This is the Year of the Snake! Saturn and Neptune enter Aries, Uranus enters Gemini and it's time for us all to shed our skin and slide into a brand new Era!

Astrology 2025 and Forecast
It’s 2025 and this is going to be a truly radical twelve months!
This is a year unlike any we’ve seen before. With Chinese New Year has here, on January 29th, we're entering the year of the Snake... This means transformation! It’s time to shed our skin so we can grow, brand new and glistening, into a brand new world in the making.
What does 2025 have in store for us? Keep reading for the full report, or watch the highlights in this:
Astrology 2025 Podcast Interview...
...where I lay out some thoughts about 2025 live. The 2025 forecast begins 14 minutes in). Check it out on YouTube and Podbean or watch here
Astrology 2025 Forecast Highlights
2025 is the year that sees our world begin to radically change. With Pluto firmly in Aquarius since last November, AI, various automations and all kinds of innovative technology are already making their presence clearly felt in our every day lives. With every other major planet also changing signs in 2025 and 2026, we’re in endgame territory, at the threshold of a brand new world. We have the Lunar Nodes, followed by Saturn and Neptune, followed by Jupiter and finally Uranus all changing signs in 2025, a shift that’s fully completed in 2026, bookended by Chiron and the upcoming Saturn-Neptune conjunction. With a Chiron-Eris conjunction, with multiple planets at critical degrees, with the Eclipses and a number of retrogrades, we're in for quite a year...
2025 could produce the perfect storm! With so many shifts in such an unusually short space, every single goal post is about to move.Â
So it’s crucial that we keep things loose this year, maintain firm contact with our internal compass and spirit, and do our best to shed our old skin so we can get on board this train. With a beautiful Mini Grand Trine in the skies as well, this is a journey that's taking us into breathtakingly new directions. Buckle up for an exhilarating ride!Â
Astrology 2025 Major Themes
Let's have a look at the key astrological events of 2025, in chronological order, and the core themes they activate on a global level.
The Lunar Nodes in Pisces & Virgo, January 11th: Spiritual Calling
The Great Dragon (the Lunar Nodes or eclipse points) coils itself around Pisces and Virgo on January 11th, with the shift completing by January 29th. There our Dragon will soon meet Neptune and Saturn, signalling the final dissolution of the old order as a giant tidal wave washes all kinds of past debris away.
Even as vast grey bureaucracies and A.I. automations start rearing their ugly head and threatening our world, the thrust for humanity is geared toward spiritual renewal now and until July 2026.
Read all about the Lunar Nodes in Pisces and Virgo!
Saturn and Neptune in Aries March 30th & May 25th: The Rise of Personal Sovereignty
The biggest news this year is that Saturn and Neptune both enter Aries and approach their conjunction, a once in thirty-six years event.
This is the stuff that makes or breaks entire political and ideological systems.
The last time those two met (in Capricorn) we had the fall of the Berlin wall and the entire eastern bloc in 1989. Prior to that, they met in the early 50s heralding the start of the cold war era. They have not met in Aries since 1703, which was the year of a the Great Storm - the worst storm Britain had ever seen. Whilst history does not repeat itself (at least not verbatim), we’re certainly at the threshold of a storm of sorts. A perfect storm... This is especially so as Saturn and Neptune conjunct at 0 Aries in February 2026 at the very hinges of the world! This is a critically sensitive point for world events and something truly big is in the books for humanity in 2025-26.
We’re heading toward a ‘brave’ (an Aries keyword) new world and a brand new global order. Let our literature here merely be a cautionary tale. Aries is all about the individual. It is about personal sovereignty and independence. It is also about being brave enough to stand up for ourselves and be counted as opposed to becoming a nameless barcode in a vast system. It is truly up to us to create the reality we want to live in.
2025 will be largely concerned with washing away the past and giving us only inklings of brand new things to come. By 2026, personal sovereignty, agency and will (all Aries keywords) will be at the core of the brand new world we are aiming for. We're fast becoming fierce spiritual warriors!
We’re at the threshold of a pioneering new beginning for humanity unlike any we have ever seen before. And the race is on for the big win (another Aries keyword). In this turmoil, we could see the world descend into chaos (Pisces remnants) as various competing forces vie for the top spot and race to the finish line - especially in the latter part of the year. But this is only the end of a process that's long since begun. It may be scary but the rebirth awaiting us on the other side will be groundbreaking, invigorating and empowering - something truly refreshing.
Our job is to retain our sovereignty as spiritual beings from here on in, to return to being the heroes in our own story, to withdraw all projections and shatter as many illusions about the world and ourselves as we possibly can.
As Neptune enters Aries on March 30th and Saturn on May 25th, get ready to get a taste for the unbelievable leaps forward that are to come. By September 1st, Saturn re-enters Pisces with Neptune following on October 22nd. And it is the last three months of 2025 when we see the final unravelling of the old cloth, when the final wave comes to clear away the space for the birth of a new reality. One thing is certain.
2025-2026 is going to be an amazing time of firsts and pioneering breakthroughs!
And it's only the tip of the iceberg. Watch this exciting space! Read about Saturn in Pisces, and the approaching Saturn Neptune conjunction 2025-26.
2025 Eclipses, March and September: Bold Initiatives and Adjustments
We have two sets of eclipses this year, two in March and two in September, all of which sail close to Saturn and Neptune. This double emphasises the break up of old structures in preparation for something new, and the crucial importance of our spiritual awakening in an increasingly automated world. The endings we’re about to experience are pretty final as we have two Total Lunar Eclipses this year, one in Virgo on March 14th and another in Pisces on September 7th. The beginnings we’re seeing this year are only partial, as we have two Partial Solar Eclipses, one in Aries on March 29th and one in Virgo on September 21st.
This year’s eclipses bring a different hue to the two halves of 2025. The first half is all about taking huge steps forward and bold initiatives; the second half is a huge clear up, sweeping away the old and dealing with all sorts of details that allows us to change for real and make the final leap forward that arrives in 2026.
The spring eclipses encourage us to take bold and dynamic action, while the late summer ones are all about dealing with the fallout of all sorts of tricky situations.Â
More on the eclipses soon.
Mars, Mercury and Venus Retrograde, January-May 2025: Re-energise, Revise and Reassess
All the planets that can go retrograde do so this year. And they do so back to back in the first few months of 2025!
Mars Retrograde until February 24th
We start the year with Mars already retrograde (since 6th December) so we’re already half-way through clearing house, fortifying our base and defences, and regrouping for the year ahead. Mars ill go direct on February 24th but Venus will go retrograde immediately after, on March 2nd, with Mercury following on March 15th. So just as we’re ready to move forward, and as we do so toward February’s end, we’ll come up against all sorts of re-evaluations and reviews to carry out at the same time.
Be ready to move forward dynamically from February 24th when Mars goes direct, and look out for what needs reviewing and reevaluating even as you do so!
Mars is retrograde in Leo and Cancer, asking us to dig down deep to uncover our true motivations and thereby reinvigorate the will to be the leader in our life. While Mars is retrograde December 6th 2024 to February 24th 2025, he does not fully normalise his course until May 1st. That gives everyone a good long stretch to dig down deep and implement major and complex changes in our lives.Â
Mars Out of Bounds until April 6th
Mars is also out of bounds for the duration of his retrograde and until April 6th, giving us free rein to take bold action without too much interference... (Read all about Mars Retrograde in the Forecasts for November Astrology, that of December Astrology and January Astrology).
Venus Retrograde and Mercury Retrograde March-April 2025
Come March 2nd, Venus stations Retrograde closely followed by Mercury Retrograde on March 15th.
This makes March a most important month to review, reassess and reevaluate how far we’ve come and where we’re headed. This is a process that will bleed into April and won't be fully completed before May.
Both Venus and Mercury go retrograde in Aries and Pisces, crossing over the very last critical degree of the zodiac at the end of Pisces, as well as the very first degree of the entire zodiac, the place of powerful new beginings and global manifestation. This way, Venus and Mercury retrograde map exactly into the critical space we find Neptune (Saturn) and the Lunar Nodes.
This is the universe giving us some time to adjust during March and April to the tidal changes coming our way in 2025.
March-April stands out an especially important period of transition - especially with Neptune also changing signs on March 30th. Add to that Mars’ retrograde journey in the first two months of 2025, plus the multiple retrograde shadow periods overlapping all the way until May and we have a full house of changes for five months straight! This is all topped up with Saturn into Aries on May 25th, closing off the period and inviting to begin contemplating a whole new era.
The first five months of 2025 are full on, asking us for a major life change and redefinition on all levels of our lives, right off the bat!
Again, bear in mind that while Venus goes retrograde from March 2nd to April 13th and Mercury from March 15th to April 7th, their retrograde shadows last much longer. Venus' re-evaluation process truly starts at the end of January to last until mid-May. And Mercury's lasts throughout March and April.
Expect January to May 2025 to be pretty much a single unit of powerful experience.
Mercury Retrograde March, August and November
Mercury, of course, goes retrograde three times a year, as is his wont, and does so again in August (Leo) and November (Sagittarius-Scorpio).Â
Mercury goes retrograde in Fire and Water Signs in 2025, emphasising the importance of our inner vision, inspiration and imagination, as well as fostering our creativity, our capacity for love and nurturing, intimacy and compassion, as well as our spiritual connection.
Mercury retrograde in 2025 is all about invigorating our soul and spirit and ensuring we live a rich inner life independent of both mundane concerns and our devices.
Mercury Retrograde Dates
15 - 24 March (10 Aries-26 Pisces)
18 July - 1 August (16-4 Leo)
9 - 20 November (7 Sagittarius - 20 Scorpio)
The Chiron-Eris Conjunction, May 29th and October 9th: Healing Ruptured Wounds
Another major event this year is the conjunction of two rather maverick bodies, Chiron and Eris in Aries on May 29th, then again October 9th (and finally March 26th 2026).
Chiron is astronomically classed as a 'centaur' (just as in myth) and Eris a 'planetoid' (just like Pluto, after his demotion) but this does not make their conjunction any less important. The last time these two met in Aries was 1971-1972 (a time of major unrest).
This conjunction highlights anything that has been scapegoated vilified or outcast in society (or in ourselves) so it can be healed and reintegrated into the whole.
The Chiron-Eris conjunction in Aries could well represent some sort of "revenge of the underdog" scenario. It could see great anger rising to the surface of anyone who feels sidelined, exiled, scapegoated, vilified, disenfranchised and bullied out of very existence by mainstream systems.
Ultimately, Chiron is a great healer and teacher. And his conjunction with Eris, the greek goddess of discord, could potentially open the doors for the healing of strife on a mass scale, the restoration of a sense of identity and a right to existence, as well as the rise of greater authenticity in all things.
Again, watch this space - especially as Chiron and Eris square Jupiter in the second half of the year, October-December 2025.
Jupiter in Cancer, square Saturn-Neptune, June 9th: Pioneering Growth
Jupiter also changes signs this year as he does every year. Jupiter leaves Gemini on June 9th and enters Cancer, making the Twins and the Crab two of the luckiest signs of 2025 - make the most of it!
Jupiter is exalted in Cancer so this should give us all some extra chutzpah and protection come June.
Once in Cancer, Jupiter completes his square to Saturn, rounding off the growing pains we’ve been experiencing since August 2024 (See August 2024 Astrology: Growing Pains) with a call to bold action! Neptune is nearby too this time around, of course, again, pointing to the importance of spirituality, imagination, creativity, compassion and worthwhile sacrifice in any action we decide to take moving forward.
One thing is certain. 2025 is a time of action. Choose wisely as Jupiter squares Saturn on June 15th and finally Neptune on June 19th.
Uranus in Gemini, July 7th: Major Leaps in Communications Technology
Events happen so fast in 2025, blink and you miss them! As if all that wasn’t enough, Uranus also changes signs this year, a once in seven years event. Uranus briefly enters Gemini from July 7th to November 8th for the first time since the 1940s. Uranus was last in Gemini 1942-1949, during the most inventive era of WWII in transport and communications technology.
Uranus in Gemini 2025-2032 is going to herald a new age of invention with leaps in transport and communications technology, as well as full disclosure and transparency on many fronts.
It will certainly revolutionise our transport, learning, thinking, networking, connectivity, commerce, trade, speech, language and all things Mercury, ruler of Gemini. We're entering an era of extremely rapid, groundbreaking and free development of ideas and connectivity.
Uranus entering Gemini means that nobody can stem the tide of information now flowing out.
This could also be a time of great disclosure and major revelations, and 2025 brings a taste of it. Notably, on November 8th Uranus returns to Taurus to finish the hard demolition job he started in 2018-19, shaking loose all our most solid points of reference - things we prefer fixed in our lives, such as financial systems, currencies, food, energy and resources. 2025-26 could be the most financially rocky period, with major changes getting implemented from November 8th 2025 to April 26th 2026, which is when Uranus enters Gemini for good.
Mercury Superior Conjunctions in Air and Earth: Major Revelations
Reinforcing this theme of disclosure, we have Mercury’s superior conjunctions in Air signs Gemini and Aquarius this year.
These conjunctions continue to release information to clarify what went on four years ago.
These revelations relate especially to science, media and medical interventions - watch out especially for periods around February 9th, May 30th and finally, September 13th, with the first conjunction in earth sign Virgo, all to do with our health and social systems. This trend will continue into 2026 with January 2026 being a time of great clarity.
Planets at Critical Degrees: System Unstable!
No less than seven planetary bodies (plus the Lunar Nodes!) find themselves at the critical final degrees of their signs in 2025! (We have Neptune, Saturn, Uranus, Jupiter, the Lunar Nodes and even the retrograde motions of Mars, Venus and Mercury!).
This means the entire system is highly unstable!
What’s more we have inordinate emphasis on the final and critical degree of the entire Zodiac, in Pisces, and the very first degree of the Zodiac, in Aries, as Neptune, the Lunar Nodes, Mercury retrograde, Venus retrograde, and Saturn cross-cross it all.
This doubly emphasises the message of dissolution of the old order and the powerful birth of something new.
Keep things as loose as you can. Uranus in the critical degree of Taurus, meanwhile, also points to the global financial system being on a most precarious edge, especially in June-July and November. Some talk of the end of currencies as we know them. If so, we will know soon enough, certainly by the end of 2025, early 2026. Watch out especially for when Uranus occupies the final and critical degrees of Taurus from 19th of June to the 7th of July, and 9th-20th November.
Uranus, Neptune and Pluto Mini Grand Trine: A New Renaissance for Humanity
Amid all this chaos, we have some unusually gorgeous harmonies starting to vibrate in the skies!
We have a Mini Grand Trine (two sextiles and a trine) between Uranus, Neptune and Saturn, and Pluto this year, to unfold pretty much over the entire decade. While Saturn eventually moves on, Neptune, Uranus and Pluto continue to resonate together pretty much until 2032! What’s more, this beautiful configuration is shifting from Earth and Water signs to Fire and Air signs in 2025-26.
This truly signals a kind of renaissance for humanity, both in terms of technological as well as spiritual progress - or at least a very rare and long-lasting window of opportunity for a magnificent advancement and illumination of consciousness.
Bring it on!
In 2025, watch out for Saturn Sextile Uranus on the 4th of April (Pisces-Taurus), the 12th of August (Aries-Gemini!), and the 20th of January 2026 (Pisces-Taurus), bringing us amazing opportunities for innovation in a steady and effective manner.
We also see Uranus sextile Neptune exactly in 2025, on August 29th (Aries-Gemini) and 20th November (Pisces-Taurus). This aspect is truly rare, reconnecting us with progressive and exciting trends seeded in the early 1990s when Uranus and Neptune conjoined in Capricorn.
The exact Uranus-Neptune sextile of 2025-26, (with the aid of Saturn) offers us a unique opportunity to blend great technological progress with an embodied spiritual awakening.
2025 is going to be a year like no other - a year of firsts, massive changes and progress at breakneck speed. The only way to wherever we are going is surfing these rapidly shifting riptides through the eye of the storm.
Image by Johannes Plenio from Unsplash
Article by YourAstroGenes