensions, a division of property, inheritance, grants, scholarships, deals, spouse support, mergers and other complexities.

  • Liberate your public image - embrace change in your career and in how you project yourself professionally into the world! A boss or authority figure may surprise you at this Full Moon, or you may decide to suddenly change course, as new work choices open up before you.

  • Re-envision your creativity and capacity for joy. Time to rejuvenate! Re-light the romance in your love life, re-ignite your sense of fun and playfulness, revisit old hobbies or have fun with your kids.

Virgo November Horoscope

  • Apply healing balm to your career and life direction, and to your ability to trust yourself (and others) enough to share your gifts and enter into close professional or financial relationships. Heal financial dependencies that undermine your self esteem by raising your profile, expanding your goals or pursuing your vocation.

  • Release fears that have held you back from true creative self-expression, from love, passion or even procreation. Ditto any obsessions, toxicity or controlling behaviour around children. Recognise your own creative power and that your happiness lies in your hands.

  • Pledge to make steady progress with a sales, writing or media project, a study course or other endeavour this month. One that requires you to speak up, network, and put more of your ideas out there into the public sphere, where you can get clients, reach an audience, and face any competition.

  • Prepare for a marathon run pursuing a dream or group endeavour. You may have to partly work behind the scenes toward your cause. Take time to do some soul searching and eliminate any self sabotaging behaviours before you revisit your dreams and aspirations in the new year and be ready to move full spread forward in March.

  • Get ready to become obsessive about work, health and lifestyle matters, intent on perfecting your skills, addressing bad habits, changing your daily routine, healing and fixing things, and improving your effectiveness and efficiency.

  • Face facts in your relationships, both personal and professional. Address anything that isn’t working or ways you may be cutting yourself off from others. If all is fine, it’s time to make a commitment and take things to the next level. Professionally, dare to test yourself against a real world audience, actual clients, or competitors.

  • Liberate your mind and embrace change in your outlook on life. Sudden revelations present you with new creative choices, new romantic options, or a dilemma around children. This Full Moon could help free you from limiting beliefs and restrictive views on life, so you can widen your horizons.

  • Re-envision your home base or family, a property matter, your living situation or place of residence. Take a journey into your own soul and examine your own psychological underpinnings, reorganising your foundations to instil a sense of greater vision, optimism, and self reliance.

Libra November Horoscope

  • Apply healing balm to your relationships and overall outlook - especially where old wounds are concerned. Do your best to resolve legal matters and take every opportunity for expansion that a relationship might present - whether through travel, meeting people from different cultures, or through education, marketing or publishing.

  • Release fears around your home and family, let go of old family patterns, and bring the deep inner work you have been doing for many years now to a natural conclusion.  Acknowledge the unshakeable self-reliance and inner strength you have as a result of transformative experiences over the past fifteen years around home, family and country.

  • Pledge to make steady progress toward augmenting your self worth and achieving financial security this month. Embrace your talents and work to turn all your assets and resources into a solid source of sustenance, self confidence and value through work.

  • Prepare for a marathon run of reorientation when it comes to your career or life path. Process any anger you may feel over a boss, parent or other authority figure, over challenges to your own authority or in your social circles. Pace yourself and don’t jump the gun with friends, as you’ll come to review and adjust your life direction in the new year.

  • Get ready to become obsessed with love, joy and personal happiness. Self fulfilment is a topic that will take much of your energy moving into the next two decades, whether through pursuing your own creativity, through transformative experiences in love and romance, or through procreation and children.

  • Face the necessity for self discipline to address a health matter or for training and hard work to perfect your skills. Accept any lessons around your health, habits or lifestyle and make the necessary adjustments.

  • Liberate yourself from toxic emotional and financial ties and open up to greater honesty, intimacy and freedom. Embrace financial change and empowerment! A joint financial matter or close relationship could come to a head or a sudden realisation that presents you with a fundamental choice at the Full Moon.

  • Re-envision the way you connect, network, trade and communicate with your environment, the people you interact with day to day, the way you commute or how you use language.  Any disruptions in communications or travel serve to make you stop and think.

Scorpio November Horoscope

  • Apply healing balm to your work, habits, joint finances and relationships. Get rid of toxins, habits or dependencies that are not good for you, addressing health issues and opening up to experiencing greater generosity in your personal and financial relationships.

  • Release old thought patterns and ways of communicating and connecting with your environment, as well as difficulties with siblings, neighbours and peers. Address toxic situations around a deal, writing or media project so you can move on. Recognise the influence you can exercise over your environment and let go of old power struggles.

  • Pledge to make steady progress with what’s most important to you this month. With such a powerful New Moon in your sign, it’s time to take the initiative on all the things you desire, be they speculative, romantic or creative, and achieve long term results!

  • Prepare for a marathon run with a legal, international, publishing or academic matter. Process any anger you may feel over a legal battle, a publishing project or religious or moral issue, as well as any international or educational challenges that could define your career and future course. Don’t jump the gun, as you’ll be able to revisit such matters from January 6th for a more thorough way forward.

  • Get ready for a journey into your own soul, your very foundations of life - whether through spiritual and psychological explorations or transformative events around your place of residence, home and family.

  • Face facts regarding your own happiness - whether it is your love life, children or a creative project. Take responsibility of your happiness and for creating a life of greater joy.

  • Liberate yourself from relationships and agreements that no longer work for you and embrace the change that others bring into your life! How can you improve the way you interface with others to allow for more truth, freedom and excitement? Someone could surprise you, presenting you with a practical dilemma at this Full Supermoon.

  • Re-envision what you have to offer - your assets, talents and resources - as well as your priorities, finances and sense of self worth so you can move forward with renewed faith.

Sagittarius November Horoscope

  • Apply healing balm to your relationships and your need for romance. Let others ignite your sense of fun and play, open you up to love and awaken your creativity! Take a risk and connect with someone who is sure to bring you growth, open your heart or unleash your creative talents.

  • Release old financial fears, attachments, possessions or anything else that currently undermines your self worth. It’s time to put that stuff behind you and recognise how your own values have transformed over the period, giving you a new source of strength.

  • Pledge to make steady progress in pursuing leads behind the scenes at this New Moon so you can establish a good foundation for your future. This might include political moves, as well as facing your demons, doing deep spiritual work, or unleashing your creativity.

  • Prepare for a marathon run around joint financial ventures - whether it is going into business with someone, paying off debt, applying for a grant or line of credit, or anything else that merges your energies with others. Legal proceedings, travel or publicity could be the next step, but pace yourself. Process any anger or sense of betrayal stemming from the past, work out the financial details in the new year, and be ready to move forward in spring.

  • Get ready to play in a much bigger playground in the future, pursuing ambitious new ideas and seeing your endeavours have greater impact.

  • Face the necessity of setting a strong foundation for the future. Tackle any home or family issues, be it with a property, where to live, a family member or your entire living situation.

  • Liberate your work - embrace a lifestyle change! Expect sudden developments around your work, habits or daily routine at this Full Supermoon. It’s time to shake things up, make changes at work, improve your daily habits and free your schedule from unnecessary tasks. You may be presented with a choice in your finances and relationships.

  • Re-envision your identity and life goals, as Mercury retrogrades in your sign. Take time, as the year comes to an end, to reinvent yourself and your entire approach to life. Let someone show you another way.

Capricorn November Horoscope

  • Apply healing balm at the very foundations of your soul, your home, family and sense of security or innermost identity. Build greater self-reliance by improving your lifestyle, health and habits, retraining or finding better ways to work. Incorporate family time into your routine.

  • Release your old identity once and for all. Recognise how the past fifteen years have totally transformed you - sometimes through sheer terror, always revealing your incredible power to survive - and how they have shaped you into a whole new person. Rejoice in the strength you have gained.

  • Pledge to make steady progress toward your goals and dreams at this New Moon. This involves connecting with your environment, making allies and finding your tribe so you can bring more of yourself and your ideas out into the world.

  • Get ready for a marathon run when it comes to your relationships, contracts or agreements, also involving any joint finances, close interactions and matters of trust. Deep involvements with others could take much of your time and energy in the coming months. Be ready to redefine your relating space in the new year. You’ll be ready to move forward afresh in spring.

  • Get ready to undergo a total transformation to your finances, assets and resources, to your values and principles, down to your own appreciation of your talents and self worth in the coming years.

  • Face anything you still need to learn to best communicate your ideas. Commit to training, studying or even commuting daily to fulfil your duties.

  • Liberate your creativity and change your attitude to love and happiness! This Full Supermoon brings sudden joy, love and romance, and surprises through your children or creative endeavours. Express yourself freely and remove all obstacles to self-fulfilment. You may be put on the spot to make a personal choice.

  • Re-envision your inner landscape and spiritual life. Any character dynamics that are still  largely unconscious could now play up to get your attention. Take time to rest and recuperate.

Aquarius November Horoscope

  • Apply healing balm to your self expression! Enjoy hobbies and recreational activities, play with your kids, take a chance on love, and restore your sense of joy in life. It is very important that you take a risk and follow your heart, speak up freely even if what you have to say causes a stir.

  • Release an old way of life, bid good bye to secrets, old sabotaging behaviours and activities behind the scenes that may have had you preoccupied for years, as well as any institutional involvements that may be coming to an end. Recognise how secret endeavours or participation in large collective currents over the past fifteen years made you stronger.

  • Pledge to make steady progress in your career this month, moving steadily toward ambitious goals or opting for a public role that secures you financially and builds up your self esteem.

  • Prepare for a marathon run when it comes to lifestyle changes and disruptions to your work over the next six months. This is to help you break bad habits and establish good ones, as well as resolve any disputes or other relationship matters. Focus on building an inner discipline so you can fix anything that’s broken and get your life back on track starting in the new year and certainly by next spring. Efforts you make now will affect both your work and daily routine, as well as your relationships, contracts and agreements.

  • Get ready to undergo a total transformation in your identity and desires in life, right down to your appearance as Pluto enters your sign for the next twenty years from November 19th.

  • Face any lack of self esteem and take responsibility for your finances. Proceed one step at a time.

  • Liberate yourself at your very root - embrace changes long overdue in your home and family life .  If the ground shakes it’s because some fixtures need to be shaken loose for a more fulfilling home, living situation or family life. You may be facing a secret dilemma behind the scenes.

  • Re-envision your hopes and dreams, your contribution to your community, and any friendships or group involvements as you head into December.

Pisces November Horoscope

  • Apply healing balm to your finances, self worth and sense of security by focusing on your inner world, expanding your home base, connecting with family members and establishing a secure foundation for future development.

  • Release old causes, dreams and ideals that are no longer relevant, as well as any friendships or group involvements that no longer reflect the kind of world you want to live in. Recognise your powerful desire to make a contribution in the world, acknowledge who your true friends are and how the social involvements of the past fifteen years have made you wiser.

  • Pledge to make steady progress with a publishing, legal or educational matter this month, which is to form part of a brand new identity for you. Ditto with any travel or international projects, or with committing to a view, philosophy, moral stance or outlook on life.

  • Prepare for a marathon run when it comes to organising your life for greater happiness, creativity, love self-fulfilment. Process any anger you may have around romance, children or a creative project and consider changes you can make to your work, habits and lifestyle. Pace yourself, as you will have to revisit creative projects and matters of the heart in the new year and won’t be able to fully move forward until next spring.

  • Get ready for life behind the scenes to gain new richness, whether through esoteric and spiritual pursuits, or institutional and philanthropic endeavours. The next years also lend themselves to some deep psychological work.

  • Face your limitations and take responsibility for your approach, your choices and for who you are becoming.

  • Liberate your thinking and embrace new thoughts! Speak the truth with siblings or peers at this Full Supermoon, write freely, move freely and eliminate anything that limits your movement or censors your expression. News could arrive suddenly, presenting you with a friendship or group choice.

  • Re-envision your goals, career and role in the world, so you can adjust your course as you welcome 2025.

Article by YourAstroGenes


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