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March 2022 Astrology: The Great Unravelling…

Writer's picture: YourAstroGenesYourAstroGenes

The world’s great pullover has got a loose thread and the temptation to pull it is just too great. With Jupiter and Neptune sailing close, this is a time of unravelling - but also spiritual awakening.

Do things appear to be coming apart at the seams? Jupiter and Neptune are edging together, touched by March’s New and Full Moon both, as they prepare for a most significant conjunction. The last time the two rulers of Pisces met in Pisces was 1856 amid the seance-filled, con-riddled spiritual awakening of 19th century spiritualism.

Jupiter-Neptune is sure to have a dissolving and unifying effect. It is a powerful solvent washing away our differences, softening all this hardness that’s calcified the world in 2021 and waking us up from a decadent materialistic stupor.

This is a spiritual awakening, dissolving the fabric of reality to the point where it becomes see-thru, revealing the unifying field behind. It’s time to dream up a new world, to let feelings well up that give rise to a more inclusive vision that unites humanity rather than divide it.

Riding on this wave of spiritual awakening, we also have the strengthening of the Will.

The Sabian Symbols for the March New Moon and Full Moon have all to do with willpower. With Mars and Venus also marching close together - aligning Love (Venus) and Will (Mars) - an irresistible magnetic force is amassing, drawing desire to its object. When desire is aligned with the conviction that you deserve to have what you seek, nothing can stand in your way. How invigorating. And volatile.

With Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine as March enters, the world is on tenterhooks. First Mars then Venus harmonise with the Lunar Nodes in Taurus and Scorpio on February 28th and March 1st, magnetising our globe to the forces of love and war. A dangerous moment arrives on the 3rd as they both join Pluto. By March 6th, Mars and Venus enter more equitable terrain. They move into Aquarius, meeting at 0 degrees, instilling a strong sense of solidarity and brotherhood. We’re certainly in the midst of a great quickening. Every planet is direct and things are happening at light speed right now and will continue to do so till the end of April.

March 2nd brings a highly emotional yet auspicious Pisces New Moon conjunct Jupiter and the 18th heralds a poignant Virgo Full Moon opposite Neptune, urging us all to take practical steps to achieve our dreams.

The Spring Equinox arrives on March 20th ushering in a strongly rebellious theme for the astrological year ahead. Finally, the month ends on a note of deep seriousness and crucial decisions hang in the balance.

March 2nd New Moon in Pisces: Uncharted Waters…

On March 2nd at 17:34 GMT, we have a highly auspicious Pisces New Moon at the 13th degree. This New Moon is closely conjunct Jupiter, foreshadowing the upcoming Sun-Jupiter (and Neptune) conjunction that’s opening the door to the greatest spiritual growth and development we’ve seen for humanity since the mid-19th century. The only way to reach this promised land is to dive into these murky, uncharted waters and swim as if our life depended on it… And it does.

The time has come to have faith in humanity, to pray and to reach for a better world.

The Sabian Symbol for the Pisces New Moon is “an ancient sword, used in many battles is displayed in a museum.” How fitting that we should have an image of historic battle, of will and valour for an otherwise imaginative, compassionate and visionary New Moon in Pisces, a sign not obviously connected with war.

The symbol description goes on to talk about “a man” who, through the effective channelling of divine will, becomes “a symbol of courage for all who follow in his footsteps.”(*) This is a simple man channelling something greater to inspire mankind. It is the Ukranian fighter. It is the trucker. It is the man on the street. Pisces is anonymous and yet able to touch the hearts of all.

The Pisces New Moon is conjunct Jupiter, giving rise to a new vision, promoting faith in humanity, bringing hope for justice and freedom on all fronts. These Jupiterian concepts are made manifest in the symbol of that "man" of divine courage and will.

This lunation is all about the importance of brave and inspiring symbols. These symbols have the power to fire up the imagination and propel us to raise and refine our consciousness. It’s time to see what’s truly possible for humanity.

Symbols are the language of the imagination, which in turn decides the course of human history. And it’s time to come up with new and better symbols, more inclusive, more inspiring, so we can weave a better world. This is a powerful new begining. Time to seed new and far-reaching visions for the future. As the Pisces New Moon and Sun sextile Uranus, something snaps, setting us free. It’s a liberating moment, a new paradigm.

The Sun-Jupiter Conjunction of March 5th: Vision Infusion

By March 5th, the Sun and Jupiter meet, consolidating the vision arising of the March 2nd Pisces New Moon.

March 5th is a highly auspicious date to launch yourself toward a major goal. A new growth cycle is about to begin, taking us all the way to Spring 2023. Time to embrace the unfamiliar and embark on new adventures!

Sun-Jupiter infuses the world with hope and optimism on March 5th but there are dangers too. The biggest one is ego-inflation, an exaggerated sense of self-importance. So, ride the wave. Light up your vision. But recognise that the vision is the wave and you’re only the rider.

Mercury and Venus out of Shadow

Right around the Pisces New Moon, on March 2nd, Mercury and Venus both are finally out of their retrograde shadows and a precarious and difficult three months is finally starting to fade. Those retrograde thresholds are guarded by Saturn and Pluto, however so, March 2nd-3rd marks a serious transition….

Mercury Conjunct Saturn, March 2nd: Grave Talks

March 2nd-3rd is a sobering moment. Mercury conjuncts Saturn on the 2nd just before the Pisces New Moon and it’s time for some grave discussions. About community and solidarity. About science and responsibility. About restrictions and freedom.

(Saturn actually opposes Putin’s dictatorial power-signature (Midheaven/Pluto/Dragon’s Tail conjunction) and conjuncts his North Node at the root of the chart in Aquarius, symbolising his homeland. It is calling him to let go of his deadly ambitions, to cool his jets, to turn his attention homeward and find a new way. But will he? We may know more by the 6th, as Mercury squares the Great Dragon and key facts come to light.)

March 2nd, Venus out of Retrograde Shadow: Grave Feelings

Venus also exits her retrograde shadow after March 2nd, and the prolonged relationship breakdown-and-rebuild that began back in November 2021 is now complete. It’s time to move forward with a new set of values.

As Venus begins to cover new ground it’s time to take stock in all the ways your values have changed since last November and into 2022. Take pleasure in your new-found pursuits.

There has been a shift tantamount to a total transformation. And come March 3rd, you can begin to see this clearly.

Mars-Venus conjunct Pluto, March 3rd: Love and Will against the Odds

March 3rd pulls no punches. That’s when Venus and Mars conjunct dark and dangerous Pluto and all sorts of repressed material comes up from the deep. This is a time when grievances are acted our and repressed passions come to the surface. This is an unspeakable moment that deepens love bonds and steels the will.

Mars-Venus Conjunct in Aquarius: Love, Will and Solidarity

Come the 6th, Mars and Venus enter Aquarius where they conjunct, sending out a clear signal of solidarity. This is an emboldening moment, right on the heels of the spirit-raising Sun-Jupiter meeting on March 5th.

Mars and Venus met before, in Capricorn mid-February, fuelling ambitions. But now, as they meet in Aquarius, they foster feelings of brotherhood and resistance. This is a poignant moment as the Mars-Venus conjunction takes place at 0 Aquarius, right on the degree of the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn at the end of 2020, symbolic of a New Age for humankind. The opportunity is right here to make new choices. To unite and move forward as a species.

This Mars-Venus conjunction has the power to show us what we can achieve if we pull together. With Mercury squaring the Lunar Nodes on the same day, the 6th, a powerful message is reverberating throughout the world.

Mercury Enters Pisces, March 10th: Words Lie...

Mercury enters Pisces, the sign of its detriment and fall, and a lot of content is lost between the lines…

It is easy to get caught up in a web of confusion when Mercury is in Pisces. Especially when you try to figure things out with the rational mind.

Words deceive in the best of cases - much more with Mercury in Pisces. So best use your intuition. Feel the vibes. The vibes may be subjective, but they never lie. Words are malleable and you’re better off communicating with pictures for the next couple of weeks, all the way till March 27th.

Sun Conjunct Neptune, March 13th: Energise Your Dreams

The Sun reaches Neptune on March 13th, resonating with the all-encompassing Jupiter-Neptune conjunction that’s been active since the start of March and perfecting April 12th. With the Sun also harmonising with the Lunar Nodes shortly after, on the 15th, mid-March is sure to stoke the imagination to the hilt.

Sun-Neptune’s annual conjunction shines a spotlight on your dreams and longings for the future. What scenarios are you creating in your mind’s eye? How do you use your visualising powers? Now, more than ever, it’s time to dream bigger and better.

The middle of March brings poignant moments, leading all the way up to the Full Moon in Virgo. Sun-Neptune on the 13th could bring up great longing, a rush of feeling, culminating in a desire to take small practical steps to help as we head to the Virgo Full Moon on March 18th.

NB: Neptune-Jupiter in Pisces should also see gas and oil prices rising dangerously all the way til mid-April when the two meet. This mad inflation begins to fade from May onward but we may see some weaker echoes of it return in the autumn.

Full Moon in Virgo, March 18th: Time for a Clean Up!

The last days of Winter culminate with a Virgo Full Moon on March 18th at 07:17 GMT in the 28th degree.

This Full Moon is gushing with feeling, yet also calling forth your powers of discernment and discrimination. Time to take practical steps and clean up the mess.

The Sun and Moon are in harmony with Pluto and the Lunar Nodes and there seems to be a lot of dirt and debris floating to the surface, urging us to hire a great big cleaning service to purify the system.

Pluto and the Great Dragon have the world in the grip of a powerful transformation right now - a shift in power dynamics is taking place right in the midst of the USA Pluto return. As the Full Moon and Sun connect with Pluto and the Lunar Nodes, they highlight exactly where healing must flow, pinpointing what’s in desperate need of transformation and repair. With Mercury sextile Uranus and Venus sextile Chiron too, here is an opportunity to speak candidly, to heal and transform a situation for the better.

Virgo likes to fix things. To use its analytical mind, detail the problem and fix it. Practical steps. That’s what it’s all about. Amid the chaos of Jupiter-Neptune, our efforts may sometimes feel like a drop in the ocean, like trying to find a needle in a haystack. But they are not. As the ad goes, every little helps. The tiniest act has the greatest meaning and power at this Full Moon to turn things around.

It’s time to focus on what you can control, what you can do something about, and keep at it.

The Sabian Symbol for this Virgo Full Moon on the 28th degree is “a bald-headed man who has seized power” signifying the sheer power of personality when decisions are called for. (*) Here, again, we have a symbol emphasising the Will. Highlighting an act of aggression. But also emphasising our ability to meet vast overwhelming challenges head on. Humbly but firmly putting one step in front of the other.

Spring Equinox 2022: A Rebellious Start to Spring!

The Spring Equinox 2022 for the Northern Hemisphere arrives on March 20th at 15:33 GMT. Right in the midst of a distinctly revolutionary theme. Happy New Astrological Year!

Relations could get unpredictable as early as March 19th, as Venus squares Uranus with Mars to follow only three days later. Rebellion’s in the ranks. Mars and Venus are still sailing close together and here we have some real raucous, uncompromising, contrarian vibes. With the Moon literally in the very last and critical degree of Libra, peace and harmony seem to be hanging by a thread. Mars has the last word, squaring Uranus on March 22nd and Spring Equinox 2022 brings a strong breeze of radical change.

Mercury Conjuncts Jupiter-Neptune: An Image Speaks a Thousand Words

Come the 21st to 23rd, it is Mercury’s turn to converse with the vast gas giants Jupiter and Neptune. Mercury meets Jupiter on the heels of the Equinox, on the 21st followed by Neptune on the 23rd, in harmony with the Lunar Nodes. This has the power to hypnotise you.

Fine-tune your antenna to read between the lines. Sense truths unspoken or this could be a time when the great Houdini pulling a fast one on you!

Words can tell great big fat lies now. Tune into your intuition and block out the noise.

Mercury is in detriment in Pisces, more so when conjunct both of Pisces' rulers. This signifies that it’s time to go deeper into the meaning of words and symbols themselves, to harness the power of non-verbal communication, perception and discernment. Time to tap into the universal mind.

A Mercury sextile to Pluto on the 26th is sure to sharpen your detective skills, allowing to penetrate deeper layers of perception. With Neptune due to harmonise with the Lunar Nodes on the 29th too, the doors of perception are wide open. Learn to recognise smokescreens and navigate the fog…

Venus Conjunct Saturn Square the Nodes: Time for A Verdict!

After a month of overwhelming feelings, March ends on a distinctly cold note. Venus conjuncts Saturn on March 28th, briefly stemming the flow of love, money and affection.

You may feel this as a lack of funds, of love and support, or a sense of diminishing returns. No matter how unpleasant, it serves to sober you up so you can make important decisions and commit to what matters. Limitation is the instrument that sharpens the senses so you can make the right choice. What’s worth your commitment? Your love? Your money? Time for a reality check.

Next, Venus squares the Lunar Nodes and March 30th calls for your verdict. This is yet another important crossroads early in 2022 - from the end of March all the way to mid-April. With Neptune trine/sextile the Lunar Nodes on the 29th, and Venus, Mars and Saturn square the Nodes March 30th-April 11th, it is time for some serious deliberations. Much hangs in the balance. Do you need to tighten some belts? Show discipline? Let go of the past? Do not waste your energies. Align the will with the way.

March 2022 Star Sign Horoscope

The world is ablaze - there is so much going on this month. How do these cherries land on your slice of the sky pie? Check out your Sun Sign and Risign Sign for some symbolic reconstruction…and your Moon Sign too, if it makes sense to you.


The penny drops this month, dear Aries, and a whole world you may have not been aware of is revealed, just as you prepare for a most invigorating birthday season. You’re extremely sensitive to psychic undercurrents right now. It is important to rest and meditate, to dangle your legs over the great beyond and refresh your spirit. There’s tons of activity beneath the surface, behind closed doors. Perhaps you’re experiencing a spiritual awakening, dedicating yourself to a big cause or even immersing yourself in a big creative or humanitarian endeavour. You’ll also be dealing with deeply buried feelings of your own. You’re not alone. Your social circle is heating up and it’s time to energise your friendships and go all out in pursuit of your dreams. You’ll soon have to make some important decisions on the friendship front too. A work or health matter culminates mid-month, revealing practical steps that you can take to improve a situation.


This is a highly engaging month, dear Taurus, pulling you out of your shell toward your highest goals and aspirations. It is a sociable, expressive time, when you really feel called to serve a greater ideal and dedicate your creative talents to serving your community. Get ready to see a lot of action on the career front. This is the time to push forward with your most ambitious career goals and put yourself on the map. You’re maturing and getting ready to make a commitment and establish your authority. Focus on the kind of world you want to build, the ideals you serve and the people you want to draw to yourself. A highly significant creative or personal endeavour is about to culmininate this month, showing you the path to greater happiness and fulfilment. Make your mark.


New life directions are swirling and coalescing right before your eyes, dear Gemini. Your reputation has the capacity to take on mythic proportions this spring and it is March that plants these seed of truly inspiring possibilities. Who did you want to be when you were growing up? It’s that sort of glamorous feeling that anything is possible. So, be a dreamer and try on a few hats for size. Deep down, you know you have something particularly useful to offer and people can sense that. That is why they are drawn to you. Your voice has power and you can do much to advance your vision and credentials with great conviction this month. What’s more, it’s incredibly fulfilling to do so. Your views are maturing and you’re getting ready to fly your flag at full mast. Mid-month, something private culminates, perhaps involving your home or family, or perhaps your past. This shines a spotlight on where you are coming from - your springboard - your base of operations and your need for an intricately woven safety net.


Writing and publishing, education and travel all light up this month, dear Cancer, opening new vistas beyond your wildest dreams. It’s time for your message to go viral! Restrictive beliefs and philosophies are begining to dissolve, making space for a brand new and far more expansive vision of your future. You’re getting ready to spread your wings and augment your credentials too and that’s because you have something to say. You have nowledge to share. So, out with it. And as you speak up, so does your own thinking and understanding evolve and grow. Mid-month brings some important communications your way. You can now put big ideas into words. At the same time, there’s rather intense activity around your finances. If you’ve been in a holding pattern, you’ll find this an energising and satisfying month when you can make great headway with loans or taxes, gifts or sponsorships. And by the end of March, you’ll have a clearer financial picture so you can make some important decisions.


Relationships heat up big time this month, dear Leo, both contractual partnerships and intimate bonds. You just cannot feel lukewarm about a partner or business associate - indeed anyone you interact with on a one-to-one level at this moment. Financial matters are also starting to take up rather a lot of your air-time and it’s time to make a fresh start in how you see your financial situation moving forward. The Full Moon mid-month helps you better understand your financial needs and what practical steps you can take in this great big larger-than-life financial whirlwind in which you find yourself. You may be feeling particularly vulnerable and open this month, yearning to merge fully and completely with another human being, learning to let go, whilst also trying to make a serious relationship decision. This is a deeply passionate month, especially on the relationship front, when you will better understand how far you want to go, where to place your trust and whether to commit and merge your energies with another.


Your relationships and interactions with others take on an almost mythical, other-worldly character this month, dear Virgo, reflecting important truths about yourself. You are inexplicably drawn to others and are ready to take a leap of faith and make a fresh start in how you approach relationships, contractual agreements and one-to-one interactions in general. At the same time you are incredibly busy at work and you may have a to-do list as long as your arm. You may have tons on your plate but you also have the energy and enthusiasm to throw yourself into your work, finding it incredibly fulfilling. Still, there comes a time when you’ll need to make some decisions about how you manage your schedule for better health and productivity. This is a fantastic time to begin a health and exercise programme and ditch bad habits. The Full Moon in your sign mid-month brings important revelations about who you are and what you want, at least in your own mind, showing you practical steps you can take toward that self-image.


Your work seems to be spreading, spilling over and slowly subsuming other aspects of your life, dear Libra. Whether you just can’t stop thinking about work or are simply too busy, the time has come to dream up your ideal lifestyle. What does your day look like? How about your working routine? How can you better take care of yourself? And can you make time to rest? This is an auspicious fresh start, helping you bring more aspirational elements into your daily life. The Full Moon brings to light key details that you may not have been aware of, helping you make better decisions. Love is also heating up. You’re ready to throw yourself into whatever your heart desires and do it with verve - be it a person or an interest. Romance could be highly fulfilling and so could spending time with kids or engaging in your favourite hobbies. It will soon be time to make some important choices on the love front to ensure your personal happiness.


There is a yearning for love and romance, dear Scorpio, for greater joy and creative self expression in your life that’s awakening deep inside you. It is time to let your heart pull you into uncharted waters, to take a leap of faith and dedicate yourself to whatever makes your heart sing - whether this is romance, children, a creative project, or some hobby or speculative activity. It’s time to fall in love with your life all over again, as your soul calls out for joy. This is a gradual process. And as you pour your heart out, you’ll see friends and allies rally around you, drawing you together with like-minded folks and showing you a small token of reward for your creative efforts. At the same time, things are heating up on the home and family front, and you’ll suddenly find the energy to do a lot of the things you’ve been putting off. This might be a clear out, moving house or renovation works, or perhaps addressing issues with a flatmate or family member. The end of the month brings an important moment of weighing things up to make some decisions on the home front. It’s time to secure your base, consolidate your energies and follow your heart.


Home and family matters loom big this month, dear Sagittarius. There’s so much activity at home, you may feel that there is hardly any room for anything else. But that is a good thing. It’s time to focus inward and find the kind of upliftment that comes from within - from an uplifting base and a rich family life. Now’s your chance to dream big on the home and family front and set yourself on a more hopeful and positive psychological foundation. This can serve as a springboard from which to reach your goals. You are changing your innermost view of yourself, expanding at your core. By mid-month you will see concrete tokens of this inner work as new and more glamorous career directions open up before you. This is also a month of lots of talk, travel and commotion. If you work with media, sales or communications, you’ll be hot property, as your words carry such passion and commitment few will be able to resist. You may need to sign an important contract or make a decision about key paperwork around month’s end.


It’s as if your mind is not even your own any more, dear Capricorn. It is in the grip of some big ideas. Have you thrown yourself into your studies - books, blogs, news, YouTube videos, twitter, films - hungry for content? Or are you fully immersed in meetings, sales-pitches, marketing material or, perhaps, a writing project of your own? Your mind is like a channel now and inspiration flows - whether through your interactions with others or your own learning. Use this wonderfully creative period to make your environment more inspiring, to put your thoughts on paper or connect with uplifting people. This avalanche of inspiration is sure to find a constructive outlet at the Virgo Full Moon, when what you have to share can be of practical use to others. Things are also gathering speed on the financial front. Spending might increase this month and you may feel more inclined to enjoy life a little more too. Come the end of March, it’s time for a realistic assessment of your financial situation so you can make the right choices.


Time to go on a major charm offensive, dear Aquarius. You’re at the centre of the action, the ball is in your court and it’s time to rise to the occasion with confidence, leadership and strength. You’re ready to get things done and by the end of the month, it will be time to make important decisions and commitments. Something of immense value to you is highlighted, perhaps its your own gift to inspire and uplift. Or perhaps the treasure chest at the end of the rainbow seems suddenly within reach. It’s time to refine your value system and expand your idea of who or what is worth investing your money, time and energy in. If your finances have been chaotic of late, it’s time to pay attention to why you let this happen. Is it a guilt-trip? Or are you seeing things through rose-coloured glasses? Dream big but pay attention to the detail. The Full Moon brings your attention back to mundane financial matters, such as payments, loans and other exchanges that help you focus. However vast things feel, there is no mountain you cannot climb this month.


You’re walking in the air, dear Pisces, up on cloud nine. Something BIG is happening to you this spring, as if this big great current is sweeping you up and carrying you to distant and uncharted shores. This could very well be a huge spiritual awakening for you. Or it could be an overwhelming outpouring of your own creative talents. You’re being called to something bigger than you that’s imbuing your life with great meaning. And you need to let go. Just let it wash over you. Especially as there is a lot of action behind the scenes. You have your finger on the pulse and can sense which way the winds are blowing. This is a good month to spend some time by yourself, uncovering secrets, doing any healing that’s needed and releasing pent up energy. This is sexual energy that can be used to create and transform. And if you feel a little overwhelmed, then let others offer a helping hand. Let them bring a much needed practical touch to help you simplify and ground things in your life. This is a spiritual crossroads, a hugely significant new begining for you. And the Full Moon is sure to provide a container, by highlighting a key relationship or collaboration that’s crucial to your forward development.

(*)Sabian Symbols from Dane Rudhyar’s An Astrological Mandala (NY: Vintage Books 1974, pp.168 & 276)

Image by Dyaa Eldin from Unsplash

Article by YourAstroGenes.


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